The Emperor Reigns Them All

Chapter 51: Win

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Seeing Li Guanshu\'s expression of anxiety, Li Jing\'an said, "The children of the royal family each have their own life-saving weapon and amulet. The first three swords of Nangong break the mountain. They do have the power to destroy the world, but they are not smashing and killing. Duan\'s monk went, but everyone who was n’t too bad luck should have no trouble. "

Li Guanshu\'s voice was low: "Anyway, you must find Li Yan-if he really died under the first sword of Nangong, it would be easy."

Li Jingan chuckled: "After all, Guo Gong and King An are just a dispute over interests, why are they so endless?"

Li Guanshu sneered coldly: "If it wasn\'t for Li Yan\'s uncle\'s trouble in Luoping Village, how could the situation be like this now? This tolerance would have to be planted in his hands!"

Li Jingan did not answer this.

As soon as Li Guanshu shook his sleeves, he said to Li Jingan: "Except for Li Zhi, the father has no feud with other people. Li Zhi is definitely going to die with him, but other people do not have to. You haven\'t suffered any life-threatening damages-as for the other losses, this is what the public pays you. "

Li Jingan smiled: "As long as the Grandpa can afford a good price, we must seal our mouths so that we don\'t shake the Grandpa and Sanqingguan out. In fact, it is not difficult. I will also convince the Grandpa in the future. The other clan children ... is it just the master of the Jun county? "

Li Guanshu said coldly: "The Lord of Jun County and Li Yan did have a great friendship, but the Lord of Jun County was not alone, and it didn\'t matter if my father could not explain to her. He could communicate with Wu Hongshan."

Li Jingan nodded: "This way, as long as Li Zhi is resolved."

Li Guanshu glanced at Li Jing\'an. "If Li Yuan died in this Niushou Mountain, the first place in the assessment this time is naturally your possession."

Li Jing\'an laughed: "It\'s a pleasure to work with the Grand Duke each time. Of course, the cooperation will be happy. After Li Yi\'s death, he will naturally help the Grand Duke and negotiate with other clan children."

Li Guanshu nodded: "Now the clan children are hostile to my father, and my father can\'t talk to them. Of course, it is better to have a son-if this is done, my father will not lose his son\'s benefits."

Li Jing\'an said: "Guo Gong is the right arm of Wei Gong, who can associate with Guo Gong, and he ca n’t ask for it in the following ... In that case, it is the most important thing to find King An and kill him first.

Li Guanshu said: "Niushoushan is completely out of order now, and Li Zhi\'s nagging doesn\'t know where to hide. You and I can look for it separately, and you can find it faster ... It was easy to kill him if he was found or if he was found. "


Before the waterfall, in the lotus pond, Li Minjing sat and vowed.

Beside him, there were three green lotuses with buds.

As Li Zhi entered the state, the dragon spirit on Dantian began to swim fast, and from time to time, the golden dragon formed a vortex on Dantian.

On the three green lotuses, attracted by the vortex formed by dragon air, strands of blue air flow along Li Zhi\'s nostril into his meridians.

Qinglian withered at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Instead, in the sea of ​​Li Zhiqi, three green lotuses gradually formed.

Dragon spirits round Qinglian.

The majestic aura and vitality glow in the sea of ​​energy.

Previously, Li Zhi only knew that this pond Qinglian was not an ordinary thing, and could cure Xu Qingfeng\'s injury, but the movement in the sea of ​​air made him realize that Qinglian\'s role was far more than just treating the injury. This pond, Qinglian, is conceived by the Tao, and contains luck!

Long Qi draws air fortune, if not, Long Qi will not move.

Li Yan has no spiritual roots and cannot absorb the heaven and earth aura. His practice relies on the dragon air to draw the energy of qi and turn the qi into his own cultivation power. Over the past few days, his cultivation has progressed rapidly, and the growth of cultivation has been for him. In terms of it, it seems very simple, but it is not.

In the case of human luck, he cannot gather the luck of those people unless he is truly loyal to him.

It is not a simple matter to ask people to be loyal to themselves. Even if they are commanders of tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, he can command their soldiers and horses, but they do not represent those soldiers and horses, they are truly loyal to him.

The soldiers\' loyalty is more the court authority, the identity of Jiedushi, or the power of allegiance, not the individual.

In addition, the 800-member princes at the palace only allowed Li Xun\'s cultivation to improve from the first level of qi training to the second level of qi training. The improvement of each subsequent level of training required more luck. Now Xiu is promoted quickly, but at the middle and high levels of training, how many people need to be loyal to promote Xiu to a realm?

How many people need to be loyal to build a foundation in the future, break life, and achieve real life? One hundred thousand, or one million?

Moreover, An Wang Wangyin and officials Yinyin all have the Great Tang National Movement, which can be used by Li Zhi, but there are also premise-if Li Zhi is justified and recognized by the court, that is, he has nothing else No need.

In comparison, Long Qi grabbing those illusory lucks is much more direct, such as the lucky luck in the Taoist text left by Yuan Tianzhang.

