The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 222

Leng Shanshan rushed into the kitchen as soon as she came back, picked up Wu Ma's hair and scolded with a gloomy face: "well, you dead old woman, are you bold enough to complain to my brother."

"Let me go, Miss Leng. Let me go first. Let me go. I don't understand what you say." Wu Ma's hair was pulled very painful, very painful, and she cried in pain.

Leng Shanshan not only didn't let go, but banged her head against the refrigerator door. The collision seemed to be hidden. She grabbed Wu Ma's hair and hit Du mesa.

"Ah... Please, let me go. It hurts. It really hurts." Wu Ma is old. She really can't stand such trouble.

"Let you go, hehe, do you want me to let you go now? When you first complained to my brother, why didn't you want me to let you go? " Leng Shanshan roared angrily, let go of Wu Ma, and then another slap slammed on Wu Ma's face.

Wu Ma fell heavily to the ground.

Leng Shanshan looked at the oil burning in the pot. She directly picked up the pot and poured the hot oil on Wu Ma's hand.

"Ah... Ah, ah..." a heart rending voice sounded in the kitchen.

"Ah... Ah, ah... Ah..." cried Wu Ma's miserable voice, filling the whole room.

"Hum... I don't know how to live or die. I tell you, today is just a small warning and lesson. Next time you complain to my brother, I won't tear your mouth." Lengshanshan glared at her angrily.

"Also, I warn you, if you dare to tell my brother that I did this to you, you won't want to stay in our house, or I'll let you live a life worse than death in the future." Leng Shanshan was arrogant and shouted at Wu Ma, who was lying on the ground with a pale face.

Wu Ma trembled with pain, her lips trembled, and her tears fell down.

Lengshanshan gave Wu Ma a cold look, finally kicked Wu Ma hard and left.

After Leng Shanshan taught Wu Ma a lesson, she went out again.

Wu Ma lay on the ground, motionless, and her heart hurt more.

Her heart was hurt, and today she was greatly insulted, so she lay on the ground.

After a while, Yi Ruyan came back.

Yi Ruyan was in a good mood today and was greatly moved by Leng Haotian. Therefore, she decided to go home from work early and cook some dishes for Leng Haotian.

Fortunately, Yi Ruyan came back early today.

"Wu Ma, Wu Ma, I'm back." Yi Ruyan was in a very good mood and called Wu Ma as soon as he entered the house.

At home, except Leng Haotian, Yi Ruyan has the best relationship with Wu Ma. She will talk to Wu Ma about anything.

When Wu Ma lay on the ground and wanted to get up, Yi Ruyan came in directly.

Yi Ruyan came in and looked at Wu Ma lying on the ground. He was startled. He helped Wu Ma up in a panic and asked with concern: "Wu Ma, what's the matter with you? What's the matter with you?"

"I... I accidentally fell and tripped over the oil pan. The oil poured on my hand. No, it's okay." Wu Ma was so painful that she couldn't even speak clearly. She was still shaking all over.

Yi Ruyan was hard to observe. Looking at the pot thrown on the ground, her hair was messy and her forehead was bleeding. Today, Wu Ma was wearing white clothes and had dirty footprints. Therefore, it was impossible to be like what Wu Ma said.