The Farming Little Girl

C205: dare to hurt the person she cares most

Beside him was a carriage.

Her mind moved and she ran out.

Da Lang was also awakened by the sudden roar.

Turning around, I saw that it was my father's cold sweat when he arrived.

He trotted forward a few steps. "Dad When you come, why don't you bring a letter? "

Chen Ziming just stared at him and the Hua Shi on the ground. Just now, if he didn't hear me wrong, the woman said it. She was pregnant with his big Lang's child.

A kid who hasn't married yet, but has a woman outside, and has a baby

Chen Ziming's eyes were wide and his breath was not steady.

You know, the Chen family has been serious all their lives.

When will we do something like Chen Dalang.

"Say, what's the matter?"

Chen Ziming almost snorted out such words. His body was constantly vigorous and his face was twisted. It's not hard to see how angry he was at this time.

Chen nianran and Ningxiang also went up at this time. Chen nianran stood in front of them, "Uncle......"

Chen Ziming's jaw head, "but girl, I want to hear you say, what kind of bastard are good women talking about?"

Chen nianran sighed and looked at Da Lang, who looked ashamed. You'd better explain this to him.

She never wanted to be involved in this matter.

Da Lang looks around at more and more people, and knows that the family's ugliness cannot be publicized. He bowed his head. "Dad, who is in this car? Let's go home and say no?"

At this time, Hua Shi also got up and rolled to Chen Ziming's face, banging his head.

Then he raised his head to the ground, and there were several blood marks on his forehead.

"Dad, Dad, I'm expecting you. Dalang, Dalang is heartless. He knows that I am pregnant with the children of our old Chen family, and he has to drive me away because of some small things. Dad, you have to decide for your daughter-in-law. "

Chen Ziming made a move. He glared hard at Chen Dalang. He came to the desert. Who ever thought about it? His son made such a big deal.

At the end of their marriage, they colluded with other women and became pregnant This matter


Chen Ziming glared at Da Lang fiercely and stretched out his hand to help the woman. Then he thought that he was her father-in-law. Why also have to avoid disrespect, can't body contact ah.

He snorted coldly, "it's cold. Get up. My own son is the most clear person. I won't drive you away because of some small things. If you are really reasonable, my big Lang would like to come to you. It's not fair. Let's talk about it in the room. "

Chen nianran nods to himself secretly. He is really experienced.

Although I only live in a small town, I also know that some things have to be told when they are outside.

Today, the Hua family is talking about things outside. Even if someone would say that she and Dalang are upright people, they would be listened to by interested people. In this way, Yu Dalang and her future reputation will not be very good.

At this time, Chen Ziming pointed out at the first time that his son would not be an angry person, but was pointing out that it must be your mistake in Hua family.

In three or two sentences, he got rid of Dalang's mistake. He was obviously standing by his son's side.

Da Lang hurriedly greets Chen Ziming and leads him home.

The woman followed suit. It's rare that she doesn't make much noise now. It seems that she is also very clear that she will be driven away by Dalang if she continues to make trouble today. The reason is that the woman has been thinking all the way about how to control Dalang

As for Chen nianran, she stared at the car. Somehow, when she saw the carriage, she felt a sense of palpitation.

Congxiang also stared at the carriage. They have been here for a long time. Why hasn't the carriage been moving?

Normally, the people in the car should come down.

Looking back, Chen Ziming saw that everyone's eyes were on the curtain of the carriage, and he sighed first when he did not lift the curtain.


This sigh, straight sigh of Chen nianran's heart pumping. Bite the lip, go to the front and lift the curtain with trembling.

The light came into the curtain, half dark and half bright.

In the corner sat a child of about ten.

But she seemed too quiet to sit. Next to her sat a woman with a baby in her arms.

Seeing the curtain lifted, the woman forced a smile at the crowd with embarrassment.

"East Host...... "

From the point of dress, this is a country woman. I think it's Chen Ziming who came here temporarily.

Chen nianran's vision, has been staying in the body of the sixth child.

She gave a surprise first. "Six."

However, Xiaomen ignores her and stares at the front like this. There is no joy of meeting her sisters. Some are just numb

Looking at this situation, Congxiang felt a click.

It's broken. It seems that something happened to the little girl.

She glared hard at Chen Ziming. "What's the matter?"