But such opportunities are too rare, and there is not much in the whole world. Where can Li Zhi be so easy to touch, and there is still a chance for Long Qi to capture?

These leave aside, and say the moment.

With the formation of three green lotuses in the Qihai, the originally exhausted Qihai was gradually filled with Reiki.

From time to time, the aura in the sea of ​​energy writhed and suddenly swung outwards.

The dragon spirit on Dantian seemed to make a loud dragon yin in the posture of raising the sky and howling!

With a click, the diaphragm was broken.

Suddenly, the unprecedented full of aura filled Li\'s whole body.

Li Huan was happy.

Four levels of qi training!

Leveraging the power of these three lotuses, Li Yan was successfully promoted to four levels of training!

This is more than that, the three green lotuses in the sea of ​​air, such as Mu Chunfeng, swaying, the buds are slightly raised, it seems to bloom!

Li Yan clearly felt that on these three green lotuses, there is still a sharp power that can be used by him!

"In the" Eastern Purple Qi "I practiced, there is a sword style like" Sword Qishenglian "" Step by Step Shenglian ", and the lotus will bloom. These three green lotuses are faintly matched with this. That is to say, I will use these sword styles in the future, and the power will be much greater! I do n’t know how much it will be, but this requires actual combat verification. "

Li Yan could not help but have another secret joy.

He opened his eyes.

The first thing I saw was a dead body lying in front of me.

Seeing the corpse, Li Wei looked at it slightly.

This man turned out to be Fang Yan who accepted them to Sanqingguan.

Fang Yan died in front of himself, of course Li Wei was strange.

What made him even stranger was a woman standing three steps away.

A woman in a purple robe, with an eyebrow like a dai, a figure of grace, and a very mature and enchanting woman.

Li Ye didn\'t know the purple robe woman, and she didn\'t know that the purple robe woman had a conversation with Xu Qingfeng under the gazebo somewhere in Niushou Mountain.

Li Ye found that the woman in the purple robe was looking at him. Dan Fengyan was looking forward, and her expression was full of meaning, as if looking at a rare treasure.

This is not a woman with a glamorous appearance, but her face is not like Shangguan Qingcheng, but her skin is watery, her skin is red, she looks like a ripe peach, and she has a charming air all over her, even if she just stands still At the same time, there is also a charm that attracts mature men to rise to impulse to commit crime.

Especially the pair of Danfeng eyes, the corners of the eyes seem to linger on the spring, even if they do not speak, it is enough to move people.

"You\'re lucky." Seeing Li Yan opening her eyes, the purple robe woman\'s red lips slightly opened, her temperament was charming, but her voice was clear like a lark.

"It seems that I am lucky, half thanks to the Lord." Li Min glanced at Fang Ling\'s body, stood up, and bowed to the woman in purple robe, "Thank you."

Fang Yan appeared in the Lotus Pond, and of course he would kill him when he saw Li Yan, but now Li Yan is okay, but Fang Yan is dead. Obviously he was killed.

"You are very courteous, not bad." The woman in the purple robe stood still, and accepted Li Li\'s gift freely.

Li Min frowned slightly, as if the elder said, he could not help looking at the purple robe woman seriously.

It was okay if he didn\'t take a serious look. With this serious look, he immediately found some weird places.

"Your Excellency\'s eyes are strange." Li Yan bluntly said.

"Other men will say that my eyes are beautiful." The woman in the purple robe smiled sweetly.

"His eyes look at me like those men who say that your eyes are beautiful. They look no different from yours," Li said.

"Of course it is different." The woman in the purple robe smiled deeper. "They said that my eyes are beautiful, which means that they want to own these eyes-or someone who owns them, but I don\'t want to own you."

"Of course, your Excellency would not want to possess me." Li Yan took a deep breath, feeling that this statement was a bit weird, so he continued: "You won\'t even want to possess the three green lotuses that have entered my body."

There is no Qinglian in the lotus pond.

That Qinglian has already entered Li Zhi\'s body.

To be precise, it is the lotus breath that is absorbed by the dragon breath.

The woman in the purple robe giggled, put out her stalk-like white fingers, and clicked Li Li a bit, and said with a charming and enchanting tone: "Don\'t say that, I\'m not a good person."

Li Min sighed, and sighed heavily.

Then he looked at the purple robe woman\'s eyes and became very weird. Then he said something even more weird: "Aunt Song, do we have to talk like this?"

The woman in the purple robes froze slightly, those beautiful eyes that outperformed all the scenery in the world, widened slightly: "Did you recognize me?"

Li Yan reluctantly spread his hands: "Aunt Song is proficient in Yi Rong surgery and can change her face, but Aunt Song should know that anyone who has seen you will never forget your ... temperament."

The woman in the purple robe gave a sigh, then covered her lips and laughed cleverly. The eyes flowed with the waves, not surprisingly: "You little guy, when you saw Aunt Song last time, you were a child. At that time, did you What do you have for Aunt Song ... unspeakable? "

After speaking, she pretended to take a sip, "little ghost!"