The Emperor Reigns Them All

Chapter 52: side by side

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The woman in the purple robe, called Song Jiao, a former guest of An Wang Li Xian, had no news after the battle of the Eight Gongshan.

The night sky is full of stars, and the sound of fierce battle on Niushou Mountain has not stopped.

The whirling waterfall is still flying down, and the bottomless clear pond is still splashing water. Li Zhi and Song Jiao are sitting side by side on the stone steps of the round altar, whose clothes are like butterflies and blue silk is slightly shaking like a jade face.

"When King An was pursuing Pang Xun, we were killing a master of Pang Xun\'s department on the battlefield. King An Xiu was a master, and when he went a hundred miles, we were chased to Bagong Mountain. Surrounded by experts, King An has fallen ... "

"After the battle of Bagong Mountain, everyone was discouraged and returned to the rivers and lakes. I first went to secluded in Zhongnan Mountain, and came to this Niushou Mountain a few days ago. The reason why I ran this trip was because I was in Zhongnan Mountain. I heard a secret of Daomen: Daomen holds a pool of Qinglian in Sanqingguan. Qinglian has not yet bloomed. There are thousands of luck. Daomen wants to use this pool of Qinglian to implant a fancy door. The hero who subverted the Tang Dynasty will help him improve his cultivation and luck. "

Song Jiao glanced at Li Yan, and his eyes were inexplicable. "The secret of this incident, and Qinglian has not yet grown up, so few people know about it. But in early March, Qinglian Lake, the pool behind us, suddenly The luck was leaked, and there was a sign of instability. This time the first Nangong suddenly came to Niushou Mountain.

Speaking of this, Song Jiao paused, "However, things are still weird. If Qin Tianjian really noticed this, and sent someone to Niushou Mountain, he should go straight to Qinglian Lake, but Nangong first still Fighting with people ... If the Qin Tianjian didn\'t notice this, Nangong\'s first three swords broke the mountain, and it seemed too aggressive. "

Song Jiao looked at Li Yan, and he was a little confused: "Daomen cultivated this pond of Qinglian for the purpose of subverting the Tang Dynasty. The man in need should be Jiangxiongxiong. You are now the prince of the dynasty. It stands to reason that Qinglian You absorb ... luck. "

Li Yan heard this, his heart moved slightly.

Think of Xu Qingfeng, who conceived this Qinglian lotus for Daomen in Sanqing view, in order to use it for the person who will be in the turmoil of the Tang Dynasty in the coming days. Li Ye and others were also brought in. He even wanted to attack Li Ye and increase the success of the matter. It was expected that he took Li Li up the mountain, but he led the wolf into the room. Instead, Li Li got the pool by chance. The power of Qinglian.

However, at that time, Xu Qingfeng could not predict that Qin Tianjian\'s Nangong would be killed suddenly, and he himself was seriously injured and was in critical condition. He failed to hold this pond Qinglian and was taken in by Li Xuan. He eventually lost his life and lost it. This pool of Qinglian.

However, what does it mean to be in luck?

Li Min asked Song Jiao: "Who was the one originally selected by the Daomen?"

"What\'s the name ... Surname Huang?" Song Jiao couldn\'t remember for a moment.

"Huang Chao?" Li Yan blurted out.

"Yes! It\'s called Huang Chao!" Song Jiao nodded, and immediately Nahan, "Do you know this man?"

Li Yan opened his mouth and said that it was really interesting. I even snatched Huang Chao\'s luck.

However, he could not explain the matter, and quickly shifted the topic: "It seems that I have heard this man ... Nangong first came to Niushou Mountain suddenly. If Qin Tianjian did not notice the abnormality of Niushou Mountain at all, he should No, after all, when he came, but it was said to \'clean up the portal\', maybe it was the power of Qin Tianjian, who looked at the sky at night, and found that Ziwei Star fell on Sanqingguan or something. There is rebellion ... "

"In addition, the first time Nangong came so soon may be Li Guanshu\'s stubbornness. After all, once Sanqingguan\'s rebellious name is established, at least his previous calculations and crimes may be covered up."

Song Jiao thought about it, and felt that Li Ye\'s words were not without reason.

Then she slammed Li\'s shoulder hard, and laughed like a man, and said, "No matter what, now you have absorbed Qinglian, this opportunity is cheap for you ... I originally still I do n’t know, you are also among these clan children. After all, you could n’t practice before ... Xu Qingfeng, the old thief, concealed this from me, and was mad at me! But it ’s no problem, anyway. You have been killed now ... "

The moonlight was sloping, and it was extremely hazy and deep under the water vapor of the waterfall. Song Jiao was a charming woman who could not see her specific age. She was sitting next to Li Zhi, her eyes were bright and deep, like the obsidian. The waterfall is generally sloping, and she is extremely beautiful in every way.

It is just that at this time, Li Kun has no time to appreciate this beauty.

He asked Song Jiao: "Aunt Song, what\'s the inside story of the Battle of Bagongshan, my father, was it because of being raped that he ended up with no bones?"

Song Jiao gathered her silk hair and said quietly, "Why do you ask?"

Li Min silently said: "I heard some rumors."

"Rumor?" Song Jiao first showed a slight sigh, then immediately revealed, "It seems that Dao Men\'s intentional dissemination has already made many people aware of it."

"Daomen?" Li Xun said in silence, and soon figured out that Damen\'s dissemination of Li Xian\'s conspiracy to die in the imperial court would cause many people to depart from the imperial court, which is in line with Daomen\'s intention to cause chaos in the world.

Song Jiao suddenly asked, "Do you believe those rumors?"

