The Full-level Boss is In the Female Respect

Chapter 158: confident

Chapter 158 Confident

  As a result, today, Gu Chao ruthlessly overturned this idea in her heart.

   Village Chief Gu opened his mouth a few times, but in the end he still didn\'t say anything wrong with Gu Chao.

  Actually, what Gu Chao said is correct, she has the ability to not look at anyone\'s face now, so why should she feel wronged and subservient to others.

   Not only that, she has already done it.

   Today\'s situation, she has come to recall it now, the emperor gave Gu Chao a reward today, obviously for the purpose of bringing Yu Gu Chao closer.

   Otherwise, she, a ninety-five supreme being, an existence above tens of millions, would bow her head?

   It can be seen that she still underestimated Gu Chao\'s ability in the past, and didn\'t think about it at a deeper level.

  However, he still wanted to remind Gu Chao, "It\'s good that you know it yourself, but you must be on guard against others."

  The village chief didn\'t speak too bluntly, but even so, Gu Chao understood what she meant.

  The village chief wants to remind her that no matter how powerful she is, she must be on guard.

   After all, that person is the Supreme Ninety-Five, with endless rights in his hands.

   She is used to holding power again, and she was suddenly provoked by Gu Chao. Can she bear this tone?

  She can\'t treat Gu Chao on the surface, will she do something behind the scenes?

  Although the village chief hasn\'t seen any big scenes, but there are some things, and she is self-willed. After such an old age, she is still clearer.

  The more lofty the person who holds the power of life and death, the more unbelievable the appearance.

   Moreover, since ancient times, there is a constant truth.

  Flying birds are exhausted, good bows are hidden, cunning rabbits are dead, and lackeys are cooked.

  Since ancient times, they have always accompanied the emperor like a tiger. How could others be allowed to sleep soundly next to the emperor\'s sleeper!

   What\'s more, it\'s a person like Gu Chao who disrespects her, can she tolerate such a person in this world?

  People who threaten her all the time, how can she not get rid of them and hurry up?

  Why didn\'t Gu Chao think about this, but she didn\'t put the emperor in her eyes.

  She really wants to deal with herself, just come, but she wants to see what she can do.

  If she touches the person she wants to protect, she will make the whole world pay for it.

   "Don\'t worry, Auntie, I know it well."

  The village head nodded, "It\'s good that you know what you have, I won\'t say much, but I won\'t reveal what happened today to the people in the village.

  I know, but it doesn\'t matter. I\'m afraid that some people in the village will get too big and cause you trouble in the future. "

   On this point, Gu Chao also understood the village chief’s worry, and thanked her for always thinking of herself.

   "Thank you, Auntie, for your concern. I will trouble Auntie."

The village head waved his hand, not paying attention, "What\'s the matter, it\'s just a matter of little effort. Our Gu family village has been honored by you and benefited from you, so we can\'t cause you any more trouble and let people catch you Handle, and then come back to hold back."

  Gu Chao is grateful that her clan once extended a helping hand to her, as long as she can do it, she will not stand idly by.

  However, she still thanked the village chief for his kindness. As long as the people in the village don\'t make too much trouble, she doesn\'t care if she doesn\'t dig a hole behind her back.

   After sending the village head out, when Gu Chao answered the flower hall again, he saw Gu widow and two husbands waiting for her.

  Just now she specifically told Guanshi Xu that she didn\'t let them come to the front because she didn\'t want them to be forced to bow down by the imperial power.

   At this time, everyone is gone, and it is normal for them to come out.

   As far as Widow Gu is concerned, can he bear not to look?

   I\'m afraid the two husbands were dragged here by Widow Gu, and she still doesn\'t know their tempers. As long as she speaks, the two of them will definitely not disobey.

   Now she came out with Widow Gu, what does it mean that it’s not Widow Gu?

  The things sent by the emperor before are still placed in the flower hall, and at this time, Widow Gu has already opened those boxes.

  Looked at them all, and if there was one I particularly liked, I took it out and put it on display.

  Gu Chao casually glanced at it, not paying too much attention to it.

   These things are meaningless to her.

   When she came in, Widow Gu didn\'t give her a look at all, his attention was all on those rare treasures.

   On the contrary, Han Yu and Ning Su greeted her as soon as she came in, "My wife, the person who just came is from Beijing?"

