The Farming Little Girl

C206: attracting bees and butterflies

Hua's face was white, and his hands in his sleeves were tightly clenched. She faltered, "father, don't listen to those people's nonsense..."

Chen Ziming impatiently interrupts what she still wants to defend. "Look, it's not polite until now. When father-in-law is talking, he interrupts as a daughter-in-law without permission. Do you have the appearance of a tutor? "

Don't take a look at Hua Shi. He turns to Da lang. "Da Lang, I will manage your women better in the future. Don't let me see no face or skin like today. My old Chen family can't afford to lose this face. "

Hua's head hung down, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes. This father-in-law dare to look down on her. Hum, if the old Chen's son is a good one, he will not be seduced by her.

In the heart, Hua also wrote down Chen Ziming. The father and son do not know this.

When he arrived at Hua's house, Da Lang accompanied Chen Ziming to sit together and make a family routine.

He was relieved to ask about everything in his family.

"Your second brother is smart now. He is taking care of the business in his family. Even if it's pancake, it's what he's doing. Now he's all alone outside and at home. Your mother and I, that is to say, looking at the shops and relationships, are all connected by him. Whether it's the Yamen in the city, or those big shops and small merchants, he has a good mix with them. Da Lang, your second brother is better than you in business and talent. What have you done in the past two years? "

Pointing to the face of the big Lang, Chen Ziming is angry.

At that time, he was most optimistic about this big boy.

However, it's only a few months with Hua.

It's just that I'm not ambitious. Now I'm down to my mother-in-law to dirty myself and ran's girl's head. Such a mother-in-law, according to the meaning of Chen Ziming, has already kicked out.

"Dad, I'll make progress later..." Da Lang promised with shame.

Chen Ziming, however, snorted coldly, and looked at him and said a word with a heavy heart.

"Dalang, I'm not talking about you. The most important thing for this man is to value his career. If you want to marry a wife, you have to marry a virtuous man. When I was young, I always looked at the woman's face and dishes. In fact, when you have experienced something or seen more, it will be clear that, in fact, to marry a daughter-in-law, you have to marry someone who is so obedient and has family education and etiquette. "

"Dad, I know that."

Da Lang is not convinced.

He felt that his marriage with Hua Shi was just an accident.

Seeing that he didn't think so, Chen Ziming went on again.

"Here, let me give you an example. Manager Zhou in our town, the ghost faced daughter-in-law he married when he was at home at first, is also a virtuous one. But later, manager Zhou went to the town to do business. He didn't look at his seriously married daughter-in-law. He spent one hundred liang of silver to marry a beautiful little widow and have a good son. But later, before she died, she knew that the widow's son was not her own at all. She carried him on her back and stole the seeds of many men she did not know. It's a matter of fact, but manager Zhou's gas is very sick.

At the time of his death, the widow and the wild seed took away all the money he had made in his life. It is still missing. I'm myself, but I'm still in bed.

Or the first wife, regardless of the past to take care of him, a son and a daughter to send him the end. At the time of death, this week the shopkeeper just took his wife and said, "I wish I could live in the afterlife, just want to be with her again."

Everyone in the noisy town knows about it.

Da Lang and the family's son are old friends, so it is also clear.

When he heard this, Da Lang was also a little worried.

"There are several more. Da Lang, I'll talk about it in detail today. For example, manager Liu, he married a beautiful daughter-in-law, which he was determined to marry. Beautiful and charming. Everywhere you go, you'll get hot eyes. For this daughter-in-law, he didn't care much. Finally, the daughter-in-law knows nothing but to stick to people. Disrespectful to parents in law, suspicious of men. After the new marriage, she didn't stick to her very much. The woman said that the man had a woman outside. If you have nothing to worry about, you can't do business in the noisy family.

After a period of time, the couple's family fell apart. What happened to the daughter-in-law? They clapped their butts and ran away with other men. Those who left the shopkeeper are only short-term workers to earn money.

There is also manager Luo's beautiful daughter-in-law, who was also married at the beginning. Later, because the daughter-in-law's family was very noisy, she was angry and died. After the event, he married a woman who had no appearance but virtue. But now? If you look at other people's small days, it's a happy one. Filial sons and daughters, obedient mother-in-law, respect for him. He now says to everyone that it's good for you to marry a daughter-in-law who is virtuous and virtuous After a few years of doing business outside, I learned to flirt with others. If you go on like this, Da Lang, how can you spend your life? "

Dalang wants to explain, but Chen Ziming drinks too much and waves.

