The Farming Little Girl

215: captivity

"Madam, I'm offended. Who told you to offend my little master?"

Before I go to sleep, I only hear such a sound.

When you open your eyes again, you are awakened by a bucket of ice water.

Looking at the little devil who is smiling like an angel in front of him, Chen nianran has a bitter heart.

No one should offend the villain as they say. Look, this little man can't really offend.

"Hey, this time, I see how you are, how are you? Are you afraid?"

Sima Qianli's smile is a warm one, with a mouth full of white wood teeth, which is quite harmless. But Chen nianran knows that this kind of seemingly harmless bad boy, once he starts to do bad things, is only afraid that it will go bad into his bones.

She shook the water off her head quietly. "Oh, ice dregs, oh, this is a good thing. I think of eating ice cream."

The smiling eighteenth Prince blinked, "ice cream?"

This name is so beautiful. I don't know what kind of food it is. I think it will be a delicious existence.

For a while, the little guy got tangled. Is he going to torture the woman or let her do this for himself What kind of ice cream is it?

Eating is the most fun in Sima Qian's life. Don't worry about it. In the first time, the idea of eating still prevails. However, it's impossible for him to compromise like this in his 18th year.

So, the little fart kid raised his chin, which was the geological question of the Lord.

"What the hell is ice cream?"

"Oh, ice cream?" Chen nianran hides the smile in his eyes. You little devil, dare to fight with me, I will tempt you with what I eat first, and then subdue you.

"Ice cream is a very delicious thing I invented. Is to use ice, and other things, and then ice out, eat up, sweet, and cold tight. A lot of people can't forget this kind of thing after eating it. Oh, no, I want to eat now. "

She licked her mouth intoxicated and said that ice cream was the best food in the world.

In this way, Sima Qianli could not resist.

He blinked and twisted his fingers. "Well, maybe you can do it again for me. Hum, I don't believe what you can do! "

To this point, the little guy still has a dead duck's hard spoken attitude. Chen nianran doesn't break it, just nods sincerely.

Her whole body was untied and she sneezed again.

"Aww, aww..."

"I said, your highness, are you looking for a suit for me to wear? Otherwise, I'm not clear-minded. The ice cream made in a moment will definitely be discounted. You don't have to blame me, your royal highness, for your bad cooking. "

That's what Sima Qianli said. Quickly impatiently waved, "come, find a clean suit for this woman. Hurry up."

I felt that I was too impatient.

He added, "well, I'm just looking at your woman's cold panic. I'm in a good mood. I pity you."

Chen nianran is speechless. You are eager to eat ice cream. Stinky boy, I will clean you up later.

The weather is still a little hot. Sima Qian is thinking about Chen nianran's eating of ice cream. It's even hotter.

He walked up and down impatiently. "You say, why hasn't this woman come out yet?"

In fact, their children in the Imperial Palace have never eaten ice. In summer, this kind of freezing point is their favorite.

However, many people just put ice in water to cool down, and occasionally drink it in tea.

Besides, I really didn't think about how to do it.

After Chen nianran changed his clothes, he came out of Sima Qian's house and stared, "hurry to make the food. I don't believe you can make the ice into delicious food. Hum, it's not delicious. You know the consequences. "

Look at this kid's arrogance, Chen nianran is not upset.

She smiled out the materials she needed. Finally, there is a rule, "Your Highness, I'm a man of food. I don't want someone to stand by me. So I'd better make these things by myself."

Originally, Sima Qianli wanted to find someone to learn from. But listen to her to say like this, also have no good intention again cheekily let a person go.

But, to complete her like this, the boy is still upset.

"There are so many things for you, woman. It's hard not to be afraid of what you do to learn from me? Pooh, I don't look at my virtue. Can I learn it secretly? Hurry up and do it. Come and prepare these materials. If you can't find them, don't come to see me. "

A San looked at the menu in a hurry. Fortunately, it's just some common things, such as eggs, milk and fruit ice.

In the middle of the night, at a dairy farmer's house, a man came down in the middle of the night, throwing down a ingot of silver to milk.

The frightened man squeezed a large basin of milk, then hugged the ingot of silver, stupefied to think that he was dreaming. Of course, in this night's city, such a thing of asking for food and materials is constantly staged

Sima Qian was walking around outside the house. A San was worried when he saw that the master was still sleepy.

