The Farming Little Girl

C216: the magic barrier

The family didn't know about her abduction. If she didn't go back at this time, it would really worry the family.

"I'll see you off."

"No, young master sent me back so late. I don't know. What do you think I have to do with you. The little woman dare not have anything to do with the young man. "

Chen nianran laughed and joked, but it was also a show of her attitude. She's the kind of person who doesn't mess around.

In this way, Sima Qian'an felt embarrassed. All of a sudden, he felt that his thoughts seemed a little wrong.

"ADA, protect my wife from going back to the mansion."

If you can't send it clearly, cicadas are sending it.

Chen nianran didn't refuse any more. In the middle of the night, in case of meeting no three or four people, she is a woman and a family, which is really not easy to deal with.

When the man left and ate the ice cream in his hand, Sima Qian'an thought it tasteless.

I just think that the man is in front of me, eating everything is more delicious.

"Sima Qian'an, what's the matter with you? Just because of her warm smile, are you so greedy? No, you are the son of the emperor who is entrusted by his father. How can you save only some soft ideas for a woman's family? "

When he realized that his thoughts were wrong, Sima Qian was shocked.

He has seen countless beauties in the past few years, but he has never been so emotional because of a person's behavior.

Aware of Chen nianran's danger, he secretly determined to stay away from the dangerous woman.

However, once some things have been opened, do you still have an arrow to turn around!

As Chen nianran guessed, Congxiang and others are anxiously looking for her at this time.

Seeing her return, hong'er is stunned at first, even if she hangs her head to cover up the loss in her eyes.

"Little grandma, if you don't come back, all the people in our house will have to report to the officials."

She ran up and asked with concern.

Mrs. Liu also came up and asked, "Oh, my little grandma, what are you going to do in the future? You should join us. It will frighten people to death to play missing in the middle of the night

Chen nianran smiled and waved his hand. "I have nothing to do with it. Let's go. Congxiang, come to my room. "

Entering the room, Congxiang stares at her and sneers. "Who did it? I don't believe a woman who has become a mother will run out for a hairdryer in the middle of the night. "

For fear that her family would be worried, Chen nianran lied that she had gone for a walk outside when she came back.

Knowing that Ning Xiang won't believe it is to call her into the house.

"Oh, no, normal people don't go to the hairdryer at midnight. I was kidnapped by the eighteenth Prince and came back with a meal of ice cream. "

Congxiang opens his mouth, and immediately laughs.

"It turns out that I went to wait on the eighteen. Tut Tut, I can imagine that you are being teased by a little devil. "

When she laughs enough, Chen nianran asks back without hesitation. "Why don't you think I'm playing a trick on him at last?"

"It's impossible. They are the eighteenth prince. What is a man? Zhou Fu's little grandma has not been recognized. Eh, no, where does this confident look come from? If you have any ideas, there is still a way. "

For this woman, Ningxiang is still understanding. Thinking about what she did, she suddenly believed that the last loser was probably the eighteenth prince.

"Congxiang, my safety is very important now. I have such a master in my hand. Please find two for me. Well, if I hang up, what do you think we can do? If I hang up, what can we do with our business. Wu, if I hang up, where will you earn your pension in the future. How can you live without me? "

Congxiang's face is black. This woman is clearly begging for herself. How can I say that she can't do without her.

I really want to ignore her. Chen nianran added another sentence. "Congxiang, I solemnly charge you something. If I hang up, you will have to raise some baby milk for me. What's more, you have to provide and cure my little six sister. Poor boy... "

When it comes to the end, Chen nianran's tone is dim.

Little six sister's illness is really one of her heart ailments. The child has been able to eat since she came. At other times, I would sit in the room uneasily.

So is Ning Dalan. How can we treat our children like this. Thinking of this, she was very uncomfortable as a sister.

"Come on, come on, who is willing to take over the trouble of your stall. Just in time, I have two masters around me. I can give them to you. From now on, you will follow this little grandma. "

"It's the master."

In the dark, there are two powerful answers. Chen nianran looks up in surprise. "Ouch, Congxiang, when do you have such a master around you. Tut Tut, I can't believe it's concealed so tightly. Ah, you are really a master. It's scary to be naked. "

She stood up and yawned. "I'm so sleepy. I don't have many such experts. It's not the same...... "

At this point, Congxiang waved.

