The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 191

"Can I borrow your computer?" Yi Ruyan's big eyes looked at him and asked.

"Yes." Leng Haotian smiled and replied, "since you don't go out, you can stay here. If you're bored, go out for a walk. I'll take you to dinner after the meeting."

"OK." Yi Ruyan nodded: "I will use your computer carefully and will never touch your other things."

"It's all right. Move. I believe you." Leng Haotian certainly won't guard against Yi Ruyan.

"Hey, hey... I won't live up to your trust in me." After Yi Ruyan finished, she smiled at Leng Haotian and looked at his handsome face. Her heart was pounding. Suddenly, she couldn't help thinking about her toes and kissed him on his handsome face.

Leng Haotian didn't expect Yi Ruyan to give him a kiss all of a sudden. He was stunned for a moment, and the smile on the corners of his mouth became stronger.

Yi Ruyan's face was red and embarrassed, and then hurriedly pushed him: "Oh, didn't you say you were going to have a meeting? Hurry to the meeting, hurry to the meeting. "

"Otherwise, everyone is waiting for you. Hurry up." Yi Ruyan is really embarrassed and very shy.

Yi Ruyan was surprised at what she had just done.

"It's all right. Let them wait." Cold day Hao's hot eyes stared at Yi Ruyan's red face. At this moment, I really wanted to eat her.


It seems that the time is not ripe.

"Then what do you want to do?" Yi Ruyan bit his lower lip and looked down at his shoes.

"I want to kiss you." As soon as Leng Haotian's voice fell, he hugged her waist with one hand, pulled her whole soft body into his arms, clasped her back brain with the other hand and kissed her

Yi Ruyan stares round her eyes and her heart beats faster again.

Leng Haotian's masculine breath is so clear that she is fascinated.

"Dong Dong Dong."

There was a knock on the door outside.

Yi Ruyan, who was completely trapped in it, immediately woke up, hurriedly pushed away lenghaotian and bit his lower lip: "someone is coming."

"Yes." Leng Haotian looked at her and smiled. His black eyes were full of affection and love, and his voice was low: "wait for me to come back and take you to eat delicious food. Now you can think about what to eat later."

"OK, you hurry." Yi Ruyan was very shy and urged him.

Leng Haotian smiled, "OK."

In this way, Leng Haotian gave her a gentle look and left.

After Leng Haotian left, the smile on his face disappeared, and the tenderness in his deep eyes disappeared. His face was cold.

Yi Ruyan watched Leng Haotian leave. Her mood slowly calmed down and sighed: "it was really bold just now.

After Leng Haotian left, Yi Ruyan went to his computer to read some information. It was very boring. After watching it for a long time, Yanqing was a little uncomfortable, so she was ready to go out and have a look outside.

When Yi Ruyan went to the bathroom, she went in and went to the bathroom. When she was going to the bathroom, she heard the voices of two women outside.

"Leng Zong actually brought a woman. Yes, yes, I heard he brought a woman."