"Dalang, my father is tired. If you want to go to bed earlier, think about it yourself."

In the evening, after lingering with Hua for a while, Da Lang couldn't sleep. This night, he thought a lot.

But also a lot of memories.

Before, he was the eldest in the family, and his brothers respected him.

However, the girl is also optimistic about him, and smiling.

Mom and Dad, although the mouth said he was not, in fact, looking at his eyes, is also full of expectation and pride.


Think about now, since he had Hua Shi, his life, his life, seems to have changed because of the appearance of this woman.

The business is not good any more. In fact, if you think about it now, it is not bad for him to do business. But when doing business, this woman came to look for things every now and then.

I will accompany her and pester him to do this and that.

Once in a while, let her help you look at the shop, and she will recruit some people to make butterfly angry

The serious woman looked at the woman and she turned around and left.

Sometimes he is talking business with his wife, and she thinks he will be seduced Come forward and interrupt, or pester him to close the door. Can we do a good job in this business?

Once and twice, customers don't come back.

After a careful review, Da Lang thought that it was true that in this business field, a woman's family's obsession with you can really damage people.

More often, they are greedy for the wonderful taste of their bodies. They are always late, even when they say something, they are also late several times.

In this way, in terms of credibility, it will give people a bad impression. Many times, it has become that situation.

Realizing this, Dalang sighed again that it is really about your future to marry a good daughter-in-law.

As for Chen nianran!

Thinking of the ran girl who used to encourage her expectation, Da Lang is ashamed.

She is the most innocent victim of her marriage.

Just because he once praised her in front of Hua Shi several times before, the mother-in-law doubted in her heart. Leng said that he and Chen nianran had such personal feelings.

The Hua family in the back thinks carefully of Chen nianran's jealousy.

Obviously, it's normal for cousins to communicate with each other, and Leng will be said to be like that. Thinking like this, Da Lang's heart is more and more restless.

He suddenly woke up Hua Shi, who was suffering from pain and woke up from his dream. Looking at the ferocious stare at his big Lang, she scratched him and beckoned him to release himself.

"Remember, from now on, if you dare to disrespect my family again, I will give up you, and maybe even kill you as a jealous woman. You can't do it again. For the sake of your pregnancy, I can only marry you as a concubine. "

After announcing all this, Da Lang released his hand.

Hua Shi, who was frightened, has never been so insulted.

Listening to the sound of even breath from the pillow, she was even more annoyed with Chen nianran. She thought that all this was due to Chen nianran and Chen Ziming. In her opinion, Dalang was only oppressed by them.

Chen nianran's courtyard.

Congxiang hugs the child with the black mark on his face.

"Look, this little guy is smiling at me. Haha, it's lovely. It's only half a month since he's so small. How can he smile at me?"

Optimistic about music, Chen nianran also laughs to tease her.

"You really have a predestination with this child. Don't you always want my family to roll rolls? Why don't you take this child down and take a change? You will be together with my two children in the future."

"Defecate!" sweet and soft whisper.

Mrs. Chen on one side didn't hold back and burst out.

"Ah Chen nianran, you hateful guy, how dare you say that the child in my arms is shit. You, you, I don't need this name. I've decided to call it one by one. Isn't there a name called roll into a mess? My family is one of the important objects in this. Hee hee, roll up your family's roll and roll together. So one is the best name. "

Chen nianran was speechless and twisted into a mess, which is what this woman can think of.

Seeing that she really named the child, Chen nianran was surprised, "Hey, I said crazy, do you really want to take this child in? You are the last to marry this man. If you want to have a child, they only think that the child belongs to you. In this way, it will not be very good for you in the future. "

Mrs. Chen also admonished, "yes, Miss Xiang, this child should be adopted by our wife. What's the matter? You're also an unmarried man. If you really accept this child, you can't find a good family in the future. "

Congxiang shakes her head bitterly, and looks sadly at the one in her arms.

"My son, my mother will be with you in the future. Tell you, if you are not filial to my mother, I will not marry you. Let you, alone for a lifetime, cackle