Chen nianran's eyes were wet. She reached out to Xiao Liu. "Liuer, I'm my sister. I am... Your four sisters... "

However, Liu still ignores her. When her hand touches her, Liu screams in fear.

"Go away, go away, don't touch me, don't, you all go away..."

She screamed in horror, holding her head in her hands and shouting. Small body, but also shaking.

Chen nianran's hands are frozen in the air.

She also turned back and looked at Chen Ziming silently.

The latter hung his head. "Let's get Liu down first, and let's go."

When the woman heard about it, she came down with her baby in her arms.

Congxiang comes over and looks at the black fingerprint on the child's face. He is scared on the spot.

"Oh, mother, the birthmark of this child is too scary. This looks like a ghost. "

Chen nianran is just taut, following Xiao Liu closely. At this time, she doesn't care who the child is.

When he got to the house, Chen Ziming said it all.

"Ho, little six I have to start with your mother. "

Chen nianran's eyes burst into fire.

It seems that once ningdalan is involved, there will be no good things.

"It's like this..." Chen Ziming said something about Ning Dalan's son and the sixth generation. They were very angry.

Especially congealing incense, which makes a cold hum on the spot.

"I poof, is such a woman a mother in law? Ah, my son is a treasure. If I want to save my son, I don't know how to save my daughter. My daughter is so scared now. She's good enough to pat her ass and leave. Such a mother, what else do you think she does? "

Chen nianran's expression doesn't show much emotion. However, from her clenched fist, we can see how hateful she is at this time.

After calming down for a long time, she asked in a cold voice.

"Where is the woman now?"

Dare to hurt her most care about people, even their own mother-in-law, she will not let go.

Chen Ziming sighed again.

"Ah, at that time, her mother was also injured by the knife. When I left, she was still lying on the bed. The fields at home, and other things, have also been pawned. Because there is a small part of property, so Huang De'an and his wife are still in the village. "

After finishing Xiaoliu, Ningxiang pointed to the child again, "what about the child? Whose family is this? "

"The child..." Chen Ziming took a hard look. At last, Chen nianran was greeted to one side.

"That child belongs to Mrs. Zhou's family. Born to say is unlucky people. It's a ghost child. It's printed by ghost, so The Zhou family wanted to throw the child away. I look at the poor child If you don't have a hard heart, just... "

Speaking of this, he lowered his head in shame.

Chen nianran looks at the child numbly. In fact, in addition to the black fingerprint on his face, the child's facial features are very good-looking.

She knew that the man's heart was not bad, and that he could not see death. Especially such a small baby can't be cruel.

It's to be asked by others. If you want to come, you will be moved.

She nodded coldly, "nothing, just one more child. From now on, Liu and the child are all here. You stay here for a few days. "

After a simple arrangement, Chen nianran left Dalang's home.

When Chen nianran and others left, Chen Ziming began to ask the two men kneeling on the ground.

"This woman, where did you find it?"

It's just picking it up. Hua's body quivers with fear. It seems that the situation is not good for her.

With tears in her eyes, she looked up at Chen Ziming pitifully. "Dad, Dalang and I are in the same mood. I am still pregnant with the children of the old Chen family. "

When it comes to children, Chen Ziming can't smoke anymore.

He stared straight at Hua's stomach, where there were the bones and flesh of their Chen family. Looking at the kneeling weak woman, the sad expression, he frowned.

"Darron, you and this woman are together at last, and the children are there. To speak of it, we old Chen family, also do not want to marry without first concubines. But now, for the sake that she is pregnant with the bones and flesh of our old Chen family, I can't say that I can't help but accept her first! "

Once I heard that I had taken myself as a concubine, Hua would not do it.

She sobbed. "Dad, I used to be a serious daughter. Why did you make me a concubine of Dalang? I, I don't want to live Woo... "

She sobbed and struggled to get up, a gesture of hitting the wall.

Chen Ziming gave a cold hum.

"You came when I was. You don't know anything? I can tell you, I came when you were making trouble. I heard a lot about you. You're crazy. You really think you're a dish. It's enough to splash dirt on my son's face and blood on ran wench's body. I'm angry at you, bitch. If you were not pregnant with my son, I would have driven you out. Bah, what kind of play, a widow, still want to be the eldest daughter-in-law of my old Chen family, and don't see what she is! "