The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 225

"What happened?" Leng Haotian was still confused and didn't know anything.

"You ask your good sister what she did to Wu Ma. She's not as insidious as you. Look at Wu Ma's forehead. She hit her and almost killed her. This is not the most excessive. She poured the hot oil directly into Wu Ma's hand. You don't know that when I came back, Wu Ma was lying on the ground trembling. How, how pathetic, how helpless, how... "Yi Ruyan couldn't say any more when he said this. It was very painful, The voice choked.

After listening to Yi Ruyan, Leng Haotian's eyes were cold for a few minutes and stared coldly at lengshanshan: "it seems that you didn't remember what I said before."

"Shanshan, did you do these things?" Cheng Suqin trembled with anger when he heard Yi Ruyan say so.

"I... i... I just taught her a lesson. Who made her such a babe? I told elder brother about the news to elder sister Yiling. I just pushed her. I didn't do those things at all. It's her old age. She fell clumsily and tripped over the oil pan. I can also blame me. I didn't do anything to her anyway. I was angry in my heart, Then I pushed her. I didn't do anything else. " Leng Shanshan roared angrily.

Wu Ma sighed and didn't speak.

What else can she say.

"Don't let anyone know. Will Wu Ma Lie unless she has done nothing?" Yi Ru's whole body trembles like smoke. Is there any humanity to bully such an old man.

Wu Ma is such a nice person.

"I didn't, brother, I didn't." Leng Shanshan shouted loudly.

"Ding Weijin, drag her out and throw her out." Leng Haotian roared angrily.

"No, what if you drag it out and throw it out? Maybe she made a comeback and bullied Wu Ma again. " Yi Ruyan glanced at Leng Haotian discontentedly and said.

"What do you say to do?" Leng Haotian looks angry at Yi Ruyan. He wants to Hong her.

"Wu Ma's hands are inconvenient these days. She can't cook any more. She can't do housework. There must be someone in the family to do housework and cook again, can't she?" Yi Ruyan took a cold look at lengshanshan.

Lengshan Book stared at Yi like smoke.

Cheng Suqin heard Yi Ruyan say, understood, and immediately responded: "I'll do these things, I'll do them."

"Also, mother Wu must be served." Yi Ruyan continued to ask.

"Don't go too far." Lengshanshan shouted angrily.

"Why don't you do that? I'll pour a pot of hot oil on your hand, and it'll be settled. Do you think it's ok?" Yi Ruyan looked at lengshanshan with a sneer and asked.

"Ruyan, don't worry about her. She's still young and not sensible. It's all my fault. She's spoiled by me. I'll do all these things." Cheng Suqin trembled with fear when Yi Ruyan said so.

Cheng Suqin also knows that if Yi Ruyan really wants to do so, Leng Haotian will certainly support her.

Cheng Suqin is really angry with Leng Shanshan. She hates iron but not steel. She has always told her not to offend Yi Ruyan. She just doesn't listen. She has to fight Yi Ruyan. She really doesn't know how to live or die.