The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 190

"Hey... I'll go to work with you?" Yi Ruyan smiled at him and asked.

Leng Haotian heard Yi Ruyan say that, so he can see him at any time.

"OK." Leng Haotian smiled.

"Well, I'll eat quickly. After eating, I'll change my clothes and go to work with you. In this way, you can see me when you miss me. Next time you are busy and miss me, I'll accompany you, okay? " Yi Ruyan asked him sweetly.

"OK." Leng Hao's heart tightened and his voice was a little hoarse.

"Yes." Yi Ruyan nodded and hurriedly began to eat breakfast. After eating early, he went to accompany him.

When Yi Ruyan had breakfast, Leng Haotian looked at Yi Ruyan and stared at her.

Yi Ruyan was embarrassed and smiled, "why? Look at me like that? "

"Good looking." Leng Haotian smiled, half narrowed his eyes, and answered with a spoiled face.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm sorry." Yi Ruyan is really a little embarrassed.

After hearing this, Leng Haotian smiled, "will you still be embarrassed?"

"What, who do you think of me? Am I so thick skinned?" Yi Ruyan's dissatisfied toot mouth is so cute.

Leng Haotian swallowed his saliva, his voice was very hoarse, with ambiguity: "little girl?"

"I'm full. I'll put on some makeup. " After Yi Ruyan finished, he went directly into the bathroom to make up.

Although she doesn't wear heavy makeup, she will wear light makeup to make the whole person look more energetic. In addition, Yi Ruyan will go to his company with lenghaotian at this time. Naturally, she has to clean up herself.

After about half an hour, Yi Ruyan finally came out.

"Hey, hey, I've kept you waiting." After Yi Ruyan came out, he looked at Leng Haotian with a smile.

Leng Haotian was surprisingly patient. He shook his head and took her soft boneless hand: "can you go now?"

"Yes." Yi ruyanyi was smiling again, and then left with lenghaotian.

When the two of them walked out hand in hand, Leng Shanshan stared at her: "fox spirit."

"Shanshan." Cheng Suqin tightened his eyebrows and scolded.

"Hum... I just don't like her. Why does she deserve my brother? " Lengshanshan said discontentedly.

"Keep your voice down." Cheng Suqin looked at Leng Shanshan with a stern look and said, "be careful, trouble comes from your mouth."

"Hum......" Leng Shanshan was still dissatisfied.

"I'm not worth it for sister Yiling." Lengshanshan said discontentedly.

"That's not up to you. I tell you, don't take care of your brother's affairs. Your sister-in-law is a person you can't provoke. If you don't obey, be careful to suffer. Don't cry with me then. It's no use crying with me." Cheng Suqin still looked at lengshanshan with a serious look and said.

Leng Shanshan is a person who doesn't shed tears without seeing the coffin.

After Yi Ruyan arrived at Leng Haotian's office, he was actually very boring, and then he kept lying on the sofa playing with his mobile phone.

Leng Haotian asked assistant Wu to buy something for her.

Leng Haotian is ready to go to a meeting. Looking at Yi Ruyan, he asks, "are you bored? If you are bored, you can go to the mall opposite. See if you have something you like and buy some. "

"I don't want to go out." Yi Ruyan looked at lenghao Tian and asked, "are you going to a meeting?"