The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 227

"Yes." Leng Haotian nodded.

"Since Leng Haotian agrees with my decision, let's do it." Yi Ruyan looked at Cheng Suqin and said.

"In the future, she will decide the word." Leng Haotian said coldly.

"Hurry to prepare dinner." Leng Haotian finished and hurried.

"OK, we'll get ready right away. I'll contact the housekeeping tomorrow to see if I can call another aunt to help at home." Cheng Suqin said.

"OK, it's your business anyway. It's good for you to decide these things. However, I hope I can call a better aunt. I don't want to be as good as Wu Ma. However, I must clean my home, love cleanliness and hygiene, and cook delicious food. Isn't that too much?" Yi Ruyan looked at Cheng Suqin and asked.

"Also, take good care of Wu Ma. If one is not enough, please take two." Yi Ruyan sighed: "Wu Ma is really pathetic."

"OK, I see." Cheng Suqin was subdued in front of Yi Ruyan. Her heart was also oppressed, but there was no way. Who made her daughter do something wrong? She could only bear it.

"Hurry to clean up." Yi Ruyan sees Leng Shanshan still standing there, a little angry.

"Hurry. Mom will go with you. " Cheng Suqin also knows that Leng Shanshan is ten million people who don't want to, but there's no way. At this time, we must be obedient.

Cheng Suqin hurriedly took lengshanshan to the kitchen to clean up.

"Wu Ma, sit down and I'll pour you a glass of water." Yi Ruyan looked at Wu Ma gently and said.

Mrs. Wu's eyes were wet and red: "madam, it's impossible. How can you pour me water? I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself."

"Wu Ma, you are an elder. I'll pour you a glass of water. What's the matter? You're hurt. I know your hand still hurts." Yi Ruyan felt faint pain at the thought of Wu Ma's scalded heart.

"It's all right. Mrs. Wu asked her to pour water." Leng Haotian said faintly.

Ding Weijin just looked at it and looked at it foolishly.

Soon, Yi Ruyan poured water and handed it to Wu Ma: "Wu Ma, drink water first. I'll go to the kitchen and see if I can get something to eat first. It's not the way for everyone to be hungry."

"I'll have the food delivered." Leng Haotian took Yi Ruyan's hand and said gently, "you've been busy for so long. Sit down and have a rest. I'll love you when you're tired."

Leng Hao looked at her with distressed eyes.

Yi Ruyan looked at Leng Haotian's concern for herself. Coupled with Leng Haotian's unconditional support for her just now, she was very warm in her heart: "it's all right. The food outside is not necessarily good. Well, let me cook dinner. I was going to go home early to cook some snacks for you today. As a result, as soon as I came back, I saw Wu Ma lying on the ground shaking and the kitchen in a mess, It really scared me at that time. "

Yi Ruyan still has some lingering palpitations in retrospect.

"I'll send for a cook." Leng Hao Tianyu was overbearing: "you are not allowed to cook."

"It's a little too troublesome. In fact, I'm not so tired, really." Yi Ruyan really feels too troublesome.

"Not allowed." Leng Haotian continued to speak overbearing. After that, he approached her and whispered, "you can only cook for me. I don't want you to cook for others, okay?"

When Leng Haotian said this, Yi Ruyan immediately understood Leng Haotian's meaning and smiled: "OK, OK, I know."