The Farming Little Girl

321: stone box

Chen nianran glanced at her plump breasts. "I said Xiangmei, if you don't exercise and use your brain like this, you will become a beauty in the ring when you go out. The beauty in the ring is covered by that one. How about you? "

"Congxiang sweet smile," I have, how you forget

Chen nianran also remembered this. It's also true that there are people on the top of people's incense.

Although they can't be together, they can't deny that she is the lover of Tianjia.

"Well, you don't want to be in front of one by one. Let him say that you are a fat pig like mother. At that time, people will praise how beautiful their mother is, but you are not as fat as words, and that one has no face. "

This said, can not coagulate the fragrance. But it's also true to think about it. I want to know these times, but I always told her to eat less. The reason, of course, is that she eats too much, and now she's plump.

"Well, I'll polish it, and I'll develop the food processing."

Look, Congxiang agrees. Chen nianran is also happy. There is a foodie who takes the lead in eating, which makes her a lot easier.

"By the way, I saw a lot of restaurants selling crystal eggs outside this time, so we also need to make some crystal eggs. What's more, it's a lot more. "

After Zhou Aoxuan's explanation, Chen nianran and Congxiang knew that the so-called crystal egg was originally a preserved egg.

"This kind of ah, no problem, I can handle it. Eggs can be processed into preserved eggs, oh crystal eggs. It can also be made into salty eggs. This one can also be made. "

At the thought of salted duck eggs flowing with oil, Chen nianran and Congxiang swallowed their saliva quietly.

In the past, when they were in the capital and border cities, they both had these things to eat. But when I came here, I had nothing to eat for a long time. Now think about it, I really miss it.

"Well, Congxiang, if you can make pork into pork jerky, it tastes like beef jerky we used to eat. I believe we pigs only need to sell a small amount of fresh meat. At that time, most of the things can be used to make spiced pork jerky and spicy pork chop. Well, you can think about it. I believe in your ability. For our good fortune, to create a green ecological food, you need to refuel

Such a heavy task on Congxiang can make her angry. Across her, the incense is silent. This wench, only wants to squeeze her dry, does not give the benefit not to be possible.

Being watched by her, Chen nianran also knows that this guy is asking for compensation.

"Well, I now stipulate that whoever has come up with a new way of eating, who has contributed a feasible recipe, and let our food processing factory in Hancheng get a secret recipe further. We will give her an equal amount of remuneration according to the market effect."

This time, Congxiang is satisfied.

Seeing her strength, Chen nianran couldn't see her.

"I said Xiangmei, you don't lack these two coins. As for calculation."

The one with Congxiang smile is called happy and proud. "You are a notoriously stingy woman. I can earn what I deserve from you, and then save it for my family to marry my daughter-in-law. Do you think I'm willing to have no sense of achievement? "

Double happiness and fish and others can't hold back the joy. These two grannies, it's always like this. You calculate me, I calculate you. But they also know. These two people don't really want to calculate each other's money, but take disaster as a kind of fun game to play.

It will be nice to beat each other and compare with each other.

"Well, from now on, we will invite Ningxiang to be one of the organizers of Hancheng food processing factory. The person in charge is Liu Nanzi, Hua Auntie and Liu's daughter-in-law. I have to be responsible for finding some clean hands and feet, quick work, clean loving and exquisite women and women to do things. We are here to help food processing, not to make the pickled vegetables for sale, so we must pay attention to hygiene. Well, today's meeting is here. "

Outside, many people in the cold city know that the upper class is having a meeting today.

So when the meeting was over, many people came up and asked where it was.

When they learned that they were going to set up a food processing factory again, some people with active minds began to think.

You know, following the Lord, all these benefits are good.

But in the early stage, the food processing plant will not recruit many people, after all, the effect of the early stage is not clear to anyone.

However, in the following days, Congxiang and several persons in charge had a wonderful life of being a foodie every day.

"Well, vacuum packaging can't be made. Besides, that kind of exquisite packaging can't be made. What can I do? Up to now, food alone can't do it. You have to have the most beautiful packaging. "

When it comes to making cooked food, people find that the most indisputable fact is that the cooked food has been made. What about the packaging?