  Gu Chao nodded, "It was sent by the emperor, and it was for the evil thing. Now that the evil thing is gone, she sent some rewards."

   Gu Chao said it easily, but it was heard by several people, because Gu Chao eradicated the evil thing, so the emperor specially sent a reward to reward it.

  For them, the emperor is an incredible existence, like the sky, and it is a great kindness to be rewarded by the emperor himself.

  In their minds, Gu Chao is capable or incredible, but compared with the emperor, it seems to be a little bit worse.

   No matter what, he is not the emperor!

  The emperor is the most honorable person in the world, and the whole world belongs to the emperor.

   They are the subjects of the emperor.

   Gu Chao could tell what they were thinking just by looking at their eyes, but he didn\'t intend to tell them to suppress the emperor right now.

  In them, the idea of ​​imperial power supremacy is not formed in a day or two, nor can she subvert it with a single word.

  So, she didn\'t intend to say anything to make them change.

   After a long time, they naturally knew that as long as she was there, no matter the emperor or the imperial power, they could not do anything to them.

  Gu Chao held a husband in one hand, and led them to the boxes that Widow Gu opened, "See if anyone likes it?"

  As soon as Widow Gu heard Gu Chao\'s words, he immediately put down the things in his hands and turned around: "Yes! That, that, and the box over there, and this, I want it all."

  Widow Gu raised his hand and pointed all the way over, all the things he picked out just now.

  Gu Chaosui looked at the things he pointed out, and they were all eye-catching things, but they were not the best among them.

  She also knew that Widow Gu didn\'t have much knowledge and eyesight. When he picked things, he always picked the ones that looked good. As for the value, he couldn\'t tell.

  Gu Chao nodded, "Here you are."

   Widow Gu nodded at his daughter, immediately beamed with joy, and ordered Chunfeng and Xia Yu to put it away for him.

  Gu Chao doesn\'t mind what he wants, she knows that apart from showing off, Widow Gu wants these things for his granddaughter.

if not? Who else can he give it to?

  As long as he likes it, he can do whatever he wants, as long as he doesn\'t bother anyone.

   Ning Su is similar to Widow Gu, and he doesn\'t understand. The wife-lord asked him to see what he likes. He thinks everything is good, and he is dazzled by seeing it.

  Han Yu has some eyesight, but these things are useless to him, and he can\'t touch them or use them.

  Seeing that neither of them was moving, Gu Chao picked out a bracelet for each of them by himself.

  The emperor was also sensible, because he knew that she would not need it, and he knew that there were two husbands in the family, so most of the things he gave were men\'s jewelry.

  The two bracelets that Gu Chao picked were a pair, they were exactly the same, and they were worn separately.

   Ning Su’s wrist is still the gold bracelet she gave him in the past, this is more to add, so Gu Chao said again: “Fu Lang can see which one he likes, so he can wear it.”

  For more than a year, his wife gave him a lot of jewelry, but Ning Su still likes the gold bracelet that his wife made for him the most.

  Ning Su looked at the bracelet on his wrist, and said with a smile: "Well, it looks good, I\'ll wear it later."

  Gu Chao looked at the almond-eyed and smiling little husband, knew what he was thinking, and didn\'t expose him, just let him go!

   Then put it on for Han Yu, Han Yu looked at the bracelet on his wrist with surprise.

   It was obviously a thing, and he couldn\'t touch it himself, but after passing through the hands of the wife-lord, it was actually worn on his wrist.

  Besides being surprised, Han Yu was also very happy that this was given to him by his wife.

  He also has jewelry from his wife, this is the first one, and there will be more in the future.

  Gu Chao originally wanted to say that everything is stored in the warehouse, and whenever you want it, you can just pick it up yourself.

  There are only two of them in the family, and they are all for them.

  But remembering that Widow Gu was still here, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

  She was not afraid that Widow Gu would take it and use it, but she knew that if she said this in front of Widow Gu, she might be in trouble.

   It’s better as it is now, give him whatever he wants.

   Widow Gu took all the things he had picked, ignored the three of them, and greeted Chunfeng and Xiayu to go back.

  He wants to go back and take a look!

  Actually, Widow Gu is used to this now.

   In the past, if he had something on hand, his daughter would take it for gambling, and he liked it too.

  Later, the daughter stopped gambling and started to take things home. He got used to what his daughter gave him and what he wanted.

