The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 236

Yi Ruyan doesn't know anything about Leng Haotian's company.

I want to ask someone, but Yi Ruyan finds that the company is dark and there is no one at all: are they all in the conference room?

Forget it, Yi Ruyan called assistant Wu and wanted to ask where assistant Wu's conference room is.

When assistant Wu received Yi Ruyan's call, he tightened his eyebrows. He was a little confused. He trembled and answered the phone: "madam?"

"Assistant Wu, Leng Haotian said he was still working overtime in the company. I came to his company, but the office lights didn't turn on. Was it a meeting? I remember him saying, "it's like a meeting." Yi Ruyan said so, and assistant Wu understood.

Leng Haotian cheated Yi Ruyan. In fact, there is no such thing as meeting and working overtime at all.

Assistant Wu knows, but he can't tell the truth: "er... Well, just after the meeting, he went out with the cooperative company. It's estimated that he went out for dinner. There are still some important things to talk about. However, everyone has to eat so late, so he's ready to go out for dinner and talk while eating."

"Oh, that's right." Yi Ruyan was disappointed, but she knew Leng Haotian couldn't be blamed. He was so busy that he couldn't report everything to her.

"Are you in the company now? Shall I pick you up? " Assistant Wu asked somewhat guilty.

"Well, no... no need to pick me up. You're busy. Then I'll go home first." Yi Ruyan knows that since they have left the company for dinner, they can't go back to the company after dinner. It's so late that they must go home, so she's ready to go home.

"Well, be careful yourself." Assistant Wu was guilty again.

"OK. Then I'll hang up first. " Yi Ruyan hung up the phone, sighed and went back with love dinner.

This time Ding Weijin was waiting downstairs. What happened last time, even if Yi Ruyan asked him to go back first, he didn't dare to go back, so he kept waiting.

Soon, Ding Weijin looked at Yi Ruyan and came out with a lunch box. The whole person didn't look very happy. He hurried forward and asked with concern: "madam, what's the matter? Is the cold always finished? "

Yi Ruyan shook his head and sighed: "I'm not in the company. I said I went out for dinner. I just had a good meeting and missed it."

"Let's go." Yi Ruyan squeezed out a smile and said to Ding Weijin, "go back."

"OK. OK. " Ding Weijin nodded, quickly opened the door for Yi Ruyan, and then drove Yi Ruyan back.

On the way back, Yi Ruyan didn't speak or say anything. The atmosphere in the whole carriage was strange.

Since Yi Ruyan didn't speak, Ding Weijin didn't dare to say anything. He drove silently to the door of the villa. Yi Ruyan got off and said to Ding Weijin, "you can go back. I won't go out. If you want to go out, I'll call you."

"OK." Ding Weijin watched Yi Ruyan enter the villa gate before driving away.

Over there, after assistant Wu Hung up the phone, he quickly called Leng Haotian and made a correct confession.

After Leng Haotian received the call, he understood the situation and hung up.

At this time, Leng Haotian is drinking with Xi Chengfeng in the box of the bar.

"What's the matter?" Xi Chengfeng asked sullenly when he saw that Leng Haotian didn't talk much all night.