The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 223

"Wu Ma, I'll take you to the hospital first." Yi Ruyan said that and hurriedly called Ding Weijin.

It was Ding Weijin who sent her back. Not long after she left this time, Ding Weijin quickly drove over after receiving Yi Ruyan's call, and then helped Wu Ma get on the bus and go to the hospital.

"Wu Ma, tell me what's going on and what's going on with your dirty footprints. I don't believe what you said." Yi Ruyan tightened her eyebrows and asked Wu Ma.

"Really, it's me..." before Wu's mother finished, Yi Ruyan interrupted coldly: "Wu's mother, why are you protecting her? Is it lengshanshan? "

"Tell me, why?" Yi Ruyan's face was cold: "tell me exactly why she wants to bully you."

"This woman is so vicious. Last time Leng Haotian wanted to drive her out, I protected her. I was really blind." Yi Ruyan roared angrily.

"Alas... Forget it." Wu Ma also thought that it's better to do less than more. After all, she is a nanny and she is the master.

"It's impossible. It's impossible. Forget it, Wu Ma. I'll get justice for you." Yi Ruyan said angrily, stared at Wu Ma seriously and said, "Wu Ma, tell me what's going on."

"If you don't say I'll make it a little bigger." Yi Ruyan continues to be sincere.

"Alas... I said, I said, I said, you don't bother her anymore." Wu Ma sighed and begged for ease.

"You say it first." Yi Ruyan stared at Wu Ma seriously.

Wu Ma sighed again: "the last time you made dumplings for Mr. Leng, didn't she go into the kitchen when we made dumplings, and then she knew you sent dumplings to Mr. Leng, so she went to tell Yu Yiling. When Mr. Leng came back that night, she asked me about how you made dumplings for him. Who else knew? I said maybe Miss Leng knew, and she asked, Then Mr. Leng knew that Miss Leng secretly told Miss Yu Yiling. Now that Miss Leng knew it, she came to teach me a lesson and said she came to warn me. It makes me think I should stop talking. "

"Forget it, this matter should be settled. She was taught by Mr. Leng, and I was taught by her." Wu Ma thought that it was better to do more than less, so let it go.

"Hehe, just forget it? That's impossible. " Easy as smoke, with anger at the bottom of his eyes.

"It's really too much. Is that the lesson? The oil is hot. Look, the skin on this hand has been burned off. It's really too much. " Yi Ruyan didn't dare to see Wu Ma's hand. When he first saw it, he was distressed. Now he wants to cry.

Wu Ma is such a good person. How can she be treated like this?

It's really too much.

"Promise Wu Ma not to pursue it, okay?" Wu Ma looked at Yi Ruyan with tears and said.

"Less is better than more. I'll be fine." Wu Ma just wants to calm things down.

"Wu Ma, let's go to the hospital first. Stop talking. Is it still painful? " Yi Ruyan looked at Wu Ma's frown and knew that she must be in pain.

How can it not hurt.

"What kind of person is this? His heart is so vicious." Ding Weijin, who had been driving without talking, also said.


Yi Ruyan took Wu's mother to the hospital, treated her wound, and then the doctor prescribed some medicine and went home.