The Farming Little Girl

C320: headache sales

Such a life, as a man, is enough.

After Zhou Aoxuan and others arrived, almost all the people living in the city rushed out.

Chen nianran looked at the group of people full of expectation in front of him and asked Zhou Aoxuan in a whisper, "how is it?"

In fact, Chen nianran no longer has any ideas. After all, Zhou Aoxuan and others went out for too long this time, and she really can't expect how good their sales volume will be this time.

However, Zhou Aoxuan just pinched her palm.

Looking up at the crowd around him, he raised his hand and someone carried a burden.


As soon as the man poured out the burden, the eyes of the people could no longer move away.

"So much money. It's the most money I've ever seen."

"What a beautiful color! So much silver, I, I......"

In fact, there is not much broken silver in it.

However, there is a lot of money. Just because of this, when these copper plates fell on the ground, I felt that there was a big pile.

Such a visual impact, so that everyone on the scene was stunned.

Of course, this does not include Chen nianran, a group of people who are used to doing business. Even double happiness, for so much money is only a little surprised. However, there was not much vibration. After all, they saw a lot of experiences of their master.

But for the people of Hancheng, this is not the same. It can be said that they seldom see so much money in their life.

"Everybody, this is the money for the first batch of eggs in our cold city. Not much, but there's hope, isn't there? "

Zhou Aoxuan slowly spits out word by word, but all the people present can hear clearly.

Someone looked up at him and at last raised his hand and shouted, "roar, we have hope, we have hope."

Many old people put on tears at this time. In their lifetime, they saw the hope of cold city. We also see the future of future generations.

An old man knelt down for Chen nianran on the spot, "Lord, you brought all this. We can have this situation in cold city, thanks to your gift. "

Chen nianran smiled and helped these people up. "Everyone, this is just the beginning. I believe that our cold city will get better and better."

Seeing that everyone was excited, Chen nianran raised his hand. "Everybody, I'm going to the villages in part for the time being. After all, we need too much money to build Hancheng now, so I can only pay you in installments. "

"It's OK. You're welcome, Lord."

Spring flowers and men standing in the crowd are still talking about it when they go home.

"In fact, it's feasible for the Lord of the city not to give us any money now. After all, all the piggies, chickens and technical guidance were sent by the city Lord. But she did not forget that two tenths of all the people we worked for had come down. Alas, where can I find such a lord? "

"No, so there is hope in our cold city. Lord, who can think for our common people everywhere, where to find such people. All we can do is try our best to do the work in hand, or it will be too wrong with the Lord. "

"Well, my husband, let's go and try to repay the house in Qingcheng earlier."

Chen nianran couldn't share the houses in the city with these ordinary people. But Hancheng is really poor. It's very difficult to sell the built houses and courtyards at once.

But she came up with a modern installment plan. That is, you can pay part of the money first. I'll give you a paper to prove that you can go to the city planning office to exchange the house deed after paying off the house money within the specified period of time.

At the beginning, there were still a few people who hesitated. But people with a long-term vision also see the development momentum of cold city. It was the first to pay for the houses in the city in installments.

Spring flower couple is such a visionary. Now they pay in installments for a courtyard with pavement in the city. Once the cold city is built, it means making money.

The couple, who have a long-term vision, are working hard.

In order to pay off the money earlier, we can get the yard completely.

There are many people in the family like them now.

After the construction of Hancheng began to take shape, Chen nianran's planned stone exhibition of Hancheng, flower exhibition, and special tourism and other line tours also began at this time.

Of course, this project activity, of course, through the relationship between the old and the old in Chuncheng, has opened up the joints of the upper class society, dumped some of the characteristics of the cold city, as well as stone statues and other things, and attracted the attention of these aristocratic circles. After that, the development of this tourism line has started.

