The Full-level Boss is In the Female Respect

Chapter 160: support

Chapter 160 Support

   Tuantuan is reluctant to part with her friends, she and her friends are having a good time!

  But the adults at home are already calling him, she can\'t delay any longer, it\'s time to go back.

   Those weasels came up to Tuan Tuan standing upright, squeaking, obviously reluctant to part with Tuan Tuan.

   "No, let\'s play together next time, come find me again."

   Seeing that they couldn\'t keep their friends, the weasels could only nod and let Tuantuan go.

  At the Wang’s side, Gu Chao felt something, “He’s back!”

  The Wang family became excited when they heard it, and subconsciously stopped. Gu Chao said again: "Keep shouting, don\'t stop."

   Then they suddenly realized, and started calling Tuantuan\'s name again.

  Xiao Tuantuan came home and saw that the adults were all in the yard, and kept calling her name, obviously she had already returned.

   smiled and called, "Daddy, I\'m back."

  Going forward to hug Daddy, the result is that he passed through Daddy\'s body and almost fell to the ground.

  Turning around and cast a puzzled look at the adults, and going to hug Grandpa again, only to find Gu Chao who has been staring at her.

   Well, who is this aunt? She doesn\'t know!

  The members of the Wang family couldn\'t see Tuantuan, nor could they hear the child\'s words, they just obeyed Gu Chao\'s words and kept shouting.

  Gu Chao looked at the child\'s soul, smiled at him, and with a wave of his hand, the child\'s soul returned to his body.

   At this time, Gu Chao asked the Wang family to stop, "It\'s all right, let\'s go into the house and have a look."

  Just now the child\'s soul has a strong smell of weasel, which shows that she has been with the weasel all along.

   However, from the way she looked, the weasel didn\'t hurt her.

  As soon as they heard that Gu Chao let them in, the Wang family hurried inside, thinking about the child in their hearts.

  When everyone went in, the child had just woken up and was still a little confused.

  Seeing the adults beside her, she raised her head and looked back and forth at them. Before she could sit up, Wang Fulang stepped forward and hugged her into her arms.

   "Grandpa\'s good granddaughter finally woke up, but she scared grandpa to death."

  Children can\'t understand the minds of adults, and they don\'t know what\'s wrong with them?

  She just went out to play for a while, why is she so anxious and worried?

   "Gu Daochang, can you see if my granddaughter is okay?"

  Gu Chao had already checked the child\'s condition. Except for some weasel smells on his body, everything else was fine, and there was nothing serious about it.

   "The child is okay, there is no problem, but I have to ask the child, what\'s going on?"

   After asking Tuantuan, I found out that Tuantuan weasel spirit had known each other a long time ago.

  A time ago, after heavy rain, all the adults and children in the village went to the mountains to pick up fresh mushrooms that had just emerged.

   Tuantuan also went with them, but somehow got separated from the others.

  People in the village searched for half an hour in the woods together before they found Tuantuan. Fortunately, the child was fine.

   It was also this time that Tuantuan and Weasel got acquainted.

   At that time, Tuantuan happened to meet the weasel spirit who was stuck between the three stones, and saw that it was too pitiful, so he rescued it.

   Later, the weasel spirit came to repay his kindness. One day when the Wang family got up early in the morning and opened the door, they saw two dead wild rabbits at the door of their house.

  At that time, they also wondered, why is there such a thing at the door of the house?

  After asking the neighbors, they all said they didn\'t know, and a few days of wondering passed.

  Since then, this kind of situation has never happened again in the family, so they don\'t take it to heart.

   Later, at night, the weasel came to find Tuantuan, but they were always at Wang\'s house and never left the house, and the weasel left before dawn.

   And Tuantuan\'s soul also returned to the body by itself, so the people of the Wang family never found out.

   And every time Tuantuan mentioned it, some friends came to play with her at night. The adults thought she was dreaming. The child was still young and couldn\'t distinguish dreams from reality, so they didn\'t think about it at all.

   After coming and going, Tuantuan and Weasel became friends after getting acquainted.

   I don\'t know how the two of them communicated, anyway, Tuantuan could understand Weasel Spirit\'s words.

   This time the weasel took Tuantuan away for a day and a night. It was also because the Wang family went out to avoid disaster some time ago. They hadn\'t seen each other for a long time, so they invited Tuantuan to play in its cave before it was too late.

