The Emperor Reigns Them All

Chapter 53: Flute

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The full moon is like a plate, Qinghui straight down a hundred feet, standing on the waterfall, showing only a black silhouette, with long hair and clothes flying together, it is Xing Guogong Li Guanshu and Wei Tianhe.

Suddenly, seven or eight people appeared one after another, staring at the waterfall.

The mountain breeze was blowing, and the steam was steaming in the night, and Li Zhi stood up from the lotus pond.

He glanced up at the other place. The imperial dynasty patriarch, looking down at his six-story master of qi, was his slaying foe and a roadblocker on his way.

"You\'re running, why don\'t you run? Li Kun, you are quite able to run, but this tolerance can\'t find you. But Huang Tian is upset, I see where you are going this time!" Li Guanshu sneered and stretched his hands toward Li Min pointed, "Remove this kid\'s head to my father!"

Wei Tianhe pulls his sword out of his sheath, leaps high from the waterfall, jumps down on the cliff of Baiji, and holds the long knife high in the hands. When the person is in midair, he has cut out a sword length of three feet, white Pi Lian headed under Li Ho.

At the same time, seven or eight monks practicing qi jumped from the waterfall one by one and stepped on the rocks and trees on both sides.

The sword gas was cut off with great potential, Li Kun and Song Jiao dodged to the sides, the white horse hit the round altar, and a gully three feet deep was blasted. The white jade fence and floor tiles were broken in the sound of gas explosion. Cracked, flying around, the pool of water stirred up high, the water splashed like curtain.

"Li Zhi, you are dead today!" Wei Tianhe, who was lost in Luoping Village, looks fierce at this moment, and the splash of gravel and water has not fallen yet. He has already killed Li Li, and his sword is wielding several swords. Blocked the position where Li Zhi avoided.

Li Yan advanced with his sword, and Lu Gujian slashed again and again, hitting several sword qi, colliding with the sword qi, and in the sound of gas explosion, he raised a nimbus with one hand and burst through the fireworks explosion. Open the Aura Light Curtain, take the lead to take Wei Tianhe with a sword!

"Boy, you do n’t even run, it ’s really courageous! But with the third layer of Qi training, you are attacking the fifth layer of Qi training. You are a long-term suspect! Then I will let you know what strength the fifth layer of Qi training has. ! "

Wei Tianhe gave a smirk, and the long sword was chopped down. He clearly only slashed one knife, but the knife gas was one after the other, tilting as much as possible in a very short period of time, as if the waves beat the shore, one after another. Spectacular: "Tread the waves!"

After taking advantage of the lotus flower, Li Yan has recovered to a state of complete victory. At this moment, facing Wei Tianhe\'s full blow, he was in a hurry and communicated with the three green lotuses in the sea. For a while, he could not understand the path, but it was extremely sharp. The power of the lotus burst out from the sea of ​​Qi, flowing into the meridians and spreading to the sword body.

Feeling this powerful aura, Li Min sighed, "Jianqi gives birth to lotus!"

"Go to death!" Wei Tianhe yelled.

The swords faced each other, the lotus greeted the waves, and the aura was squeezed madly in an instant. Whether it was sword qi or dagger qi, they all tilted madly to the sides, all broken into powder. However, the reiki was too powerful and did not dissipate immediately, but shot like an arrow rain, hit the ground, exploded in succession, and flew countless dirt!

At the same time, the swords struck each other, the light was full, the lotus and the waves were all disillusioned, the gas explosion was crisp and loud, but it was as harsh as the sound of a golden stone. In a short moment, Li Zhi and Wei Tianhe had long hair like a waterfall. After flying straight, like a freeze.

Wei Tianhe was holding a winning ticket, with a cruel smile flashing in his eyes. As if he had already seen it, the scene where Li Kun was beheaded and slashed by flesh and blood, the third layer of Qi training and the fifth layer of Qi training, not only differed by two realms, It is also the difference between the middle and lower stages of Qi training. The strength is not on one level.

With a bang, the sword and sword were shaken at the same time.

Wei Tianhe\'s eyes changed abruptly, and his brutal pride was still hanging on his face, but his heart had stirred up a stormy sea, which made his features look extremely stiff. "How is this possible?"

The two tried hard to make a note. Wei Tianhe not only did not have a sword to cut the sword, but cut Li Li to the sword. Instead, he did not even get a little cheaper. The two men\'s fight was evenly divided!

Wei Tianhe ’s practice of "Treading the Waves" is famous for its fierce fertility. Even in Changan City, it is also a mid-stream practice. He exerted his best to deal with a monk who practiced three layers of Qi. This made him feel incredible!

The moment the swords shook back, Li Zhi left his fist blasting towards Wei Tianhe!

Wei Tianhe is indeed a master, not the kind of master who has no practice and no practical experience. On the contrary, he has excellent combat skills. Although Li Zhi\'s fist was unexpected, it was almost to the extreme. He was in the mood, but he never The position was messed up, the aura was instantly transferred to the extreme, and his fist was welcomed.

"Let me die! Give me a break!" Wei Tianhe roared.

What he meant was, naturally, a blow in the arm of Li Yan.

Wei Tianhe has this confidence, but he is a master of five levels of energy training!

At this moment, in his mind, it was already determined that the two swords intersect, and the reason why he did not do anything is because of Li Zhi\'s powerful skills, Lu Gujian\'s grade is too high, and his gain to the aura is too great!

But now Li Yan actually punches, and it is a simple and direct punch. He has not used any exercises. If the two bodies collide, Li Ye will definitely lose!