   At first, he didn\'t want to hold everything in his hands, but later, he found that there were too many things, so forget it.

  He wants nothing but what he likes.

  If it were him in the past, he couldn\'t even believe that he would be like this.

   In the past, Widow Gu was a picky person? Can you keep these things?

  Actually, Widow Gu used to be stingy because he was poor. At that time, the family had no income, and his daughter had such a temper. How would he live if he didn\'t sting?

  It’s different now, the money needed by the family is useful, and the daughter can support the lintel, so why does he worry about those things?

  As long as he likes it, he can take it out to make the villagers envious, and keep it as a private house for his granddaughters in the future.

  Anyway, he was the one who got the most each time, Ning Shi and Han Shi only got one bracelet each.

   Fortunately, Widow Gu didn\'t know. Every time he left, Gu Chao gave all the things to Ning Su for him to keep. Ning Su even kept the keys to the warehouse.

  Otherwise, he must be making trouble again.

  He always thought that those things were kept by Gu Chao, that\'s why he was so safe.

  If he knew where the key was with Ning Shi, he would definitely ask Ning Shi to hand over the key to him.

  Although Ning is her daughter\'s husband, she is also an outsider. How can the Gu family\'s property be entrusted to him for safekeeping.

   What if he secretly used it to subsidize his natal family? Wouldn\'t that be a big loss.

  Widow Gu feels at ease about his own thoughts.

   Isn’t that what it is? Ning and Han are son-in-laws, and son-in-laws are outsiders!

  Many of the husbands in the village moved things from their wives’ homes to their natal homes, and they were all things to eat.

  Anyway, the things they care about belong to his great treasure and his granddaughter, and they must not be taken advantage of by outsiders.

  Every time he saw those things that Gu Chao brought with him when he went to Ning\'s house, he would feel pain in his flesh. Those were all his Gu\'s things, and they were to be kept for her granddaughter later.

  Widow Gu can allow himself to use it and spend it extravagantly, but he can\'t see that Ning and Han are like him.

  A son-in-law should look like a son-in-law, and a good son-in-law is hardworking and thrifty.

   It is true that only state officials are allowed to set fires, and the common people are not allowed to light lamps.

  Actually, Widow Gu made it very clear that everything was for his Dabao and his granddaughter.

  Everything else, you have to lean back, even the son-in-law.

   After Widow Gu left, Gu Chao said: "Su\'er, you can arrange for someone to put these away. You still keep the key, and you can take whatever you want."

  After speaking, she squeezed Han Yu\'s hand again, "Yu\'er is inconvenient now, so I helped Su\'er take care of it together. You can use everything in the house as you like, and it belongs to you."

   Gu Chao said this to Ning Su before.

   "You are my husband, and everything that is a wife is yours, including the wife."

  The former sentence was considered serious, but the latter sentence made the two of them blush.

  Wife master, really, it’s only two moments of seriousness.

  However, they also like such a wife.

  The two nodded, "All please the wives."

  Gu Chao also bought jewelry for them in the town that day, but he forgot about it when he came back because of Widow Gu.

  Remembering at this time, he took out the things and put them in front of the two husbands.

   "The last time I went to Li\'s house, I bought it in the town. I should have given it to you when I came back, but I forgot it. Fulang is not to blame."

  Gu Chao didn’t intend to buy anything, he bought it when he saw it looked good.

  Ning Su and Han Yu looked at the jewelry held in front of them by their wife, feeling sweet and shy at the same time.

   "We won\'t blame the wife master, it\'s our blessing that the wife master thinks about us."

   "Thank you, wife master."

  Gu Chao didn’t give them any points anymore, he just said, “You see what you like, pick it yourself!”

  Han Yu looked at Ning Su, "Brother chooses first."

   "Well, brother choose!"

   After a little humility, the two of them divided the things up, and there was no sign of dissatisfaction at all.

   To be honest, Gu Chao has never figured out how the two of them can get along so well?

  Thinking of those women who used to serve their husbands together, although they seemed to get along well on the surface, they must have killed each other behind their backs.

  She was always worried that there would be a rift between the two of them, but in the end, she was completely paranoid.

   These days, she also observes them carefully. The two of them are completely like brothers, very good.

   Moreover, in private, neither of them said a single bad word about the other.

   Gu Chao is puzzled, is she not attractive enough to deserve their favor?

  (end of this chapter)