   Moreover, when weasel said that he still has some good friends in the mountains, Tuantuan followed the weasel into the forest to play.

  After the Wang family heard what Tuantuan said, they were also frightened in their hearts.

   Fortunately, Huang Daxian had no ill intentions towards their children, otherwise, after such a long time, their children might not even have bones left.

   Gu Chao also understood. It seems that the weasel spirit has some skills and can understand human language.

   But there should be no evil intentions, otherwise, facing a child as big as Tuantuan, it can do whatever it wants.

  The old man of the Wang family believed what Huang Daxian said, and now he believed it even more. He hurried to the yard and knelt down in the direction of the back mountain.

   "Thank you, Daxian, for your protection!"

  This old man is actually thinking that Huang Daxian sent his granddaughter back in a good way and did not hurt his granddaughter, so I want to thank him.

   And this Huang Daxian cannot be offended. There is a saying in the open that Huang Daxian has a small temper and a narrow mind. If he is offended, he can disturb people\'s homes.

  Gu Chao has no intention of getting rid of this weasel spirit. All things are equal in the world, and the wild animals that give birth to intelligence have already been recognized by the world.

  The weasel has already cultivated to become a spirit, and when it reaches the level of Taoism, it can also transform into a human form. As long as it does not do evil, she will naturally not care about it.

  By this time, the matter of the Wang family has almost been resolved, and today the matter was resolved quickly. Gu Chao thought that it would be less than midnight, so he would not spend the night at the Wang family, so he should go back.

  She was about to leave here, but the old man of the Wang family stopped her again.

   "Gu Daochang, I have an unfeeling request. I want to make offerings to Huang Daxian. I don\'t know what Gu Daochang thinks?"

  If the Wang family is willing, it is not impossible to make offerings to the Weasel Essence. It is also helpful for the Weasel Essence to have people to support it.

   Moreover, the weasel spirit will also keep their Wang family safe, which can be said to be a win-win situation.

  As long as the weasel spirit reaches a consensus with the Wang family, and the Wang family sincerely supports it, there is no problem.

  One is that the Wang family suddenly cut off the support one day, which would annoy the weasel spirit, and instead make the Wang family restless.

  Gu Chao listened to these words to the Wang family, and asked them to think clearly. Once the offering needs to be continued for generations, it must not be interrupted.

   Even if there are any special circumstances, you have to discuss it with the weasel spirit, and the two sides can only make an agreement.

  The Wang family also thought about it carefully. Now their children get along with Huang Daxian more than once or twice. If they suddenly cut off their contacts, they might also annoy Huang Daxian and take revenge on their family.

   It\'s better to support that Huang Daxian at home. After that Huang Daxian will succeed in cultivation and attain Taoism in the future, maybe he can still protect their family forever.

  Didn’t Daoist Gu also say that, telling them to worship devoutly, Huang Daxian will not only not harm their family, but will become their family’s shelter.

  After the Wang family discussed it, they asked Gu Chao to invite the Huang Daxian to come over, so as to ask if he would accept their family\'s offering.

   It\'s just asking that weasel spirit to come over, which is not a difficult task.

  Gu Chao used the hair of the weasel that he picked up in the courtyard of the Wang family just now, cast a spell to spread the word to the weasel spirit, and told it the thoughts of the Wang family.

  If it wants to, come here now.

  After casting the spell, everyone didn\'t wait long, and saw a weasel appearing at the gate of Wang\'s house.

  The weasel spirit was still a little wary when he saw Gu Chao, so he stood at the door and didn\'t come in.

   It is a little afraid that the Wang family invited the Taoist to take it, and what they said just now is for the purpose of slandering it.

  It was standing at the door, staring at Gu Chao, but not coming in.

  At this time, the granddaughter of the Wang family came out of the house, and she saw the weasel spirit standing at the door at first sight, and immediately ran towards the weasel spirit with a wide smile on her short legs.

   "Huanghuang, why are you here? Did you come to play with me?"

  When the Wang family saw their little granddaughter running over, they subconsciously stretched out their hands to pull her, but they withdrew their hands when they thought that their granddaughter had known Huang Daxian a long time ago.

   Tuantuan arrived at the door, and was about to pull the weasel\'s front paw, but the weasel put his paw in Tuantuan\'s hand without hesitation, and squeaked at her a few times

  Gu Chao understood what the weasel said, and she asked Tuantuan, "What is your Taoist priest here for?"