Everyone knows that the packing fee is very important for the food to sell well. Especially their batch of food has to be sold in the capital, so it is more important to pack it.

"Well, now I understand why so many people can't make cooked food. The reason is that there is no packaging factory. " Chen nianran rubbed his head with headache.

At this time, how much she missed the modern advanced things. But I can't go back.

"The packaging used in the market is all oil paper bags. Vacuum packaging and the like won't work here. After all, there is no advanced food bag for environmental protection. The best one is oil paper bag. It's just that the oil paper bag is packed, and it doesn't look good. "

Zhou Aoxuan looks at his daughter-in-law muttering to himself, and then inserts, "daughter-in-law, I think the chicken wrapped in lotus leaves you use is delicious. Why don't you pack it with lotus leaves. Or, it's possible to pack them with other fragrant and edible leaves. We can dry this kind of cooked food and then pack it for sale in batches. Of course, you can pay more attention to it when you wind it up. It's more beautiful and more beautiful. According to the needs of diners, see if they want to use oil paper bags or the like outside. This will not be solved! "

Zhou Aoxuan just mentioned it at will, but Chen nianran listened carefully. "Yes, honey lotus, and all kinds of camphor leaves. We can wrap our food with many leaves. Of course, we have to find some tasteless ones to keep the food fresh. Well, although it's a little rough, as you said, as long as the package is wrapped properly, it will be very beautiful. Besides, it's very good to press the shape, such as duck and chicken

Getting this hint, Chen nianran hurriedly went to the people of the food factory.

As soon as they heard that they were going to wrap them with leaves, although they thought the work was a bit unreliable, when Congxiang wrapped several leaves with food materials, they were also a little silly.

"Eh, this kind of fresh leaf is wrapped, don't say, it's really pretty."

Congxiang quietly thumbs up to Chen nianran, "woman, you can do it. How can you come up with a way to wrap all kinds of leaves. We can wrap it with several kinds of dry leaves. When they are sold, they can be replaced by fresh ones. As you said, we can also use all kinds of cowhide bags for packaging. Of course, it's better to put our logo of cold city on them, as well as anti-counterfeiting signs and so on. This has to be planned. "

Yu'er girl is also one of the backbone personnel of this food development. She immediately put forward this idea. "We are going to deliver food, so the best thing is to make some beautiful boxes. For example, stone box, for example, wood box. The most important thing is to have a beautiful box. As long as the products are featured and beautiful, I believe many people will still adopt them. "

Chen nianran and Ning Xiang are scared again, stone box? This one of wood can have. But stone?

They are a little silly. The stone box It seems better.

"Congxiang, the production of this preservative, you should still have an impression?"

Congxiang gave her a fierce look. "Yes, of course, but you have to find embroiderers to make more small pockets with good sealing performance. Alas, in this age. "

"So when we embroider, we have to stick a sign: no food. Alas, it's really thanks to the ability of embroiderers. "

Fortunately, there are a lot of idle people in the cold city. They can also make rural packing bags and so on.

In modern food processing plants and the like, we only need to establish a factory, and then purchase the raw materials that should be used. But not here. They have too much to buy. There are many hands-on ones. If this thing doesn't make money, it's really a disappointment.

"So our cooked food processing must be successful. Besides, we have to sell this food processing job to the capital in winter. In winter, there is little food in the capital, and many people have to taste it during the Spring Festival. This year we will try to sell the first batch of cooked food to the capital during the Spring Festival. "

With this order, many people have done it in full swing.

Congxiang doesn't matter on the surface in front of Chen nianran, but she secretly compares zhener.

This is different from the beauty business and textile business in Bian town.

At that time, there were many able Jianghu people, but now there are no here. She is the backbone of this group. She has to test a lot of things.

The first thing, she took a lot of people to go outside the color screen for a seasoning.

Earlier, because of her love for food, people in Hancheng collected many things that can be made into spices. But there is still a lot to buy.

They can be sent from border vendors. Salt is more important.

There are all kinds of condiments of five fragrance, which cost a lot.