The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 214

"Even if you say so, if I'm willing to give it, Yi Ruyan, the bitch will die if she doesn't want it? I think as long as Yi Ruyan stays in the cold house for a day, I won't be able to make a head start. " Leng Shanshan disagrees with Cheng Suqin.

"Did Yu Yiling tell you these?" Cheng Suqin knows his daughter. These faleng Shanshan can't think of it.

"Mom... No, I thought it myself. Well, I'm a little tired and my head feels dizzy. I need to rest." After Leng Shanshan finished, she hurried to suqinyi.

Cheng Suqin sighed, got up and finally said, "whether you can listen or not, I still want to advise you to stay away from Yu Yiling. If you stay with her again, you will ruin your life. She is just using you."

"Mom, she's not like that. She won't." Leng Shanshan was very angry when Cheng Suqin spoke ill of Yu Yiling.

"OK, do it yourself." Cheng Suqin ignored her and left angrily.

"Hum... The family was fine. Everything has changed since Yi Ruyan's cheap woman came. I'm so angry." Leng Shanshan angrily beat the bed and scolded.


The next day, when Yi Ruyan went to work, many people pointed at her.

Yi Ruyan didn't hear or see at all. He just went back to his position and did his own things.

However, the more people ignore them, the harder they become.

"Oh, Yi Ruyan, you are so beautiful. Why do you come to work? You said you only made a few money at work. Obviously, you can make money from your face and body, but you have to rely on coolies. Why? Come and grab a job with us. " A colleague walked up to Yi Ruyan and said.

"Yes, it's kept. How much is it a month? Let's envy it." Another female colleague added.

"There must be a lot. Haven't you heard that the last million was paid by the gold owner of others. One million, ah, this is the money that ordinary people can't save all their life."

"Tut tut... That's dirty money. Unlike us, hard-earned. "


Yi Ruyan patted the table hard and stood up, staring at them coldly: "have you said enough?"

"Yo... What's wrong? It's really shameless. Dare not let people say it? "

"That's right. What's so angry? If you rob other people's men and are kept by the gold owner, don't be afraid of being said. Besides, why didn't you expect to be said when you took the money?"

"Yes, what's the look?"

"It's really unlucky to be in the same company with such people."

"Shame, she doesn't know shame. I'm ashamed."

"Cough..." just at this time, the big boss of the company came in with a cold face and a dry cough. The assistant of the big boss scolded angrily: "what are you doing at work?"

"Mr. Leng, please." The big boss bent over and said to Leng Haotian with a pair of pugs.

Yi Ruyan tightened her eyebrows and saw lenghao day.

"Well, who? Mr. Leng? Leng Haotian? "

"Wow, it's so handsome. It's really handsome. It's even more handsome than the legend."

At ordinary times, Leng Haotian hardly goes to any magazines, and some of his photos or his news will not appear on the Internet. Therefore, in everyone's heart, Leng Haotian is a mysterious figure.