The Farming Little Girl

C214: Delicious Prince

Chen nianran put his head, "young man, it's not as good as catching up. Just in time, today's little woman is the host. How about inviting the young man to eat our local food? I don't think you can eat these meals in the post house. "

Although I was curious about this woman and her husband, Sima Qian'an was also knowledgeable. Seeing her bright eyes and inexplicably warm heart, he slowed down his tone, "well, I don't know what kind of good things my wife will invite me to eat. Ma'am, I have to be ugly in front of you. I don't really think much about ordinary things. I have no other skills, but I'm a bit selective in eating. "

Chen nianran's smile was called a complacency. "Don't worry, young man. I'll treat you to a comfortable and satisfying meal today."

Seeing that she is so confident, Sima Qian'an also looks forward to it.

They moved forward slowly, and Chen nianran kept a little distance from him to show his respect.

Although the guest is polite, her back is straight and her face is even warmer. With her, there are endless topics.

It's a feeling you never had with a woman in general. More importantly, her smile made him feel inexplicable peace of mind, only that all the injuries were comforted in this smile

The VIP room of Haitian restaurant.

Sima Qian'an appreciated the room with incense, and his eyes were full of satisfaction.

The room was made of wood. There was a hollowed out table in the room. On the wall was a freehand painting of Qingshan, a poem inscribed on it, and a very strange painting that he had never seen before.

"This Looking at the big picture like a baby? How special! "

Chen nianran covered his mouth and giggled. "This painting was drawn by a good friend of mine in his spare time. Her painting skill is not bad. This kind of painting is also called abstract painting in our hometown. The character artistic conception and other abstract description come out, the style, from and now have different, is to look at also can feel novel

This painting is made by Congxiang. I didn't expect that it would be really popular after it was put out.

"Why, abstract painting, what is abstract?"

Sima Qian'an asked questions one by one curiously. Chen nianran, however, was also patient and explained the abstraction in a light way.

Just as it was, some servants brought up the food.

Looking at the plate of lettuce in front of him, Sima Qian'an frowned and looked at Chen nianran. "Madam, don't tell me, these are the most special dishes you have invited me to eat, and you can also be satisfied with them?"

Chen nianran smiled more happily, and made a gesture of "please take a seat, young man.". In a moment, the eighteenth prince will also be invited. "

Er, she also invited the junior 18. Somehow, Sima Qian'an felt that such a meal should not be disturbed by other people. He was not very comfortable. On this side, he was also gloomy.

Chen nianran seems to have not seen it. "This kind of thing is a kind of eating method called hotpot, which is compiled by a little woman according to what my husband usually said."

Just then someone came in with a pot of fire and a pot of red and white soup.

Looking at the red soup floating with a few green, as well as the various vegetables on the plate, Sima Qian was not too repelled.

"I know that you also like to eat chili, because the red soup I prepared has a strong spicy color. Young man, is it delicious or not? Would you like to try it first? "

She poured some dishes into the pot on both sides and pushed them to Sima Qian'an.

Holding chopsticks and staring at the rolling red soup pot, Sima Qian'an was still afraid. Although they also eat chili, can they eat such red soup?

See Chen nianran pick a chopstick of vegetables to eat, thinking that he is a man, how can't be compared by women. So Sima Qian'an put aside those worries and picked up the dishes. This one eats, the eye is bright.

The hot tripe is just right. It's refreshing to eat.

The beef can be eaten in the pot. It's so much better than the beef cooked in the pot for half a day.

Most importantly, the mood is better.

"Good, good, good. Unexpectedly, this dish can be eaten like this. Ha ha... Your husband, he is really a wonderful man. However, madam can put your husband's idea into practice in this reality. You two are a perfect match. "

"Thank you for your compliment." Chen nianran smiled gracefully. However, Sima Qian'an was a little distracted. This woman's smile is so comfortable. In particular, her bright eyes, but also let people look at the eyes. She is not the most beautiful, but her temperament, as well as the charm of her body, make you look at her and feel the beauty of the world, but so on. All beauty, in front of her, is not beautiful. Perhaps, the most beautiful place for a woman is her self-confidence from the heart, as well as the beauty of taking life easy

Just want to infatuate with it, outside the house came a loud cry.

