The Full-level Boss is In the Female Respect

Chapter 157: arrogance

Chapter 157 Arrogance

  Before the village head went up to ask the leading guards, the head catcher stepped forward and asked, "Where is Mr. Gu\'s house? Our county magistrate and Liu Zhangyin of the public came to proclaim the decree by order of the Holy Majesty."

  This sentence was like thunder on the ground, and the entire Gujia Village was blown up.

  It turned out that the people who came here were the magistrate of the county, as well as high-ranking officials in Beijing.

   What kind of imperial decree is proclaimed, and that imperial edict can only be issued by the holy majesty. In this way, the great treasure of their village is known to the current majesty.

   All of a sudden, everyone knelt down on the ground with a plop, shouting long live.

  Seeing the imperial decree is like seeing the Holy Spirit, not kneeling.

   Unexpectedly, there would be a day in their life where they could see the imperial decree.

  After the worship, Village Chief Gu said tremblingly: "Gu Chao\'s house is in the village, and the grass-roots will lead the way for adults."

  When the village chief was speaking, she lay prone on the ground without even daring to lift her head, and she stuttered when she spoke. It was completely obvious that she was excited at this time.

  How could you not be excited? The biggest official she has ever met in her life is the county magistrate, and now there is still a day when she can meet the high officials in Beijing, it is impossible not to be excited.

  As for why he kept his head down and dared not raise his head to speak, he was completely frightened.

   At this time, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and the county magistrate poked his head out from inside.

   "Are you the head of Gujia Village?"

  The village chief didn\'t expect that the county magistrate would still remember him, so he nodded excitedly and said yes.

  The county magistrate doesn\'t remember that Village Chief Gu just thought this person looked familiar, and seeing that she was speaking on behalf of the villagers, then this person must be the village chief.

  The head of each village in the county will go to the county government office to meet with the county magistrate every year to report on the situation of the year.

   She was lucky enough to meet this Lord Huang, but there were too many of them, and they only met once a year, so the county magistrate might not remember every one of them.

   Moreover, the county magistrate is changed every three years, and people who meet once a year, how can they remember so much.

   "Then ask Village Chief Gu to lead the way!"

  The village chief was so excited that he almost fell when he got up. Fortunately, with the support of her eldest daughter, he was able to stand firmly.

   "My lords, please come with your name."

  The village chief was leading the way, and he also murmured in his heart, looking at the posture of these people, they probably didn\'t come to trouble Gu Chao.

  There are Ouchi guards following, and that Liu Zhangyin, although she doesn\'t know what kind of official this is, but she must be serving the official on her body.

   This is probably related to Gu Chao’s trip to Beijing to eliminate evil spirits. Maybe the Holy One saw that she eradicated evil things, and this was to reward her.

  The village chief was also too excited to see the other carriage led by the guards behind him. The carriage contained all the rewards given to Gu Chao by the emperor.

  The village chief took the lead in knocking on the door of the Gu family. Because the disaster was over, the Gu family no longer restricted contact with people in the village.

   Hearing someone knock on the door, Aunt Li, who was guarding the door, asked and opened the door.

   "Who is it?"

  The eldest daughter of the village chief responded, "Aunt Li, I am Gu Lin, open the door quickly, an adult from Beijing is looking for Gu Chao."

  Aunt Li was opening the door. Hearing that it was the eldest daughter of the village chief, and hearing that she had an adult from Beijing coming, she opened the door a little faster.

  After opening the door, I saw a circle of people outside the door, tall horses, guards with knives, and many arrests.

  Aunt Li hurried back and shouted to the servant who was working in the front yard, "Go in and report to grandma, saying that a distinguished guest has arrived."

   Regardless of what these people do, depending on their identities, they must first report to grandma.

   Arriving at the gate of the Gu family, the **** and Magistrate Huang got out of the carriage together, and looked up at the plaque at the gate of the Gu family.

  Looking around at the gate of Gu\'s house, County Magistrate Huang sighed in his heart, Daoist Gu really enjoys it. He can build such a big house in the countryside, which shows his ability.

  Looking inside through the gate, I saw the layout plan inside, but it was better than looking at her county grandpa\'s house.

  The old **** served the emperor in the palace. Naturally, her vision is wider than that of the county magistrate. In her opinion, there is nothing particularly outstanding about Gu Chao\'s house.

   Compared with those big officials in Beijing, it is still far behind, it just takes up a lot of land.

  The two made some concessions to each other, raised their legs and walked into Gu\'s mansion.

  Because Village Chief Gu was with them, Aunt Li couldn\'t stop them, and they were court officials. It\'s impossible to stop yourself.

  Gu Chao was practicing under the peach tree, and when he heard about it, he reported that a nobleman had come, and he still brought his guards.

  I thought to myself, I am afraid it is someone from Beijing, raised my brow slightly, and stood up.

