The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 215

"Madam, Leng Shao said that you ate less in the morning. He was worried that you were hungry. He specially sent you food in person." Assistant Wu walked to Yi Ruyan with breakfast and put things on her table.


"Is Leng Haotian the gold owner who keeps her?"

"Hehe, do you envy me? You have the ability to rob such a man and let him keep you? " Yi Ruyan looked at them sarcastically and said.

"Wife... What maintenance? Have you forgotten that we are licensed and that we are legal? " Leng Haotian smiled and walked slowly to Yi Ruyan with a strong aura. He hugged her slender waist branch, frowned and said, "what's the matter? Is it a shame to have such a husband as me? "

"I... how can I?" Yi Ruyan doesn't understand why Leng Haotian said that.

"Is that me... Shameful?" Leng Haotian asked again with dissatisfaction.

Yi Ruyan tightened his eyebrows and looked at Leng Haotian with a puzzled face: "no, how could it be? How could I think you are shameful. Why do you think so? "

"Then why don't you tell your colleagues that you and I are legal husband and wife, and I chased you for more than three years?" After Leng Haotian finished, his smile became cold. He glanced coldly at the women who chewed their tongue in the office.

"God, really? She's Leng Haotian's wife. They're married. Don't they say they're kept?"

"Yes, she is too low-key."

"Ruyan is a very low-key person." Su Rumeng said proudly.

Originally, Su Rumeng always believed that Yi Ruyan was not like that. How could she be like that.

The two people who had been talking about Yi Ruyan began to tremble. She really didn't expect that this was the case. Since Leng Haotian came to say so and came in person, it can be seen how much Leng Haotian attaches importance to Yi Ruyan.

Leng Haotian also said that it took three years to catch up with her. There is no man who easily robbed other women.

Besides, there's no word outside that Leng Haotian has a woman.

It seems that what Leng Shanshan said yesterday was all rumors.

"Cough... Well, what are you doing?" Yi Ruyan is a little embarrassed. She really didn't expect Leng Haotian to say these words in front of everyone.

This should not be what Leng Haotian should do.

"Nothing." Leng Haotian looked at Yi Ruyan gently and said.

When everyone looked at Leng Haotian and Yi Ruyan, they were not as cold as before. On the contrary, they were full of spoiled eyes.

Everyone seems to feel that Leng Haotian really dotes on Yi Ruyan.

"Er..." Yi Ruyan bit his lower lip and didn't know how to answer Leng Haotian's question.

"Ruyan, yes, sorry, i... we really don't know. We apologize for what we just said. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Just now, the shady female colleague hurried forward and took Yi Ruyan's hand to apologize. She was scared and was about to cry.

Yi Ruyan tightened her eyebrows, took back her hand and stepped back. She was still not used to being too intimate with such people.

Yi Ruyan thought she was very popular in the company. She was OK. Unexpectedly, so many people couldn't see her behind her.