"Forget it, don't mention it. You have to get the goods and the machines and things right. I'm going to the capital these days. You, such a person is not a thing. I think it's business to rescue your man quickly. "

"I see. You go to the capital first. I'll come back later."

Congxiang goes to the capital city first, to have a look. There are other things. As for the back, Chen nianran will find the opportunity to enter the palace or meet the person directly.

"Well, I have to. Although it is said that they will go to Beijing recently. But I still want to see the effect of this city. I heard Someone came down to check it. Then As long as the above know the credit of this city, even if you don't come out directly, you will do it. At that time, the city Lord was different to you, the adopted daughter. "

Now Chen nianran is the adopted daughter of the city Lord and his wife. However, this benefit has not yet reached the best level, so there is still an opportunity.

If the above person checks the benefits of his Lord, then she can get other benefits smoothly. By then, all the plans will be carried out smoothly.

Take a breath, think things are going well, and soon will be able to be with their men, Chen nianran's heart is also steadfast a lot.

This night, Chen nianran went to sleep with a dream.

In the same way, this night, Zhou Aoxuan was staring at the roof and staying in the middle of the night.

He thinks too much of his wife and children.

"Roll, you should grow up. I don't know if I can recognize my father? Tuan Tuan, you little boy, I don't know if you are still in your mother's arms. That's your Laozi's woman. Now it's good. You're taking advantage of it. "

Thinking of the boy greedily chewing his wife's milk, he felt blocked. This boy, a man of other women, is blessed to chew his woman's milk. Think about why it's so boring.

However, he was a little more balanced when he thought that curly rolls would chew his wife's milk.

"Other people's wives are in her arms. Well, that's all right."

Zhou Aoxuan shakes his head when he realizes that he is thinking nonsense. He has to find a way out. If he doesn't go out, people will die.

Just, how do you get out?

Really want to be with that woman?

Thinking of that woman, Zhou Aoxuan felt sick.

Zhou ruoyuan is the same as him.

"Roll, roll, roll..."

She smashed everything in the room. But the inner Qi still can't resist.

The thought of the shriveled food during this period upset her.

Mother Hua has been shrinking to one side, looking at the struggling young lady, with only pity in her eyes.

"Mammy, he didn't even look at me for such a long time. You said, what should I do? Do I still pretend to have no intention of meeting him? I can't stay, look at him, I will think of him. How nice he was to me at that time. "

Mother Hua's eyebrows are even tighter.

Miss, this is a magic block.

She gave a long sigh.

"Young lady, it's not the way for you to go on like this. Our business in the border desert city didn't go well either. Now, it's not going well for you. I'm afraid that they will be able to beg for it. Miss, you used to be such a smart person. If you were smart, how could you be reduced because of such things? "

Zhou ruoyuan grabbed his long hair painfully.

"Mammy, I want to, but when I see him, I want to be near him. Even if he gives me a smile, it's better than it is now. "

Mother Hua raised her eyebrows. "Well, in two days, the old slave will serve the young master that week and drink the medicine Gu we asked for, then he can contact you. At that time, regardless of his own life, he will certainly take care of his woman's life. "

"Gu Do you really ask for Gu? " Hearing this, Zhou ruoyuan is finally happy.

She looked at mother Hua expectantly.

Mother Hua stroked her long hair like her mother.

"Yes, for the sake of your happiness, miss, I left my old face and went to find my old sister who had fallen out. Now she is looking for someone to take Chen nianran's blood. I'll plant all three of you. You are the one who controls the female Gu. At that time, it's not entirely up to you, miss, to do everything. "

"Ha ha, mother Hua, I knew you were a man of ability. At that time, I was right. When I pulled you out of the sea of blood, you were a useful person. Mammy, if I can get Zhou Lang in Zhou ruoyuan's life, I will treat mammy as my mother-in-law. I'll take care of the rest of your life. "

Mother Hua smiled happily. They held hands and talked with each other on their knees. People who didn't know looked at them. They were born mothers and daughters.

"Mammy, the boy can't be nice to him. You'd better take him away. Alas. "