  Patting the slightly wrinkled robe on his body, he raised his legs and walked outside.

  She wants to see what the emperor gave her again?

  When she was in Beijing, she had already made it very clear with the emperor, and the emperor\'s reward was also paid, which can be said to be both money and goods.

   As a result, she has sent another person here. Gu Chao can probably guess the meaning of this.

  As soon as Gu Chao arrived at the front flower hall, he heard the voice of village chief Gu, "Two adults, please sit inside."

  Guan Xu came out before Gu Chao, and was entertaining the county magistrate and the **** with the village head at this time.

   "My lords, please take your seat first, and this slave will invite my grandma to come out."

   As he spoke, he arranged for the servants to serve tea and snacks.

  The old **** hadn\'t spoken since he entered the door, and it was Magistrate Huang who had always spoken.

  After listening to Guanshi Xu\'s words, he nodded and said, "Go, we\'ll just wait here."

   Manager Xu saw his grandma coming in from the outside as soon as he turned his head, and hurried to greet her.


  Gu Chao waved his hand to let Guanshi Xu go down, and at the same time ordered: "Master and Zhengjun don\'t have to come here."

  Guan Xu responded and went down, and then Gu Chao bowed his hands to the two of them and said politely: "The two distinguished guests have come from a long way, please forgive me for being so far away."

  The two of them did not dare to be arrogant in front of Gu Chao. This person dared to offend even the emperor, so what are they?

  The two stood up, bowed to Gu Chao and bowed their hands in return, "Gu Daochang is polite."

  Then the magistrate Huang began to introduce again, "I am the magistrate of this county, and my surname is Huang."

   Talking, the county magistrate turned sideways and introduced the **** beside him.

   "This is Liu Zhangyin from the capital. The two of us came this time to bring the imperial decree from the Holy Majesty. Please also ask Daoist Gu to accept the decree."

  The palm print of Liu who came back this time is the **** sent by the emperor to announce the decree last time, and he had dealt with Gu Chao.

   "I haven\'t seen you for a long time, but Daoist Gu still looks the same."

  Gu Chao responded with a smile, "Liu\'s palm print is also radiant, good luck."

  Other people say that she is lucky, but Liu Zhangyin doesn\'t care, it\'s just a polite word

  But these words have a different meaning when they come out of Gu Chao\'s mouth.

   "Thank you, Daoist Gu, for your kind words. This old slave is thanks to you."

   After the two exchanged polite greetings, Gu Chao asked the two to sit down again.

  Gu Chao could not have kneeled to receive the order, turned around and sat on the first seat, and then said again: "I don\'t know why the Holy One sent Liu Zhangyin and Huang County Magistrate here?"

   County Magistrate Huang has never seen such an arrogant person like Gu Chao. They all said that they came to announce the decree, but this man not only showed no respect at all, he didn\'t immediately burn incense and take a bath, and then set up an incense table to receive the decree, and even sat down.

   County magistrate Huang didn\'t know what to do for a while, so he had to look at Liu\'s palm print beside him.

   It is not the first time that Liu Zhangyin has dealt with Gu Chao, and she has already thought of this situation.

   She had no intention of waiting for Gu Chao to kneel down to receive the order, she knew it was impossible.

   It\'s just that Gu Chao can defy the imperial power, but she can\'t.

  After Gu Chao sat down, she respectfully took the Minghuang imperial decree from the box in the guard\'s hand, held it in both hands, and brought it to Gu Chao.

  Gu Chao took it casually and unfolded it, and it turned out to be similar to what she thought.

  First some words of praise, and finally various rewards.

  Why the emperor did this, she also understood in her heart.

  Since the emperor extended his hand to her, and there is no dispute between her and the emperor, it is hard for her to say anything to refuse.

  Since the emperor wants to make good friends with her, let\'s make good friends.

  As long as it doesn\'t involve her interests, she doesn\'t mind.

  Gu Chao turned his hands away and put away the imperial decree, and asked Liu\'s palm print to do it again.

   "Thank you, Majesty, for your kindness, Gu accepted it."

   When they saw Gu Chao flipping his hands, they disappeared the shadow of the imperial decree. They were amazed and lamented Gu Chao\'s ability.

  When Liu Zhangyin heard Gu Chao\'s words, his heart suddenly became at ease.

  She was afraid that Gu Chao would not accept it, or that there would be something waiting for her later.

   Seeing her so direct and straightforward, she felt at ease.

  This kind of people with real abilities naturally have their own way of speaking and doing things, and Gu Chao is the most straightforward type of speaking and doing things among them.

  Before she left the palace, the Holy Majesty ordered her not to say too much, just to see how Gu Chao reacted after seeing the imperial decree.

