The Farming Little Girl

C319: plain happiness

If these eggs are not sold in these days, they will go bad easily. When they do, they will become bad eggs. If they have a bad reputation, the sales of these eggs will be even worse.

"What can I do?"

It's time to go for a meal. Zhou Aoxuan walked into a seemingly ordinary but excellent shop at will.

One or two people, he doesn't usually order too many dishes. That is to say, it's OK to take a habitual look at the dishes on other people's desktops and choose a few more.

Xiao Anzi also knew the owner's hobbies. After reading the things on the table, she casually ordered two kinds. Wave, "that's it."

"Wait..." But Zhou Aoxuan stopped running.

"Sir, if you have anything else to tell me." The guy looks forward to watching him. At first glance, it's the master. As long as the service is good, the reward of these people is huge.

"What is that dish? How can I look like an egg? "

Zhou Aoxuan pointed to the dining table not far away, on which there were general cold dishes, one petal by one, a layer of crystal wrapped with egg yolk, mixed with other green peppers, drizzled with a little red pepper oil, which was very pleasant to watch.

"Oh, my guest, this is a new dish introduced by our store. It's called crystal egg. It's a kind of variety brought back from the outside by our shopkeeper. Otherwise, you can have a plate too. "

Little Anzi looked at this so-called crystal egg and felt a move inside. Looking up at Zhou Aoxuan, "young master, this is really a new play."

But how did you get this thing?

If they can make such an egg, can they sell it all?

Zhou Aoxuan seemed to wave his hand directly. "No, we'll use these dishes. My daughter-in-law has cooked a lot of that kind of food at home. It's just that I didn't expect to be a new toy here, so I'd like to ask you more. "

Xiao Anzi was stunned.

Is his young master fed up with crooked food? But why didn't he know?

At first, the waiter was stunned, and even though he didn't care to snort, "I said this, you're too boastful, aren't you? No one in our spring city can understand this kind of thing. Don't believe you go outside to inquire about it? If it wasn't for my master to visit his relatives outside and watch such good things, Chuncheng would not have sold them! "

"Such a small thing is not enough for me. Even if I can take out hundreds of such crystal eggs now, I can take them out. " As soon as Zhou Aoxuan's words came out, Xiao Anzi finally understood a little. Emotion, it's the young master's method.

However, what can I do if someone really should do this?

No matter how worried Xiao Anzi is, he will not drag the master's back at this time. So that is to stand on one side and see how Zhou Aoxuan develops next.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" At this time, the shopkeeper who greeted the guests in the distance finally came over. The shopkeeper's long body stood up. When his eyes stopped at Zhou Aoxuan's superior jade pendant, he was stunned at first. Even though he could not bear to put it back, he gave a serious fist and a bow. "Don't you know what this young man said about your crystal egg? Is it true or false? If it is, I can buy it. "

Zhou Aoxuan looked at the old man. He was fat, middle-aged and half bald. He had smart eyes. At first sight, he was an old fox who had infiltrated the shopping mall for many years.

However, such people are smart, but they are easy to deal with.

Zhou Aoxuan's jaw head, "I said that there are crystal eggs at home, which will never go wrong. Besides, there are several kinds of crystal eggs in my family. If the shopkeeper is absent, the next time I come to this spring city, I will bring a sample to let the shopkeeper see my crystal egg. "

The shopkeeper's eyes are more and more bright. He doesn't think that such a well-dressed and well-spoken young man will come and make a splash. Make a bow again. "Well, as long as you have crystal eggs like this, we can discuss the price."

After the business was settled, Zhou Aoxuan and Xiao Anzi had dinner together.

During the whole meal, Xiao Anzi glanced at Zhou Aoxuan from time to time. I'm afraid this master is bragging. There are many eggs in their family, but they will not be able to turn them into crystal eggs.

However, Xiao Anzi also knows that he can't ask the young master in front of the people outside. It's because xiaoanzi was absent-minded in this meal. I'm afraid that the master would exaggerate and exaggerate.

It's not easy to wait until a meal is over. When Xiao Anzi comes out, he can't wait to ask. "Master, we've never heard of crystal eggs. How can we have a large number of them here? You can't take it out, sir. We'll meet the shopkeeper later. Is there any face left? "

Zhou Aoxuan glanced at him obliquely. "Why, don't you believe your master?"

