The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 235

"Eat." Cheng Suqin glanced and said coldly.

Yi Ruyan feels so strange.

However, I don't know what's strange. Yi Ruyan didn't have any stomach to eat, so he didn't eat after two bites and went back to his room.

Back in the room, Yi Ruyan lay in bed and sighed: "Alas..."

Leng Haotian is not at home. Yi Ruyan finds that he still misses him, but when will he come back?

Yi Ruyan thinks that he promised Leng Haotian to cook for him. He works overtime today, or he can make some for him today and send it to him.

Thinking of this, Yi Ruyan went downstairs and said to Wu Ma, "Wu Ma, do you have any other dishes at home? I'll make him some home-made dishes and send them to him. "

At this time, lengshanshan, they had just finished their meal and were still in the living room.

Leng Shanshan sniffed at Yi Ruyan's remark: "hehe, I want to surprise my brother again. Don't be surprised at that time."

When Leng Shanshan said this, Cheng Suqin glared at her: "don't talk nonsense. Don't forget the lesson Leng Haotian taught you."

Lengshanshan smashed her mouth, looked at Yi Ruyan with dissatisfaction, and then shut up and didn't speak.

"Yes. Let me help you. " Wu Ma said to Yi Ruyan.

"OK." Yi Ruyan ignored lengshanshan and followed Wu's mother into the kitchen.

Seeing Yi Ruyan and Wu Ma entering the kitchen, Cheng Suqin looked at lengshanshan and asked in a low voice, "does this matter have anything to do with you?"

Leng Shanshan, somewhat guilty, avoided Cheng Suqin's eyes: "Mom, what does it have to do with me? Don't think about it. I don't know anything."

Leng Shanshan was born to Cheng Suqin. Naturally, she knows her daughter better and better. She feels that something is wrong with her daughter. She tightens her eyebrows and earnestly advises: "I tell you, this matter had better have nothing to do with you. Otherwise, you can't afford the consequences of your brother's anger. Then you don't know how to die, Stop foolishly sacrificing your happy life for Yu Yiling for the rest of your life. Lengjia can give you the protection for the rest of your life. Can Yu Yiling? Think about what I said. What should be done and what should not be done. Be clear and clear headed. Otherwise, no one can save you, okay? "

"Mom, I know, I know." Lengshanshan said discontentedly, "I went to take a bath."

Leng Shanshan doesn't want to listen to Cheng Suqin chanting about her, so she gets up and goes upstairs.

Cheng Suqin saw that his daughter didn't want to listen to him at all. He shook his head helplessly and sighed, "it's over. Something big will happen sooner or later."

In the face of such a disobedient daughter, Cheng Suqin can't help it.

Yi Ruyan cooked two dishes and one soup with the help of Wu Ma. It was very simple.

Wu Ma told Yi Ruyan where some ingredients were. She stood and watched. She didn't help. Her hand was still hurt. Therefore, Yi Ruyan wouldn't let her help.

"Well, I sent it." Yi Ruyan said with a smile.

"OK. Then be careful on the road. I've called driver Ding to wait for you at the door. " Wu Ma smiled at Yi Ruyan and said.

Yi Ruyan nodded, "well, OK."

In this way, Yi Ruyan happily went to lenghaotian's company to find him with his own cooking.

As a result, Yi Ruyan happily arrived at the company and found that the light in lenghaotian's office was dark. Yi Ruyan thought: is it a meeting? But where is the meeting room?