The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 252

"Although the lake is very big, so many people will find it." Ning lingxuan continued: "so... Do we want to think about it and find it in another direction?"

"I think so. I also think she should have been saved, but... Who could it be? Shall we offer a reward? " Xi Chengfeng thought and looked at Ning lingxuan.

Ning lingxuan thought it was a good idea: "anyway, Haotian had been officially announced before. Many people should be familiar with Yi Ruyan and know that she is Mrs. Leng. We said, if anyone saved her, call us immediately and we will give a generous thank-you fee?"

"Yes." Xi Chengfeng thought it was a good idea.

"That's the only way to do it now." Ning lingxuan thought about it again and asked Xi Chengfeng, "well... Shall we wait until Haotian wakes up and ask his opinion? After all, this is his wife. This is his business. We can't make such a decision. "

"What's to ask? Is he unwilling to pay or get his wife back?" Xi Chengfeng decided not to ask: "OK, let assistant Wu do it. If anything happens, I'll be in charge. "

"OK, I'll do it right away." Assistant Wu nodded and immediately called someone to do it.

"Also, check the major hospitals to see if there are any easy hospitalization records. After she was picked up, she should be taken to the hospital? " Xi Chengfeng tightened his eyebrows and said, "then, the salvage team in the lake will not stop and continue to salvage."

"OK." Assistant Wu nodded.

"Then wait. Why don't you have something to eat first? I'll go back and have some with Ke Ning. Go and have something to eat." Xi Chengfeng gently patted Ning lingxuan and said.

Ning lingxuan didn't feel hungry. When Xi Chengfeng said so, he was a little hungry and nodded: "OK."

So Ning lingxuan went out to eat. Xi Chengfeng continued to watch in lenghaotian's ward. Time passed bit by bit.

Ning lingxuan came back soon.

Assistant Wu has also sent out the announcement. If no one calls, the hospital has also checked it. It seems that there is no easy hospitalization procedure.

It seems that time passes slowly, everyone is boiling, and it seems that time passes quickly. In the blink of an eye, the day is bright, but Yi Ruyan still has no news.

At dawn, Leng Haotian woke up.

Leng Haotian felt a strong smell of disinfectant when he woke up. Looking at the strange environment, he knew his hospital.

"Mr. Leng, you're awake." Assistant Wu has been staring at Leng Haotian, watching him wake up, a little excited.

Xi Chengfeng and Ning lingxuan didn't go back last night. They both guarded lenghaotian.

In fact, they are not afraid that Leng Haotian will not be taken care of, or that Leng Haotian will not wake up, or that Leng Haotian will go crazy after waking up and jump into the lake to find Yi Ruyan, so they keep watch.

They were afraid that they didn't watch. Assistant Wu couldn't help him at all.

Xi Chengfeng and Ning lingxuan have also discussed. This time, Leng Haotian should be tied even if he is tied. He can't let him jump into the lake again. It's useless and can't be found. Even if he jumps in and can't find it.

"Ah Hao." Ning lingxuan came over, looked at Leng Haotian's empty eyes and sighed: "can you stop dying for a woman, so that your woman can come back?"