The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 249

Time passed slowly. Ye Ke Ning looked at the lake with high tension and held Xi Chengfeng's hand tightly: "do you think Yi Ruyan has had an accident?"

Xi Chengfeng hugged her, looked down at her nervous look and comforted, "no, don't think about it, or I'll take you back first. I'll let you know if there's any news here, okay? You'd better not stay here, it's cold. "

"No. I don't want it. " Ye Ke Ning shook her head excitedly and refused.

At this time, how could ye Ke Ning be willing to go back? It's impossible.

"Well, I'll take you to the car first. You go to the car and have a rest. You're tired. It's bad for the baby." Xi Chengfeng continued to coax her.

Ye Ke Ning has been standing here for a long time. The cold wind has been blowing, making her a little cold. She is afraid she will catch a cold and is not good for the baby.

Moreover, she felt that her waist hurt when she stood, and thought about it and agreed: "well, as soon as there is news here, you should inform me immediately."

"OK, don't worry. I'll let you know as soon as I have news." Xi Chengfeng nodded.

"I'll take your sister-in-law to the car to have a rest. You watch and protect Haotian. If something's wrong, let someone pull him up, you know?" Xi Chengfeng told Ning lingxuan before leaving.

Ning lingxuan nodded: "well, go, don't worry, I'm staring at it."

"Leng Haotian... Come up to me quickly. Take a rest before you find it." After Xi Chengfeng left, Ning lingxuan shouted at the lake again, but he still couldn't get any response.

Ning lingxuan hesitated whether to jump down and drag Leng Haotian up directly. If he goes on like this, he will be out of strength.

However, Ning lingxuan thought it was better to wait for Xi Chengfeng to come back and discuss with him. If he jumped down, it was no small matter.

Soon, Xi Chengfeng settled in Ye Kening and came back. He looked nervously at the lake: "how's it going?"

"He still doesn't want to come up. I'm sure he heard my cry." Ning lingxuan sighed and said helplessly.

"Why don't I jump down and look for him? If it goes on like this, I'm afraid he will die below. " Ning lingxuan stared nervously at the lake and asked.

"OK, I'll go down with you and drag him up after going down." Xi Chengfeng thought about Ning lingxuan's opinion and nodded in agreement.

The two of them are really worried that if this goes on, even if Leng Haotian doesn't freeze to death, he will lose his strength and drown.

"Alas... Mr. Xi, Mr. Ning, I think you don't jump in vain. It's useless. Even if you pull him up, he will continue to jump as long as you don't find his wife." Assistant Wu knows Leng Haotian and persuades Xi Chengfeng to talk to Ning lingxuan.

After listening, Ning lingxuan and Xi Chengfeng looked at each other and thought assistant Wu was right.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with your wife? What lake do you jump into if you have nothing to do. I can't find it if I jump down. " Ning lingxuan couldn't see this or that. Leng Haotian was still looking for someone in the lake and didn't want to come up, but he was worried.

Assistant Wu sighed: "this time, it should be... Related to Miss Yu Yiling again. Every time my wife quarrels with Leng, it seems to have something to do with her. "