The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 226

"I think this method is very good." Leng Hao looked at lengshanshan with a cold face and said with a slight anger.

"Brother, no, No." Leng Shanshan heard Leng Haotian say that. Her legs softened and she was about to cry.

The hot oil poured on her hand makes a loud noise. It hurts. She doesn't want it.

"Forget it, just do what I say." Yi Ruyan didn't want to be too cruel: "but if there is another time, double it. What do you think of my idea?"

Yi Ruyan looked at lenghao Tian and asked.

"Yes. Listen to you. " Leng Haotian looked at Yi Ruyan with satisfaction and nodded.

"Leng Shanshan, don't forget what Leng Haotian said. I'm the hostess of the family. Therefore, everything in the family should listen to me. If you don't accept it, get out." Yi Ruyan comes out with the momentum that he is the mistress of the family.

"Also, I think you should send two bodyguards at home so that some people don't want to bully Wu Ma." Yi Ruyan looked at lenghaotian and said.

"OK." Leng Haotian thinks it's a good idea.

So Leng Hao immediately called someone to do it.

"Well, now it's time to solve the dinner. Aunt, you say these things and do these jobs. However, the person who makes mistakes is your daughter. If she can't cook, let her do some housework and clean the kitchen for me first." Yi Ruyan orders lengshanshan completely like the hostess.

"You..." she was cold and trembling.

"Don't hurry." Cheng Suqin was worried that Leng Shanshan might say something too much to make them angry, so he shouted at her.

Leng Shanshan sees Cheng Suqin winking at her. She also feels that Leng Haotian's whole body emits a cold breath. She can only harden her scalp.

"Wu Ma, next you'll have a good recovery at home. I don't see who dares to bully you." Yi Ruyan deliberately spoke loudly, which seemed to be for Leng Shanshan and Cheng Suqin.

Leng Haotian looked at it lightly, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, as if with an appreciative smile.

His little girl finally grew up.

Leng Haotian hopes that she can become stronger and not so kind, so as not to be bullied.

Cheng Suqin looked at Leng Haotian in silence. He seemed to be guarding her. He didn't speak all the way. He seemed to recognize Yi Ruyan's practice.

Therefore, Cheng Suqin knows that Yi Ruyan is a woman she can't afford to offend. Offending Yi Ruyan is offending Leng Haotian. However, Leng Shanshan doesn't understand this truth. She is really angry.

"Hurry to clean up and get the dinner out. Everyone has to eat. In addition, Wu Ma's hand is hurt and she wants to eat something light. If your cooking is not good, I don't mind you selling it outside. However, the quality of the food must be guaranteed. You know, lenghaotian's mouth is very delicious." Yi Ruyan looked at lengshanshan coldly and ordered.

"Well, we're not really good at doing housework. In addition, we can't cook. Can we invite another aunt back to help?" Cheng Suqin asked Yi Ruyan in a deliberative tone.

"Yes, but you must pay for it yourself." Yi Ruyan looked at Cheng Suqin and said with a smile. Then he looked at lenghaotian and asked, "you say, am I right?"