The Farming Little Girl

C207: purchase of shops

Looking up, the loss on her face has disappeared, shrugging her shoulders indifferently. "Girl, do you think I will marry? Do you think that someone like me is willing to marry? I don't like to marry even if they want to. So, it's good to have a child to play with. "

One by one in my arms, my little hand gently scratched and scratched, and my big eyes looked curiously at everything in the world.

The small, tender, pink mouth gently spits out a bubble. Funny Congxiang chuckled and buried his head in his face.

"One by one, one by one, you will be the mother of one."

The child pulled by Qingsi is a little itchy. The child's little claws are waving and waving with great force. However, the madman's mother is addicted to scratching, and the two girls are just teasing each other. This scene, how a warm.

Chen nianran no longer advises.

Everyone has the right to choose their own life. Ning Xiang is willing to live like this, and she doesn't need to be strongly advised.

It's Xiaoliu. Looking at Xiaoliu sitting with dementia, Chen nianran's heart is very heavy.

Today, when Xiaoliu came, she also asked the doctor. Unfortunately, everyone said that it was Xiaoliu, because she closed her mind.

It would be a blessing if it could be opened one day. If it could not be opened, the child would spend every day in such a daze

Think of the past six days of small appearance, solicit the mouth of the guests sweet appearance.

Then looking at the face of the dumb and quiet child in front of him, Chen nianran's nose was sour.

Tears pattered down.

"Six children......"

She stretched out her hand to pull Liu Er, who first stared at her in horror.

Chen nianran quickly wiped away his tears. "Liu'er, I'm an elder sister. I'm an elder sister, your favorite and most dependent one. I'm waiting for you now. I'm not afraid. I'm an elder sister."

Maybe it's her voice, or maybe six children subconsciously think of her as the most reliable person.

After a panic, Liu Er didn't scream. Just stare at Chen nianran stupidly. A pair of big eyes without focus.

"Six son, come, let elder sister wash your face for you."

Wipe off tears, Chen nianran holds six children's hand.

Fortunately, the child can let her hold hands.

In this way, she felt very good.

Six obediently let her wash her face, and feed her snacks, gargle, this coax her to bed.

Before leaving, Liu still hung her and fingers.

"Six son, you are good, elder sister has been sleeping with you since today. I'll let the women take the rolls. "

Originally, Chen nianran tried to sleep with them in the evening. This is conducive to promoting the relationship between mother and son.

It's just a roll. It's a pain in her heart. The child looked at her and cried all the time.

For other people, it is not so exclusive.

Mei Sanniang is also working in the hospital in order to find out what is going on between honger and Juan juan'er. Unfortunately, up to now, no reason has been found.

Now that Liu is here, Chen nianran can only sleep with the frightened child. After all, she is now the dependence of Xiaoliu.

Xiaoliu no longer screams as he did at the beginning, but it also makes Chen nianran worried.

Because liu'er only sticks to her.

If she has something to do and doesn't come to eat, the child can't be fed. I have to wait for Chen nianran to come back and feed her myself.

The children should be in charge, the younger sister should take care of, and the business should be managed. This period of time Chen nianran, the blue pouch has not been eliminated.

Mother Chen Congxiang and other people look at it, but they can't help it. Who told her that there were so many things.

For this reason, Chen nianran's yearning for Zhou Aoxuan became more and more intense.

Three months later.

On this day, the Lord of the city got up early. After a monkey fight, he began to drink tea in the courtyard.

The lady of the city Lord also got up early to accompany him, and both of them had smiles of happy expectation on their faces.

"Master, we didn't make breakfast in the yard today. Otherwise, we'd better go to Xinjie for noodles. Oh, but I don't like the noodles. I don't like the food in the house. This girl has many ghost ideas. "

The Lord of the city listened and laughed.

"No, this kid, just a little brain. Alas, this woman is really a wise man. "

At last, the Lord sighed again.

Before, in his eyes, women and the like were suitable for staying in the backyard.

But after contacting Chen nianran for a while, he changed his mind.

In fact, a woman can hold half the sky. What Chen nianran said is true.

Look at the city now. After half a year's reconstruction, Whoever enters the gate will not be surprised to open his mouth.