Alas, this little master is good at everything, but he can't control his food. As soon as I heard that there was something delicious, I wanted to eat it.

Now listening to a thing called ice cream, the little master actually doesn't sleep.

So is the woman. She has been in the dining hall for half a year, but she still hasn't come out. If there were not a voice in it, he would have doubted whether the woman had escaped.

In fact, it's ancient. If it's modern, Chen nianran doesn't have so much trouble making ice cream.

At least, there are refrigerators in modern times. But here, there's only ice.

When she made ice, the process was more complicated.

Cream is also available in modern times, but here, you have to make it yourself.

In other words, Chen nianran has never made such a complicated ice cream since he came here.

Also think of Zhou Aoxuan after coming out, and children together to do to eat. Now it's cheap Sima Qianli.

Looking at the delicious ice cream finally finished, Chen nianran's saliva flowed out Just smelling the cool sweetness.

I scraped with my fingers and tasted a little. Eh, the taste is almost the same as the modern one. The key is that the materials here are natural and pollution-free products. In modern times, all materials like this are pollution-free, but very few.

"Stinky woman, why not? I don't think we can make it. I don't care. You can't do it today. I have to punish you severely. "

With a bang, the patience of the eighteenth prince finally came to an end.

Looking at the angry Sima Qian, Chen nianran turns around and holds the delicious watermelon ice cream fresh out of the oven.

The so-called watermelon ice cream is actually made by squeezing the watermelon into juice and then making it with cream.

This cool sweet smell conquered Sima Qianli and a San and others when they opened the door. Just smelling the smell, I feel refreshed.

"This is ice cream!" Sima Qian didn't care about pretending to be a big man any more. He rushed forward and ate the ice cream with him.

"Oh, your highness, I can advise you that although it's delicious, it can't be greedy."

It's a pity that Sima Qian, who ate snoring, didn't care to listen at all. His eyes at this time, only this delicious ice cream.

But how to eat such a Tuo?

I want to ask Chen nianran, but I'm afraid that this disgusting woman will not laugh at her eating. So, he thought it was very natural to bite

Waiting for Chen nianran to look at his embarrassment, he quickly handed another small plate of ice cream to A-San.

"The third bodyguard is right. Come on, how much I have done? You can taste it."

A 3 is smelling this smell of slander. As soon as I hear that I have something to eat, I'll take it gratefully and taste it.

Put the rest of the plate into the dessert plate, Chen nianran gets up and walks out.

Originally, this dish was prepared for eating on the road. But when I passed Sima Qian'an yard, I saw his light was still on.

"It's so late that the eighth Prince hasn't even slept. It seems that he is willing to work hard. It's better to give this dish to him. It's more convenient for me to have him. In this way, Chen nianran turned to Sima Qian'an's room.

A DA, who is waiting outside, sees her coming and knocks on the door to report.

"What, Chen nianran is here. Please come in quickly."

Once I heard that madam Zhou, Sima Qian'an was very excited.

When he saw her coming in with a tray of delicious snacks smiling, he quickly got up, "so late, Mrs. Zhou still gave me food, which really made me feel guilty."

Then he looked at her with burning eyes. Looking forward to her shy side.

However, Chen nianran just smiled mischievously and returned helplessly.

"Well, actually, I don't want to disturb you so late. It's just that your little master is a disturbing master. I have to make food for him in the middle of the night. No, I made a plate of ice cream for him. There are just a few, young man, you can taste them. "

It turned out that he just brought it to him to eat. For a while, Sima Qian'an was a little gloomy.

Aware of this emotion, he quickly converged and took over the delicious snacks.

Just as he was about to take a big bite to his mouth, Chen nianran hurriedly stopped him.

"This is how you eat, young man."

She stretched out her tongue and used a licking action. How could she have thought that such an unintentional seduction action made Sima Qian'an's eyes deep. In the middle of the night, a beautiful woman made a seductive action

If it wasn't for concentration, he could not control it.

He tightened his legs and licked like her, which made his pores comfortable.


"Well, young master, please use it slowly. I'm afraid that my family is in a hurry and I'm going back. Farewell. "