"There are very few people here. In general, what is the most attractive place in a land? One is tourism, scenery and so on, but this place, mostly loess land, is really not praiseworthy when it comes to features and so on. Can we say stone carving? Well, this one can have. There is also food. What tourists like most is local food. But now how can we create good things in Hancheng? "

It's so tired to be a city Lord.

We should not only feed the people here, but also manage them to earn money. We should also sell this place to let the people outside know that there is a place like Hancheng.

More importantly, attracting investment!

There are many headaches. Fortunately, she has a capable man.

"Everyone, we went out to sell eggs this time, and things froze as smoothly as we thought. Once this kind of eggs are pulled out in batches, the sales are blocked. One is the sudden influx of too many goods, people can not eat so much local. In this way, the price will suffer relatively. So now, we have to figure out how to sell eggs, as well as pigs and chickens. "

After Zhou Aoxuan came back, he gathered the members of the key ladies and discussed the future dumping plan.

After planting and raising things, the next thing is sales. If the sales process is not good, the previous planting has become a big problem.

"Eggs can't be unsalable because they are kept for a short time. There can't be any delay from laying eggs to collecting a certain amount of them for shipment." Chen nianran frowned.

This is a meeting after Zhou Aoxuan's return. Although we can see hope from the outside, the internal problems still exist.

And the sales problem is also very serious. If it can't be solved, everyone's enthusiasm will be reduced in the future, and it will also be a serious obstacle to the construction of the cold city.

"I think we can't just sell our products to Chuncheng in the future. We have to go further to the North City, and to Jicheng. But the delivery of chickens and pigs is a problem. "

Once the pig grows up, it must be transported out every few days.

It's just a spring city. How can we eat it all at once. When the market is saturated, both husband and wife are clear. Because of the situation they are facing, they will have to choose further places to sell in the future.

"Young master, young grandma, can I make a suggestion?" To Chen nianran's surprise, one of the backbone members, fish girl, unexpectedly put forward her own views at this time. Chen nianran nods and signals the little guy to say it. Fish has been following her for several years. They have taken over since they were only half a year old. Now they are almost four years old. In a word, what fish has learned and seen in these years is not small.

The fish was stared at by everyone. The girl's face was thin. She choked and stuttered out her inner thoughts.

"I'm a girl from fish village, so I know something about fish village. People in our fish village have caught more fresh fish, which is not easy to preserve. So I would like to make all kinds of smoke, or dry goods. When grandma Shao and grandma Ningxiang went to our village and made some plans of our village, now the village can earn a lot of money with these dry goods. So I wonder if I can make our meat products into dry goods and the like in the future! "

Chen nianran and Zhou Aoxuan look at each other happily. This girl has made some progress.

Zhou Aoxuan looked around the ten backbones and saw that several younger backbones were staring at the fish with eager eyes. It seems that the girl will have more peach flowers in the future. However, I heard that her solid eyed cousin came Well, it's a little curious. Can this real man handle the smart woman.

However, found that he thought more, Zhou Aoxuan quickly pulled back to cough to stop everyone's surprise.

"Well, that's good, fish. I'm calling you all together today to think about more ways out. We are a group of people from all directions. If we want to make some food, we should be able to do it. Dry goods, in meat, must be made. If there are other processes, it will be better. "

"But the dry goods we know are made, but they are not necessarily easy to sell. As far as I know, a lot of dry goods are cheap. "

Opposition was also raised.

Chen nianran also joined in. "Zhuhua, we have two major businesses. When they go into business, they can bring our dry goods. In this way, we will not worry about selling if we have goods. Besides, the annual demand of the capital is not small. As it happens, both Huiji and Shuangji have stores in the capital, so we can sell the manufactured dry goods to the capital. However, most of the city is high-ranking, so the goods must be good. It's more important to have a good look. If there's any detail about it, it's up to Shuangxi and Congxiang to do it. "

I always want to pretend that there is no Congxiang, but I still carry myself out. She is bitter. "I said," can you not join me? I only need a few men's money, where do I need to do it myself. "