"I, how can I not believe it? I just feel that we can't be cheated, right? That kind of crystal egg, I have never seen it, that is to say, today there is a rune array, so there are such crystal eggs

"I said there would be. Let's go and get rid of the eggs. I believe there will be good news for those who go out to sell eggs today. "

Let alone, when Zhou Aoxuan and his party arrived at the inn, there was good news.

"Young master, young master, all our eggs have been snapped up. Ha ha, many people take the eggs back and say that our eggs are fried well and the price is not expensive, so many people have bought them. What's more, there have been good days recently, many people have to do wedding events, so my eggs have been snatched away in a flash. "

As soon as Xiao Anzi heard this, he immediately turned around and looked at Zhou Aoxuan. "Sir, you have already calculated this?"

The young master of his family is not sure. Otherwise, he would say on the way that today's business will be excellent.

But, obviously, he thought more. Zhou Aoxuan calmly waved a fan. "I'm just guessing. Our eggs are not good. Well, the brothers have purchased their own things and are ready to return. "

When I go back, it's downstream. It only takes two days to get there.

Far away, the five men who came out to sell eggs saw the women standing on the bank, howling excitedly one by one.

The children on the bank roared, "Dad, it's my dad who's back."

"Eggs, our eggs..."

"It's not an egg, it's the sugar we want in Chuncheng. It's not so bad. Hey......"

"Oh, yes, I can have sugar."

The men smiled happily, looking at the excited running children on the bank and the happy women behind them. This is their home, where they live.

Although they are still very poor, they like it very much.

"We're back. We're back."

Zhou Aoxuan looked at the three men with children holding their children and touched their noses a little. Why didn't his daughter-in-law bring out his children?

Suddenly I feel a little incomplete. Just so depressed, get fast out of the regiment and roll waving small short legs to run over.

"Dad, Dad, I miss you so much."

The little princess's mouth is always so sweet. When the father heard such soft grunts, his heart became water.

Quickly a few steps forward, a raised small volume, "volume, Dad brought you delicious."

"Cluck Dad's best... " I don't grudge my own relatives. The small volume has a sound. On one side of the group, smiling on the side of the child.

Zhou Aoxuan waved and the regiment came forward. "Dad."

Although the boy didn't say anything, but a pair of black eyes are full of strange luster. He was also very happy to see Dad back. Especially when my father came back, I didn't have to worry about him every day. Well, I don't need to be so tired when my father is at home.

If Zhou Aoxuan knew that what his son was thinking was that he had come back, he would be free to think carefully, just afraid that he would be depressed to spit blood. He thought that the son was thinking about his father.

Holding two children left and right, Zhou Aoxuan didn't feel the panic of his hands. By two children hug neck, one left one right ground cries, "Daddy, daddy......" Yes, that feeling. How can I say that.

"Dad saw a lot of fun outside this time..." Talking about the man with interest, the line of sight inadvertently stays on the woman not far away.

The woman came out of the willow tree, dressed in light color, with the most ordinary hair. But the dazzling eyes, as well as the confident brilliance from all over the body, can not be moved.

Volume to see Dad stopped talking, also follow to see, then saw from afar came Chen nianran.

The little guy stares at Chen nianran's face with bright eyes, smiles and hugs Zhou Aoxuan's neck, "Dad, how beautiful your mother is."

She is so proud. She has such a beautiful mother. The point is, my mother is still so capable. The girl next door is envious of her mother.


The woman's gentle and soft call brings the unique softness of the women in the south of the Yangtze River, and the clear and moist taste of moistening people's hearts and lungs. The eyes of burning yearning fell on the dimples lightly rippling on the woman. Zhou Aoxuan replied with five smiles, "HMM..."

"Come to my mother's place. My father is tired."

The woman beckoned the child to come, glanced at the man again, and chuckled. She didn't ask him how his business was and how his sales were.

Two people's eyes, only each other!

All of a sudden, Zhou Aoxuan felt that all this was so valuable.

If before, he had some ambitions. But now, he doesn't think those ambitions are good at all. On the contrary, such warmth and such plain happiness are what he wants most.

When you go home, a pair of children come to meet you sweetly.

When you hold the children and listen to their words of missing you, see them depend on you and look at you with expectant eyes, your daughter-in-law also comes to meet you