The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 228

"Yes. Good. " Leng Haotian's explanation made Yi Ruyan understand, and Leng Haotian smiled.

"Then I'll have a rest. I'll go upstairs and take a bath. You can send someone to cook." Yi Ruyan urged Leng Haotian: "it's getting late. Everyone is hungry."

"Are you hungry?" Leng Haotian looked at her closely and asked.

Yi Ruyan shook his head: "no, I'm not hungry. You and Mrs. Wu must be hungry. I ate a lot in the afternoon. You bought it for me."

After Yi Ruyan finished, he winked naughtily at Leng Haotian. That look is very cute.

"OK." Leng Haotian nodded, "as long as you're not hungry."

Leng Haotian is extremely doting on Yi Ruyan. Wu Ma is very pleased to see that they have such a good personal relationship.

"Driver Ding, thank you today. Go back quickly." Yi Ruyan looks at Ding Weijin and urges him back.

Ding Weijin took another look at lenghaotian.

Leng Haotian also said, "go back."

"OK." Ding Weijin left like this.

"Wu Ma, go back to your room and have a rest. No one dares to bully you with me in this family." When Yi Ruyan said this, he deliberately raised his voice to be heard by Cheng Suqin and lengshanshan in the kitchen.

"Yes, thank you, madam." Wu Ma went to rest like this.

Although Wu Ma was insulted today and her heart was cold, Yi Ruyan's practices warmed her heart and showed a gratifying smile.

Yi Ruyan went upstairs to take a bath, and Leng Haotian followed him upstairs.

When Yi Ruyan changes clothes after taking a bath, Leng Haotian is in the room, staring at her with hot eyes. Yi Ruyan who has just taken a bath looks particularly attractive.

The little face is red and tender, and the egg is tender, as if it could pinch out water.

Leng Hao hugged her in front of the sky and smelled the fragrance of bathing dew on her, which made him unable to stop.

"Wife, you are so sweet. When will you cook for me?" Leng Haotian heard from Yi Ruyan today that he came back earlier to cook dinner for him. He was ready to eat her dinner.

Not because of how delicious the food she cooked, just because she cooked it.

"I said, I made it for you tonight. As a result, you are stingy and don't allow me to do it for others, so next time." Yi Ruyan smiled at Leng Haotian and said mischievously.

"All right." Leng Haotian can wait: "I can wait."

"When you do well." Yi Ruyan said with a smile.

"OK." Leng Haotian nodded and looked at her with a spoiled smile: "as long as you are happy, you can do it anytime."

"Ha ha ha." Hao Ruyan smiled. It feels good to be spoiled.

"Prepare to go downstairs. You should be able to eat." Leng Haotian said.

"Ah... So fast?" Yi Ruyan is curious.

"Yes. It should be OK. I'm afraid you're hungry. Let's go. " Leng Haotian held Yi Ruyan's hand and said.

"Wait a minute." Yi Ruyan still hasn't cleaned up some. About ten minutes later, Leng Haotian came downstairs with Yi Ruyan.

As soon as I went downstairs, I smelled delicious food.

"Wow, it smells good." Yi Ruyan said with a smile, bending her beautiful eyes.

"Yes." Leng Haotian is satisfied with Yi Ruyan.