  It would be best if she answered it readily, but if she didn\'t answer it, then it\'s Gu Chao\'s words and he can\'t say much.

  In this case, her errand can be regarded as a good one, and she can go back to work with the Holy Majesty.

   "Gu Daochang is polite, the Holy Majesty explained when the servant went out, this time I came here to send rewards to Gu Daochang, nothing else.

   Gu Daochang saved tens of thousands of people in the world this time, which is a great merit. The Holy One also said that these ordinary things are just icing on the cake for Gu Daochang.

   Gu Daochang has a compassionate heart to save the world, so the people all over the world should remember Gu Daochang\'s merit. "

   Gu Chao didn\'t take this flattering word to heart.

  But the word merit is indeed correct, no matter how the people in the world are or how the emperor is, this is her merit, and the way of heaven should record it for her.

  As long as she has this skill, everything else doesn\'t matter.

  The two of them said some polite words to Gu Chao again, seeing that Gu Chao had no intention of keeping them, they wisely said they would leave.

  Gu Chao personally sent the two of them to the door, which can be considered as a kindness of the landlord.

  The two got into the carriage, and only after leaving the Gu family village did they talk about the differences of the Gu family.

  Just now at the gate, Liu Zhangyin felt that there was nothing unusual in the Gu residence, but the moment he stepped into the gate of the Gu family, he immediately overturned his previous thoughts.

   There is nothing strange about this, it is completely too strange, but at that moment, he felt comfortable all over his body, and his bones were much lighter.

  Magistrate Huang naturally felt the same way. She was even more surprised than Liu Zhangyin. After all, Liu Zhangyin had seen Gu Chao\'s methods, and she had some confidence in her heart.

  Magistrate Huang, on the other hand, heard all about Gu Chao from rumors, and this was the first time he experienced it in person and was naturally surprised.

  At first, she wanted to get close to Gu Chaotao and talk about the fact that the two families were relatives, but after thinking about it, she still didn\'t say it out loud, thinking that when Yu Miao\'er and Ning An got married, she would come here in person, which would definitely have a better effect.

  The village chief personally sent the team of chariots and horses out of the Gu family village before returning to the Gu family.

  From the beginning to the end, she was in a daze, especially after seeing Gu Chao\'s attitude towards the two adults, she was really terrified.

   I was afraid that the guard with a knife at the door would suddenly rush in and take Gu Chao down.

  She knew that Gu Chao was capable, but she never expected that Gu Chao would have such an attitude towards the imperial court officials.

   That is an official appointed by the imperial court, and the other one is a celebrity around the Holy Majesty.

  Until now, she still feels that her calves are twisted. If her eldest daughter hadn\'t supported her, she might have sat down on her ass.

   When he came to Gu\'s house again, Gu Chao was still sitting in the flower hall waiting for them.

  Gu Chao knew that she would definitely come back again, so he sat here and waited for her to come.

   Seeing the village chief come in, Gu Chao got up to help her.

   "Auntie, sit down first."

   While supporting Village Chief Gu, Gu Chao had luck and spiritual power in his hands to gently sort out the meridians for Village Chief Gu.

  She also knew that Village Chief Gu was frightened, and she might not be able to recover for a while.

  Village Chief Gu naturally felt the difference in Gu Chao\'s hand holding her, so he didn\'t speak, waiting to gradually calm down.

   After she calmed down, Gu Chao withdrew her hand, and then she raised her finger to point at Gu Chao.

   "Tell me about what you just said, but it scared me a lot."

   Gu Lin, the eldest daughter of Village Chief Gu. Sitting under his mother\'s hand, he patted his chest and said.

   "Dabao, I didn\'t expect you to have such a big face now, even the county magistrate and the celebrities around the saint will treat you with courtesy."

  The village head patted his daughter on the shoulder with a "snap".

   After filming, she gave her another sideways glance, "She\'s not showing any face, she\'s simply too rampant!

   Not afraid of the guard with a knife at the door. As soon as you draw the knife, you will be executed on the spot. "

  When Village Chief Gu said the last half of the sentence, he said it to Gu Chao.

  In the end, Gu Chao laughed loudly, "Auntie, you saw it just now. Do you think she dared to draw a knife at me?

   No matter what emperor or minister he is, he has to squat in front of the powerful strength. "

   This is correct, but Village Chief Gu still feels lingering fear.

  She has lived for most of her life, and the idea of ​​supremacy of imperial power has also enveloped her for most of her life. It cannot be changed overnight.

  In their hearts, the emperor is the sky and their ruler.

   As the saying goes, the world is so big, could it be the land of the king. On the shore of the land, could it be the king\'s ministers.

  Even if Gu Chao has great abilities, can he still win over the emperor?

  She still has to be a subject of the emperor!

  As a result, today, Gu Chao ruthlessly overturned this idea in her heart.

  (end of this chapter)