Urban planning and construction are very standard, with wide streets and scattered houses.

More importantly, because the city is well planned and constructed.

There are more and more merchants, villagers and so on.

The most important thing for a city is the settlement of population.

In this era of war, the population of a city means how the city develops.

In the past, in order to attract foreign people to settle down and so on, the Lord of the city introduced good welfare treatment.

But all this has changed since the reconstruction of the old city.

Many people who saw business opportunities began to pile up here.

Those big families, some people with vision, also came to buy houses and shops.

His shop, if not after watching the market is too good deliberately retained some, I'm afraid, long ago snapped up.

With merchants, of course, they will attract more followers, as well as retinues and so on.

Many of the merchants' relatives, as well as servants, began to buy land around the city and settle down.

For a time, the city led the villages and towns to prosper, and all the customs began to prosper. In the past, because of the war, many villagers were afraid and worried. Now we see many people come to settle down and settle down one by one.

We have done a lot of work steadily.

As for those in neighboring countries, he also set up favorable business conditions.

To do the best of a city Lord's power, to seek their own interests, and to open a convenient door for them.

After all, between this person, between the country and the country, the fight comes and goes, and the fight comes and goes, is nothing more than the word "profiteering".

Now his series of regulations are good for the wind country, and these people will not harass.

In their current view, this kind of trade is conducive to the development of both sides, and can effectively target the two countries of China.

In this way, the two sides will have unprecedented tacit understanding and make every effort to develop the economy.

What's more exciting for the Lord of the city is that the success of the construction of the city has also led to the attention of the upper level of Fengguo. I don't know who sent it to Fengguo. It's said that the development plan of desert city here is good. Today, the royal family of Fengguo will come to inspect

Members of the royal family of Fengguo.

If the inspection is successful and they want to learn from it, then

The more you think about it, the more excited the Lord is. The gratitude to Chen nianran is more and more intense.

"Well, today we'll go to Chen nianran's pasta restaurant for breakfast. Ha ha, the girl's noodles are full of variety, and there are many patterns for breakfast. Once you eat them, you will think about the second time. "

"Well, to say the east side of the city, it used to be a cold place. However, after the girl moved her factories, workshops and shops, the situation changed completely. "

The Lord of the city also nodded. "

this girl, she has a crooked talent. Madame, if we could have such a girl, how nice it would be. "

The lady of the city Lord is also bored.

The pain in her heart was the daughter she had lost.

"Well, forget it. Anyway, I treat this girl as my own daughter. Let's go, let's go and have a look. "

Said the couple of the city Lord, and they went with them to the east of the city.

Before, the most prosperous place in the city should be the south of the city. There are many rich people here.

But since the new urban planning, the bustling area of the city has changed a little.

Because Chen nianran developed in the east of the city, and moved his own workshops, factories and so on to this place, and also opened a lot of shops, because there are many styles and patterns, many people would rather walk a little more to the east of the city than to the West.

In this way, slowly, this once desolate land in the east of the city is actually flourishing day by day.

The couple of the city Lord did not take a carriage. They just walked to the east of the city with several attendants like ordinary merchants.

"It's quite reasonable for me to say that. As we are old, we need to exercise more. If we can get out of the door without taking a car, we need to do more activities and work. There are too many advantages in our body. I used to have a pain in my waist and neck. I've been doing a lot of hard work since then. Ha ha... You say, does this girl have magic? She can get better at anything. "

Chen nianran, the lady of the city Lord, now likes to mention the most.

The most convincing, of course, is her.

"Madam, it's really right to exercise. Look at me. I work every day and manage so many complicated things. I'm still full of energy. Oh, but that girl, that's good. "

"If you say so, I want to take that girl as my daughter."

At this point, the Lord frowned.

Although Chen nianran is a good man, he is only a merchant after all.

If they are related to other people like them, and they recognize the identity of being daughters, and later spread it out, he is afraid that it is not good.

However, he thought about the planning of the city and the future development. Chen nianran will make a lot of contributions.

Perhaps, it is also a good way to consider Chen Nianran as a righteous daughter.

Especially when people from neighboring countries come to visit and inspect, if they want to ask for scriptures from themselves, they must submit documents to the emperor.