The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 250

"What's going on? What does it have to do with Yu Yiling?" Ning lingxuan roared angrily.

"I don't know exactly." Assistant Wu is really not very clear.

"Forget it, don't ask him. How could he be so clear? However, Yu Yiling is really going too far. I think they are spoiled by us. If it weren't for Yu Chumo... "Xi Chengfeng's face turned unusually pale when he said this.

"Don't worry, Haotian will be fine. He won't take Chu Mo's road. Chu Mo left. Yiling is our sister. We promised Chu Mo that we would protect his sister and keep her sister all the time. " Ning lingxuan sighed and looked sadly at the lake.

"Maybe it was our connivance, so... She became so willful, especially Haotian, who blindly protected her, which led to today's situation." Xi Chengfeng sighed: "sometimes I think, do we really want to go on like this? Do we really want Haotian to indulge Yiling so much? Even if sometimes Yi Ruyan misunderstands Yi Ruyan because Yiling quarrels with Yi Ruyan? "

"Otherwise, what do you want?" Ning lingxuan tightened her eyebrows and looked at Xi Chengfeng.

"I don't know." Xi Chengfeng didn't know, and then sighed: "forget it, don't say this for the time being. Now the most important thing is to hope Haotian can be all right and Yi Ruyan can be all right."

"If Yi Ruyan has an accident, I believe Haotian will go crazy." Ning lingxuan also sighed and looked sad.

An hour later, Leng Haotian still insisted, always insisted.

However, the longer time goes by, the more desperate everyone is.

"Actually, I don't think it's necessary to keep looking, do I?" Ning lingxuan felt there was no need to find it. If Yi Ruyan had an accident, something must have happened at this time.

"Doesn't that mean someone jumped down? Could it have been saved? " Ning lingxuan looked at Xi Chengfeng and asked.

"It's just heard. No one saw it with their own eyes. No one watched who rescued Yi Ruyan and left, didn't they? " Xi Chengfeng doesn't know, but it's false to hear, and kayela's wind is real.

"Damn it, damn it." Ning lingxuan sighed.

Time passed slowly, two hours, three hours, four hours

"Can he hold on?" Ning lingxuan is worried about Leng Haotian's health.

"I've asked two divers to follow Haotian. As long as there's something wrong with Haotian, it shouldn't be a problem to drag him up directly." Xi Chengfeng sighed, his eyes tightened and stared at the lake. He was afraid that lenghao day would be short.

"Alas..." Ning lingxuan sighed again.

Day, slowly dark down, the water in the lake is even colder.

Even those who stood on the shore felt colder and colder.

Ye Ke Ning got out of the car and was sent back to the car to have a rest. She had been back and forth many times, but Yi Ruyan still had no news.

"I think it's time for someone to pull Haotian up and take him to the hospital. If it goes on like this, he must be frozen." Ning lingxuan felt a little shivering standing here.

As soon as Ning lingxuan finished speaking, two divers lifted Leng Haotian up. At this time, Leng Haotian seemed to have completely lost consciousness.