Li Quan\'s fist didn\'t use sword Qishenglian\'s move. There is no such thing as "Qiqidonglai" in the fist, but after he subconsciously mobilized the power of three green lotuses, his fist was Give birth to a Reiki Lotus!

With this punch, the power suddenly increased by one step!

The two punches hit each other without fancy, with a slam, they took two steps back and hit a tie again!

Wei Tianhe changed her face directly this time, her eyes widened, and she stared at Li Ye in an incredible way: "Fourth layer of qi training? How could this be ?!"

The two straight fists collided, Wei Tianhe finally felt clearly, Li Li\'s cultivation has reached the fourth floor of Qi training!

"When you were in Luoping Village, you were still practicing the third floor of qi! In just two days, you have even upgraded to a step ?! What Sanqingguan asked you and gave you such benefits? ! "

Wei Tianhe was full of shock and surprise. The young An Wang in front of him had not been repaired a few months ago. He was called a waste for 20 years, but it was suddenly repaired to a higher floor. It was incredible. This transformation After letting Wei Tianhe compare with each other, my heart is filled with huge gap!

Li Ye ignored Wei Tianhe\'s words, his face remained calm, but he had already been killed by the sword again!

"Let ’s siege him together!" Wei Tianhe yelled, and now against monster Li Li, he was completely out of control now, and could only besiege with the crowd. After shouting this sentence, he Like eating Huang Lian, the bitterness is extremely extreme. This is his existence in Luoping Village, which can be pinched backhand, but in a blink of an eye, he has grown to this point!

But Wei Tianhe\'s bitterness soon eased a lot.

A domineering palm wind, when the air descended, banged against Li Yan!

Li Ye who killed Xiang Tianhe had to defensively, bend his waist and knees, and his sword in his chest!

The huge palm of Reiki condensed, such as from the general, hit Li Yan instantly!

Concentrated by the palm of his hand, Li Yi\'s long hair swayed backwards, spitting blood instantly, his feet sank deep into the ground, and the surging aura exploded beside him, blasting one on the ground. There is a human figure in the middle, and a five-foot-long palm print!

Li Guanshu actually shot it himself!

Li Guanshu slowly drifted from the waterfall, looking at Li Yan, his expression stunned: "Smelly boy, you\'re really lucky. You have to inherit the inheritance of Yuan Tianshi, practice Qi in one step, cultivate a thousand miles a day, and get an adventure in Sanqingguan. Go up! Even my father, now I have to admit that I have been deeply afraid of you! My father has seen countless geniuses, but I have never seen you like this, you are not a genius, but a demon! Today, even if my father shot it in person , You will be killed here instantly, you will not be allowed to make waves, let alone watch you become stronger every day! "

Li Yan stood upright, stood firmly with his sword, and wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth at will.

At the mouth of Li Guanshu\'s speech, the seven or eight men he brought with him already surrounded Li Wei and sealed all the escape routes of Li Wei.

Li Guanshu slowly raised his hand and said coldly in a sentence of judgment: "Boy, let me take the shot myself, you will not die unjustly ..."

Just as Li Guanshu was about to launch a killing move, a sneer sounded.

There was a voluptuous woman in a purple robe who could not see the grade. She was standing on the edge of a bamboo bridge, on the top of a peach tree, and was taking out a jade flute, her eyes full of sarcasm.

"I only retired for a few days. I didn\'t think of it. I was standing here, but no one was looking at me ... Is this river or lake too ruthless, or am I worthless?"

After Song Jiao\'s remarks, Yu Xiao was already in front of her red lips and sounded softly.

When Li Guanshu heard that voice, his face suddenly changed.

Before Song Jiao\'s voice, he didn\'t even notice that there was still a person standing on the peach tree next to the house.

Even this person stood with Li Yan before Wei Tianhe shot.

But since she retreated from Wei Tianhe\'s sword, everyone, including Li Guanshu, ignored her existence!

Such a person is not cultivated as too weak, but as too strong, so strong that they can completely hide their breath, people can\'t perceive it and can\'t help ignore it.

Even Li Guanshu ignored it.

Li Guanshu stared fiercely at Song Jiao, and his mood was no longer calm, and he could not continue to maintain a pose and superior attitude!

Because he is not taller than her.

Being able to do this shows that Song Jiao\'s cultivation is at least not weaker than Li Guanshu!

Li Guanshu looked at Song Jiao, but found that he didn\'t know the woman.

This woman who is proficient in Yirong surgery.

However, in the next instant, Li Guan\'s face changed greatly, turning pale.

Because the sound of the flute is already ringing.

The sound of flute sounded by the mountain streamers is light and distant. It is as elusive as ever. It is as elusive as the dreams of the past.

As the flute rang, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

Not a false chill, but a real chill.

Because the feet of everyone, their robes, their limbs, and their eyebrows have all grown frost. Even the trees and leaves on the side are covered with a layer of ice and snow. To be solidified!

Everyone looked ugly.

Because it\'s not just the forest waterfalls that are going to freeze, but the aura in them!

Because of the sound of the flute, and because of the snow and ice that covered it all, Li Guanshu remembered a deafening name and a character who had made many masters jealous.

The purple robe woman on the peach tree with his fingers, his eyes widened: "This song is clearly Yi Shui Han ... I do n’t know Yi Shui and I do n’t know the cold, but the jade flute sounds like a ghost! .... Qian Hanxiao, you are one of the seven disciples of Bailudong ... Song Jiao! "