   Tuantuan didn\'t understand what a Taoist priest was, and he didn\'t know what this aunt came to their house for?

  She looked at Gu Chao suspiciously, and then went to her parents\' elders. The aunt was already at their house just now, and she didn\'t know if she came to find her mother.

  He didn\'t know, so he asked, "Mother, Huang Huang asked, what is this aunt here for?"

   How this group was able to understand the words of the weasel spirit, Gu Chao did not know.

  However, such strange things are not unheard of in the world.

  Some people are born with spiritual roots, and it is not surprising that they can understand the words of animals. Maybe it is because this child has a predestined relationship with this weasel spirit.

  Gu Chao knew that the weasel spirit was wary of her, so he had such doubts, so he said to the weasel spirit before the Wang family could speak.

   "What I told you just now is indeed true. These two people are surnamed Wang, and the Wang family wants to support you. Come in if you want."

   Of course the weasel spirit wants someone to support it, which is very beneficial to its practice, and it can also help it cultivate to adulthood as soon as possible.

   It\'s just that it\'s not easy to find someone who sincerely worships them!

   Otherwise, it wouldn\'t have come to Wang\'s house so quickly.

  Hearing Gu Chao\'s words, he turned to look at the members of the Wang family. As the head of the family, the old lady of the Wang family also spoke at this time.

   "Huang Daxian, our royal family sincerely wants to support you, and we guarantee that for generations to come. Children and grandchildren will worship you. If you are willing, you will be a guest of our royal family from today on."

  The weasel spirit could understand human speech, and turned its gaze away from the Wang family members, and then focused on Tuantuan, who was holding its front paw.

  It has been practicing for decades, and it can get along with Tuantuan because it feels that the child Tuantuan is pure and kind.

  Although the weasel spirit has been playing with Tuantuan all the time, she treats her like a younger generation from her own family.

   Tuantuan saw that his little friend hadn\'t come in yet, so he took its paw and pulled it inside.

   "Huang Huang, come in quickly, grandma, grandpa, mother, and dad are all here today, we can play together."

   Being led by Tuantuan in this way, the weasel stepped into the gate of the Wang family.

  When he came in, the members of the Wang family were all excited. Huang Daxian agreed to their family\'s support and was willing to protect their family.

   When Weasel Jing came in, he kept his eyes on Gu Chao, just to guard against her making any moves.

   It turned out that Gu Chao had his hands behind his back, and he didn\'t intend to do anything to it at all.

   It didn\'t feel relieved until it entered the main room of the old Wang\'s family and was invited by the Wang family to sit down at the top.

   It seems that this Taoist priest really didn\'t come to catch it!

  At this moment, there was a burst of crying and cursing outside, and everyone frowned and looked outside subconsciously.

   After listening to it for a while, I can probably hear such words as marriage, repentance, reluctance, deceit and so on.

  In the middle of the night, when there was such a commotion, the dogs in the whole village also barked.

  The old lady of the Wang family went to the door to have a look, and came back after a while.

   "It\'s from the Chen family in front, and I don\'t know what\'s going on, but they started arguing in the middle of the night?

   It seems to be talking about a fraudulent marriage or something. "

  As a result, just as the voice on this side fell, there was another mournful cry from outside.

   "Killed, killed someone."

   It was unacceptable to kill someone. People who were hiding in their own homes to watch the fun opened their doors and gathered at Chen\'s house.

  The Wang family are neighbors in a village, so it is impossible for them to sit at home with such a big incident.

   After pleading guilty with Weasel Jing and Gu Chao, he also went to the Chen family.

  Gu Chao wasn\'t a nosy person at first, but all these nosy things came to her, so she thought about going over there to take a look.

  When we arrived at Chen\'s house, the third and outer floors of Chen\'s house were already full of people. People standing, squatting and lying in the courtyard of Chen\'s house had already crowded the small courtyard of Chen\'s house.

   Lying on the ground was a middle-aged woman with a blood hole on her head that was still gushing blood.

   Look at her panting with her mouth open, she is still breathing, she is not dead.

  Looked around again, but found no other corpses, so there should be no deaths.

  The person who called out to kill him just now should be the middle-aged man who was sitting in the courtyard of the Chen family crying and cursing others.

   "Your Chen family is heartbroken. It was agreed at the beginning, and the money was also collected. Now you don\'t admit it, and you want to kill people!"

  (end of this chapter)