The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 224

"Wu Ma, after you get home, you have a good rest. You don't have to do any housework next." On the way home, Yi Ruyan said to Wu Ma.

"Alas... I don't work at home. Who does it?" Wu Ma sighed again.

"Wu Ma, leave it alone. Someone will do it." Yi Ruyan has an idea in mind. Lengshanshan must pay for it.

"Wu Ma, have a good rest and stop talking. I have an idea about it. I'll handle it well and give you justice. Don't say anything. Leng Haotian said, I'm the hostess of this family. Can't I even handle such a small thing well? How can I continue to stay at home? " Yi Ruyan thinks it's time to show the hostess's style.

It's getting late. Leng Haotian worked a little extra today, so he hasn't got home yet.

When Cheng Suqin and Leng Shanshan returned home, there was no food at home and the kitchen was still in chaos. Cheng Suqin was a little confused: "what's the matter? There's a thief here?"

"It's impossible. Who dares to come in? It must be Wu's mother who is lazy." Lengshanshan said discontentedly, but she was still guilty in her heart.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Cheng Suqin looked at lengshanshan and asked curiously.

"Mom, what can I hide from you?" Leng Shanshan said discontentedly, "this Wu mother doesn't know what she wants and doesn't cook any food. Wait a minute and see how I deal with her when my brother comes back."

Cheng Suqin thinks things are wrong today. Wu Ma is not a lazy person. Cheng Suqin is very satisfied with Wu Ma.

With that, Yi Ruyan and Wu's mother came back, and Ding Weijin helped them in together.

Ling Shanshan saw that Yi Ruyan came back with Wu Ma, and Wu Ma's hand was wrapped in gauze. She came back from the hospital.

"Wu Ma, what the hell are you doing? You don't prepare the food so late. Do you want to starve us?" Although Leng Shanshan was guilty, she rushed to Wu Ma and yelled at Wu Ma.


Yi Ruyan raised his hand and slapped her in the face.

"You, you hit me." Lengshanshan was a little stunned. She didn't expect Yi Ruyan to slap her in the face without saying a word.

Cheng Suqin knew at a glance that it was not so simple. He hurried forward: "what's going on."


Yi Ruyan's face was cold and said nothing. He raised his hand again and slapped lengshanshan in the face.

At this time, Leng Haotian also came back. Leng Haohao looked at the situation, tightened his eyebrows and said in a cold voice, "what happened."

"Brother, sister-in-law, she hit me." Leng Shanshan saw that Leng Haotian came back. He showed weakness, pretended to be weak, and cried wrongfully.

"Ruyan, what's the matter? You slapped Shanshan on the face as soon as you came back. If she did something wrong, I can teach her a lesson. How can you just... Beat her without saying anything?" Cheng Suqin was also distressed when she looked at Yi Ruyan and slapped lengshanshan in the face. She also had resentment in her heart.

If her child did something wrong, she should teach herself a lesson. What information and lessons does she have as a sister-in-law.

"Slapping you twice in the face won't make up for your sin." Yi Ruyan roared angrily at lengshanshan.

"Forget it, madam." Wu Ma sighed. She really didn't want to make it big.