The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 213

"It doesn't hurt." Yi Ruyan was touched by Leng Haotian. In fact, it still hurt a little, but looking at his distressed appearance, she shook her head and said she didn't hurt.

"You are stubborn. Can't you shout out when you feel hurt? Why endure it? " Leng Haotian tightened his eyebrows and said discontentedly, "some things will be said in his heart. We are husband and wife. Nothing is impossible to say, okay?"

"Well, I see." Yi Ruyan bit his lower lip and looked up at lenghao Tian. Lenghao Tian stared at his forehead without turning his eyes, and then carefully drugged her.

At that moment, Yi Ruyan's heart softened again, sighed gently, and looked at him with clear and bright eyes.

In fact, she wanted to ask Leng Haotian what she planned to do with Yu Yiling.

She wanted to ask about Leng Haotian and Yu Yiling, but finally she thought about it and didn't ask.

Because Yi Ruyan can feel that Leng Haotian is also working hard to be good to her and wants to live a good life with her. It seems to be the same as her idea, so she doesn't think it's necessary to ask.

Some things are not clear, so it's better not to know some unhappy things, make yourself feel bad and destroy the current situation of both of them.

Yi Ruyan keeps comforting himself. In fact, it's good. Don't be too greedy. As long as lenghaotian can be good to her, isn't it?

So she stopped asking.

Leng Haotian rubbed the medicine for her and blew it gently. It was cool and comfortable.

"Are you ready?" Leng Haotian asked with deep eyes.

"Well, it's much better. It doesn't hurt at all. It really doesn't hurt." Yi Ruyan smiled at Leng Haotian and said.

Leng Haotian looks at Yi Ruyan's smile, which seems much better than just now. At least it's not a fake smile.

"Yes. Then rest early. " Leng Haotian kissed her face and got up to wash in the bathroom.

Yi Ruyan sighed, pulled on the quilt and waited for lenghaotian to take a bath.


Leng Shanshan's forehead is much more serious than Yi Ruyan. Although Cheng Suqin gave birth to her words, he still couldn't do it. He took the medicine and put it on her, and then earnestly advised: "Mom beat you today to show your brother. Can you understand mom's pains?"

"Mom just slapped you in the face to make Leng Haotian angry. If he did it, you know the consequences. Does it still hurt? " Cheng Suqin reached out and gently touched her face, with a distressed face.

"Mom... I don't blame you. I know you're for my good." Leng Shanshan shook her head and looked at Cheng Suqin with watery eyes: "but I really can't stand that woman. Mom, my sister-in-law should be Yu Yiling."

"Well, don't get involved in this matter. Now you should understand that if you continue to help Yu Yiling do the right thing with your sister-in-law, there will be no place for you in the cold house in the future. Do you understand?" Cheng Suqin decided to persuade her.

"Also, if you are really driven out of the cold family, the cold family will certainly not give you a wedding dowry in the future. Although you are not a child of the cold family, at least your registered permanent residence is also in the cold family, isn't it? You are also the eldest lady of the cold family. If the family is harmonious and harmonious, your brother will certainly prepare a dowry for you when you get married in the future, and you can find a good mother-in-law for you in the face of your brother in the future. Let you have no worries about food and clothing all your life. Can these Yu Yiling give you? " Cheng Suqin analyzes the stakes and hopes lengshanshan can understand it.