"Most of them are believers. If my father did not die in a conspiracy, his guests and relatives would not be dispersed." Li Yan said, "and only Aunt Song also said that after the battle of Badongshan, everyone was discouraged. Feeling cold, so retreating from the rivers and lakes-why is it \'disheartened\'? "

Song Jiao took a serious look at Li Yan, and sighed longly, "You are really different from when you were a kid. Yes, many of us at that time thought that King An died of the suspicion of the emperor, and Li Guanshu, Kang Chengxun and others on the front line, Is the executioner. "

"In previous years, King An\'s power was too great, because the military and political power were in his hands, and the relationship between the government was opened. The weight of the King\'s House even exceeded six, and once outweighed the three provinces.-Mo said the emperor was not willing, those three provinces Why would the chief of the six ministry be happy? "

"Pian An\'an is also a hardhearted man. He has only Jiangshanshe in his heart and cannot tolerate intrigue. He always said that the building would fall, and he was always waiting for it. He tried to help the society, but he couldn\'t stop the Tang Dynasty from going down. A false snake? "

"Over the years, King An has acted decisively, without fear of gossip, sometimes to punish corrupt officials, even at the expense of killing, which makes him look too strong, like a full authority ... the key Yes, King An ’s reputation is so good and his prestige is too heavy, so it is logical for the emperor to be jealous and his officials to be afraid. ”

Speaking of this, Song Jiao smiled bitterly, and his eyes turned cold: "We persuaded King An, but it was easy to break, Mu Xiu and Lin Feng would destroy it. However, King An had only national affairs in his heart. He was not ignorant of these reasons. He It was for the Tang Dynasty ’s Jiangshan Society. It really did n’t matter ... When Pang Xun was in chaos, the court originally had no intention of letting An An lead the troops to chaos. It was the generals who were too incompetent to be beaten by Pang Xun. Without going north, the emperor was forced to let King An come forward. "

"At that time, it wasn\'t just us. King An expected it. When we went back to Huainan, even if we could pacify Pang Xun, we wouldn\'t be able to return. But we are still lucky, I hope the emperor will not destroy the Great Wall and hope that the ministers will take the big picture. For the sake of ... we looked at the emperor and those ministers ... Everyone in the world said, An Wang Sheng She was dying, and she really did not make a mistake. "

For a moment, Li Min silently said, "In that situation, it is not surprising that everyone is frustrated."

Song Jiao looked at the clear lake under the waterfall, and after a while, he probably remembered some bad memories, and after a while it was hard: "An Wang is dead. Those of us who are trusted by An Wang know ourselves I wo n’t be left by the court, and I know that no one will speak for us, so I can only spill into the rivers and lakes. This is the case. In the past two years, the brothers have also died, and the disappearance is missing. Until now, there are few left. . "

Li Yan looked up at San Qingguan\'s direction and said slowly: "So Aunt Song and Daomen came together, and they probably supported Daomen\'s intention to subvert the dynasty, right?"

Song Jiao gritted his teeth: "In such a court, Zhongliang was killed, and **** was in power, and it has rotted to the roots. What else is necessary to survive?"

Li Xun said, "So Daomeng knew the secret of the Battle of Badgongshan, which was also told by Aunt Song?"

"Good," Song Jiao admitted frankly.

Li Yan was silent.

In the conversation just before, Song Jiao has always called Li Xian Wang An.

Now, Li Zhi is the An Wang of Tang, and Li Xian is the old An Wang.

This shows that Song Jiao\'s loyalty to Li Xian has penetrated into the bone marrow, and has shown great respect to him.

Li Yixin\'s sense of being is wrong.

He was the prince of the dynasty and will continue to walk under the dynasty\'s system.

Song Jiao, who came together with Dao Men, to some extent, has stood on the opposite side of him.

At least in the short term.

In the past two years, none of Li Xian\'s former guests, including Song Jiao, went to Chang\'an to find Li Yan.

They won\'t know that Li Yan is in a difficult situation.

Most likely, these people have always ignored Li Ye because he could not practice before.

Compared with the shining An Wang, the son of a man who ca n’t practice is too much.

Song Jiao and others are already discouraged, and if they do not look at Li Yan, they will not have the idea of ​​protecting their descendants—they are hard to protect themselves. Even if they have this idea, it is difficult to do so Taking the liberty to go to Chang\'an, I\'m afraid it will hurt Li Yan.

Li Huan didn\'t know which of these two psychology was the truth.

So he asked Song Jiao: "Aunt Song\'s next plan?"

Song Jiao asked, "What are your plans?"

Li Yan\'s eyes were firm: "Father\'s revenge must be reported first."

Song Jiao didn\'t hesitate: "I help you get revenge."

Li Yiyi: "Aunt Song is willing to follow me?"

Song Jiao flew Li Yan and said, "You little devil, if I don\'t follow you, how can you get to Niushou Mountain?"

Li Yan\'s heart warmed.

Song Jiao stood up and glanced at the top of the waterfall. There, the full moon was hanging silently, and Baichi Waterfall was tilted from the moon palace.

Then she looked at Li Yan, her eyes were like a knife, her red lips were like blood, and the purple robe was windless. Zeng Zengzeng\'s enemy camp was as flat as the ground, taking the enemy and taking the first level as a spear. Tonight, I also want to see if you, the new King An, can let me see you back then. "

At this moment, beauty is like a sword.

Li Yan stood up and looked up at the top of the waterfall. There, someone stood up against the wind, with a bright pillow on his back, holding a sharp weapon, and his clothes flying like a heavenly soldier, like a fairy.

The young An Wang still looked: "Dark blood on the battlefield, do not dare to disappoint the robes."