The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 212

However, she was dissatisfied that he actually dealt with her for the sake of ease.

"I did it all for you. You see, if Yi Ruyan hadn't pleaded today, you would have been driven out of Leng's house. Think about it. If you were driven out of Leng's house, what would you do in the future? Mom doesn't want you to have the aura of cold family and marry a good family? Mom, this is for your sake. Do you understand? Do you understand? " Cheng Suqin looked at her with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and said helplessly.

"Mom... Even if he drove me out of the house, so what? I'm also the daughter of the cold family. Let's just live somewhere else. I'm not afraid of him. " Leng Shanshan really didn't mention the coffin and didn't cry.

"OK, I can't help it if you kill yourself. You can do it. Lenghao can't give you living expenses next. Don't say 30000 or 3000. You help Yu Yiling with your death. I see if she can give you living expenses every month. Ask her if she wants to go in the future." Cheng Suqin said coldly and got up: "if you go on like this, you will be driven out of Leng's house sooner or later. I'll see what you do then."

Cheng Suqin said and left.

Leng Shanshan was said by Cheng Suqin. In fact, she was very afraid. She was afraid when she had no cost of living.


"Are you angry?" Leng Haotian asked after she came back to the room.

Leng Haotian's heart is not happy, but looking at Yi Ruyan's sad appearance, he can't let her go and coax her.

"No, what can I be angry about?" Yi Ruyan smiled faintly and took back his hand: "I'm tired today. I'll wash."

"Yes." Leng Haotian squinted at her and nodded slightly.

After Yi Ruyan walked into the bathroom, he sighed, and then the smile on his face immediately disappeared. Aren't you angry?

How can you not be angry?

Leng Haotian went to the balcony to smoke. The cold wind blew him, making him feel cold to his bones.

Leng Haotian feels that she doesn't understand Yi Ruyan more and more. Does she really care about Yu Yiling's existence?

Leng Haotian doesn't understand that Yi Ruyan is clearly her wife. Why can't she quarrel with herself and make trouble with herself? Why should she pretend to be indifferent?

Why don't you ask him what's going on with Yu Yiling?

Just don't ask.

Because you don't care, because you don't care?


Leng Haotian smoked one cigarette after another. Finally, he stood on the balcony and let the wind blow him. Although it was cold, he still didn't go in. After blowing the cold wind for a while, he didn't go in until he felt that the smoke on his body should be a little lighter. He went downstairs and took the medical kit.

Leng Haotian's heart is a little uncomfortable, but it doesn't affect him to continue to pet Yi Ruyan.

When Yi Ruyan came out after taking a bath, his heart was still blocked. As a result, Leng Haotian took her to sit down with a low voice and spoiled: "good, sit down and I'll wipe some medicine for you."

Yi Ruyan's heart was very unhappy, so he refused: "it's okay. Just have a sleep. It's not very serious."

"Who says it's not serious. You have to rub some medicine. " Leng Haotian held her very severely. His deep eyes were full of heartache. He tightened his eyebrows, stretched out his hand, gently touched the bag on her forehead with his fingers, and his voice was a little hoarse: "does it hurt?"