"What's delicious? I can smell it all the way."

With a snap, the eighteenth prince appeared at the door.

Looking at the food at this big table, he was stunned at first and then sat down with great interest.

"Well, it's a strange way to eat."

Catch the chopsticks, and the little fellow picked up the food to eat.

"Wow, it's delicious, it's delicious. The more I eat, the more I want to eat. Who invented it? I will eat it later. "

Seeing him come in, he just ate, didn't say anything else, and didn't look at the things beside him. Chen nianran was sure. It turned out that this kid was a foodie.

Haha, as long as you like to eat, then I will have a way to cure you.

Such a thought, looking at the eyes of the eighteenth prince, is also meaningful.

Sima Qian'an stared at the little eighteen, but he was a little upset. He always felt that this kid should not come. I don't know what happened. He likes to get along with this little woman who laughs very warm.

At this time, he has not thought about whether this is right. He only knows that he is greedy for the warmth

"Why don't you eat it? Hurry to eat. Come on, brother, it's good. "

Chen nianran pretends that he didn't hear the voice of the 18th prince, but Sima Qian'an looks at her carefully.

Seeing her calm appearance, he was relieved. He didn't know what happened. He didn't want her to feel that he had concealed her identity. Always think, in front of her, should be open and aboveboard just good.

Three people eat very full, after dinner some points, fruit, also let the eighteenth prince like.

After eating a small plate of fruit, the boy stroked his round belly, "Oh, no, no, I haven't eaten so much food for a long time, I'm so tired."

One side of the escort, constantly stroking his stomach. "Sir, you can't eat less."

"No, it's delicious. I can't control my mouth. This place is delicious. I will come to eat it tomorrow. "

The eighteen princes did not ask for the opinions of their masters, and Sima Qian was ashamed of him.

He looked at Chen nianran awkwardly. "Madame, don't laugh. My young master is a bit greedy."

"Astringent, you are not the same. I just saw that you ate a lot. Brother, you are too tight. That, you, you drive here? "

The 18th Prince Ji Zhiqi makes Chen nianran, a young man's kicking virtue, look at Chen nianran's heart secretly holding a smile.

"Oh, the eighteenth Prince is asking me. My name is Chen nianran. You can call me Chen nianran or aunty. My children are almost one year old. "

The eighteenth Prince poohed, "Auntie, you deserve to be my auntie. Say, did you drive here? "

Chen nianran took a sip of tea and said, "well, here It's not driven by a little woman. It's from my good friend. Let's say you can come to dinner tomorrow. It's a pity that we have to be late. "

The eighteenth Prince stared, "what, later? I have to eat when I arrive. I don't want to open this shop. "

Sima Qian'an knows that Chen nianran is holding the little eighteen. This little eighteen is a bit out of place. In other countries, he is the same as a man. This time, he will not help him.

"Well, can this shop be opened? I don't know. However, as far as I know, there were people in that area of the capital who made trouble, and the shop opened in the same way. It is said that the backstage of the shopkeeper is not generally hard. Alas, maybe it's someone in the imperial palace. It's a good name. It's said that it's owned by the wife of a prince in the capital. Of course, it's only heard. Specifically, I'm not clear about it. "

However, she is said to have brought down the eighteenth prince.

Although he is young, but the palace's affairs are generally clear.

Their small country, like the great Ruo Dynasty, is a little worse.

"Hum, later Then later. "

Angrily, the eighteenth Prince refused to leave.

He's so big, he hasn't eaten shriveled yet. I have to make an appointment to have a meal today. The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel.

"Come on."

As soon as the waiting bodyguard heard this, he hurriedly walked in tensely.


"Hum, what do I think? I don't think what that woman said tonight is very exciting. You, go and get her for me. I will torture her tonight. As it happens, I have too much to eat today. I need to eat. "

With that, he had a perfect jade smile on his face. The bodyguard looked at his smile, and his heart and liver trembled with fear.

It seems that the beautiful woman today is only afraid to suffer some torture.

It's easy for the 18th prince to plunder a woman like Chen nianran who has no Kung Fu.

Chen nianran, who was just taking care of the two children and sleeping down, was about to do something else. When his mind sank, his body was lifted.