The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 251

"Send Haotian to the hospital first, and other people continue to salvage here. This Yi Ruyan must be born to see people and die to see corpses." Xi Chengfeng said with some grief.

Although we all know that if Yi Ruyan hadn't been rescued and left, Yi Ruyan should have died and gone to the bottom of the lake, why can't he get it all the time.

Maybe he was really saved.

Even though they also hope that Yi Ruyan should have been rescued, they still let people continue to salvage here, which is at least more hope.

Leng Haotian was sent to the hospital, and ye Ke Ning was also sent home by Xi Chengfeng to have a meal and rest.

After Xi Chengfeng settled Ye Kening, he watched her get into bed, kissed her forehead, looked at her gently and said, "you sleep well, you know? I'll go to the hospital to see how Haotian is and see if there's anything else I can do for him. "

Ye Ke Ning nodded and looked sad: "you said that Ruyan would be fine, right?"

Xi Chengfeng knows that although Yi Ruyan and ye Kening have known each other for a short time, and they don't often meet, they often chat and have a good relationship.

Ye Ke Ning doesn't have any friends around her. In addition, Yi Ruyan has saved her. Therefore, ye Ke Ning cares about this friend very much. When she thinks that Yi Ruyan has had an accident, she feels uncomfortable and her eyes are red.

"Darling, it's okay. It must be okay. Even if she wants to have an accident, Haotian doesn't allow her to have an accident, does he?" Xi Chengfeng comforted Ye Kening.

Although Ye Ke Ning also knew that this was Xi Chengfeng's words to comfort her, she was more willing to look forward to it with an optimistic attitude, hoping that Yi Ruyan would be all right.

"Yes. It must be all right. I won't allow her to have an accident. This time she comes back, I must scold her severely. I must scold her severely. Even if she is uncomfortable with lenghaotian, she shouldn't joke about her life. It's really too much. I must scold her hard. I must scold her hard and wake her up. " Ye Ke said angrily.

Xi Chengfeng looked at her and nodded, "HMM."

"Then go quickly. Maybe you found Yi Ruyan when you went there. You should remember. Tell me immediately when you find her." Ye Ke Ning looked at Xi Cheng Feng carefully and told him again.

"OK." Xi Chengfeng nodded and left.

After Xi Chengfeng arrived at the hospital, Ning lingxuan and assistant Wu were still watching.

"How's it going?" Xi Chengfeng looked at Ning lingxuan and asked.

"There's no danger, but it's still in a coma. It's nothing." Ning lingxuan sighed: "but Yi Ruyan still has no news. I'm afraid this guy will find Yi Ruyan after waking up. We're afraid we can't stop it."

"Therefore, the most important thing for us now is to find Yi Ruyan first." Ning lingxuan looked at Xi Chengfeng and said.

Xi Chengfeng thought the same as Ning lingxuan thought. He sighed and nodded: "yes, you're right. Now the most important thing for us is to find Yi Ruyan first."

"But where and how?" Ning lingxuan always felt that Yi Ruyan must have been taken away: "I always felt that Yi Ruyan must have been saved, otherwise, how could she not find it? If it were still in the lake, it would have been hit. "