The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 248

Just at this time, assistant Wu's cell phone rang. Assistant Wu answered the phone: "hello..."

"OK, I see." After saying that, assistant Wu Hung up the phone and said to Leng Haotian, "I know where my wife is."

"Hurry." Leng Haotian roared with cold breath.

"Yes." Assistant Wu was yelled by Leng Haotian, as if the whole person was trembling.

Leng Haotian's chest fluctuated violently, and he was very nervous. He clenched his fist, sometimes loosened it, sometimes clenched it again.

Do this over and over again.

When Leng Haotian arrived at the place where Yi Ruyan was, he saw that Yi Ruyan's mobile phone was still there. It was also crowded with people and police.

"What's going on?"

"I heard someone jumped into the lake."

"A pretty girl."

Leng Haotian doesn't need to think much to know that the person who jumped must be as easy as smoke.

With angina pectoris, he jumped into the lake without saying a word.

"Leng Zong..." assistant Wu didn't expect Leng Haotian to jump in like this, and his heart mentioned to the door of his throat.

"How to do it, how to do it, how to do it." Assistant Wu quickly called someone to help.

Assistant Wu asked many divers to help and called Xi Chengfeng and Ning lingxuan to help.

When Ning lingxuan came over, he looked at the lake and scolded madly: "are you crazy? Is Lao Leng crazy? Jump into the lake for a woman."

"Women are really a curse." Ning lingxuan tightened her eyebrows and scolded angrily.

At this time, Xi Chengfeng also came with his pregnant wife Ye Ke Ning.

"Assistant Wu, what's going on? Why did their husband and wife jump into the lake?" Ye Ke Ning seems much more nervous than Xi Cheng Feng.

During the whole process, Xi Chengfeng called very calmly.

Soon, some boats came to the lake. That was the salvage team they called.

"How long has Leng Hao gone?" Xi Chengfeng tightened his eyebrows and stared at the lake.

"Come on, it's almost half an hour. I called him, and he didn't want to come up. I......" assistant Wu was anxious and was about to cry: "I, I've never seen such a cold president, really never."

"That woman did it all." Ning lingxuan scolded angrily.

"You don't understand what happened. Why did you say it was caused by Ruyan? Maybe Leng Haotian did something sorry for Yi Ruyan. Yi Ruyan jumped into the lake sadly. He felt guilty and jumped in to save her." Ye Ke Ning didn't want to hear Ning lingxuan say so, and protected Yi Ruyan.

"OK, when I didn't say." Ning lingxuan was helpless.

He knew that he would rather offend a villain than a woman.

It's hard to raise only villains and women in the world, so he'd better shut up.

"What should I do now? Leng Haotian just doesn't want to come up." Ning lingxuan looked at Xi Chengfeng nervously. After saying that, he looked at the lake and shouted to lenghaotian, "come up first, come up first."

"Rest and go on. If you don't have physical strength, you'll freeze to death. You're frozen to death. Who can save her?" Ning lingxuan shouted, hoping lenghaotian could hear his voice and come up first.

A quiet place became lively in an instant, especially this lake.

There is a boat driving in it, and many people are swimming in it.