The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 229

At the restaurant, Yi Ruyan found that there were three people in the kitchen.

"You called three people over?" Yi Ruyan asked curiously.

"I asked assistant Wu to arrange a cook to come over, but three came. It should be two. Otherwise, how can we eat so quickly?" Leng Haotian looked at Yi Ruyan and said.

Yi Ruyan was right to think about it and smiled, "I'll call Wu Ma."

"OK." Leng Haotian nodded.

Since Yi Ruyan wants to call Wu Ma himself, Leng Haotian agrees.

Wu Ma came out and everyone was ready to eat.

Leng Shanshan and Cheng Suqin have packed their things. Cheng Suqin and Leng Shanshan are hungry. It's already more than eight o'clock. Who isn't hungry? Even Yi Ruyan, who ate a lot of things in the afternoon, is hungry.

Looking at the dishes on a table, Yi Ruyan smiled: "it looks good to eat."

"Well, it should be OK. Try it." Leng Haotian puts a piece of beef in Yi Ruyan's bowl.

"Well, I like stewed potatoes with Niunan." Yi Ruyan said with a smile, and then began to eat. He nodded with satisfaction while eating: "well, it's delicious."

"Aunt, come to dinner, too." Yi Ruyan said to Cheng Suqin who was still cleaning up.

"OK." Cheng Suqin nodded, "I'll come after I'm busy."

"Then hurry up." Yi Ruyan is very polite to Cheng Suqin.

After Cheng Suqin and Leng Shanshan are busy, Cheng Suqin says to Leng Shanshan, "it's time for dinner."

"When you're full, don't eat." Lengshanshan loses her temper and leaves. Yi Ruyan ignores her. She likes to eat or not. She is hungry.

Cheng Suqin was very embarrassed. He sighed helplessly: "forget it, let's eat regardless of her."

"Yes." Yi Ru nodded.

Cheng Suqin also sat down to eat. Yi Ruyan boasted that these dishes were delicious: "well, these dishes are delicious."

"Wu Ma, will you be unhappy? Ha ha...... "Yi Ruyan looked at Wu Ma naughtily and said.

Wu Ma smiled: "how could it be? This is a great cook. I can't compare it." Wu Ma smiled and said that she didn't mean to be unhappy at all.

However, the dishes cooked by Wu Ma are also delicious.

"Like to eat?" Leng Haotian looked at Yi Ruyan and asked.

Yi Ruyan nodded, "well, I like to eat. It's delicious."

"Well, I see. If you like it, you can eat more." Leng Haotian looked at her gently and brought her food: "I'm hungry."

"It's OK. Hey, hey, you can eat it, too."


In this way, Yi Ruyan and lenghaotian happily eat. After eating, they still let Cheng Suqin clean up and wash the dishes.

Yi Ruyan asks Wu Ma to have a rest. Don't help.

Yi Ruyan knows Wu's mother. If she doesn't allow her to help, Wu's mother will certainly help.

Soon, the bodyguards have come and gone.

Before long, lengshanshan was so hungry that she secretly came to the kitchen to see if there was anything to eat.

As a result, all the dishes left over in the evening were poured out, and there was nothing left to eat at all.

Leng Shanshan was very angry: "too much, this Yi Ruyan must be intentional. I know I didn't eat at night and deliberately poured out all the remaining dishes, but I didn't eat them. This kind of woman is so vicious. I really don't understand why my brother likes her."

Lengshanshan scolded angrily.