The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 234

Yi Ruyan saw that it was 7:30. Why didn't he come back.

Generally, he will be home at 6:30. If he is late or doesn't come back, Leng Haotian will call in advance. He must be home at 7:00 at the latest. He doesn't come back and doesn't call today, which makes Yi Ruyan a little strange.

Moreover, when Yi Ruyan came home today, he felt that there was something strange and the atmosphere was wrong.

"Wu Ma, haven't Leng Haotian come back yet?" When Yi Ruyan came downstairs, he still didn't see Leng Haotian. He tightened his eyebrows and looked at Wu Ma with some displeasure.

Wu Ma sighed, "yes, I haven't come back yet."

"Why don't you, madam, call Mr. Leng and ask him when he will be back. If you're hungry, eat first and don't have to wait for him." Wu Ma said to Yi Ruyan.

Yi Ruyan nodded, "OK, I'll call and ask."

"I'm hungry." Lengshanshan said discontentedly.

Yi Ruyan got through the phone and was a little unhappy: "do you work overtime today? Why don't you go home? Everyone is waiting for you to eat. "

"I'm in a meeting... I have an important project. I'm very busy. I forgot to call. You eat first."

"When will you be back?" Yi Ruyan asked with some doubt.

"I don't know yet. Maybe it's late. You go to bed first and don't have to wait for me." Leng Haotian continued.

"Oh, all right. got it. Let's eat first. " Yi Ruyan always feels strange.

"Yes. Hang up, I'm still busy. " Leng Haotian hung up the phone before Yi Ruyan spoke.

After hanging up the phone, Yi Ruyan tightened his eyebrows: "he said to work overtime and don't come back for dinner. Let's eat first."

"OK." So Wu Ma went to help Xiao Chen and had dinner.

At dinner, lengshanshan looked at Yi Ruyan's sullen appearance. She was very happy. As long as she looked at Yi Ruyan's bad life, she would be happy.

"What's going on today? I always feel strange." Leng Shanshan spoke.

"By the way, today you said that something important in Haotian has disappeared. What is it?" Cheng Suqin always feels that the atmosphere today is somewhat strange. It has something to do with lenghaotian's loss.

"Huh? Is it missing? " Yi Ruyan looked at Wu Ma curiously and asked.

Wu Ma smiled: "yes, it's an important document that's missing. I've been looking for it for a long time."

"Oh, that's right." Cheng Suqin nodded and understood.

Leng Shanshan tightened her eyebrows: "is it true? I don't usually bring the company's documents home. How can I lose documents at home? Besides, I should put all the important things in the study. How can I lose them? Unless someone stole it, or didn't you lose the file at all? "

Leng Shanshan said this, which made Cheng Su feel worried. She looked at Leng Shanshan with her complicated eyes. She always felt that it was not so simple.

Moreover, Leng Haotian may not have lost the document. Otherwise, why would Leng Shanshan say so.

Also, generally, Leng Haotian doesn't care much about what he loses. Therefore, there is a problem with this matter.

Cheng Suqin looked at lengshanshan for several times. Lengshanshan felt guilty.

"I don't know. That's what Mr. Leng said anyway." Wu Ma glanced at Xiao Chen as if to warn her not to talk nonsense.