The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 189

Leng Haotian smiled and thought that Xi Chengfeng didn't give wrong advice.

It turns out that girls' minds are like this.

"Just be happy. Do you want to get up and wash? After washing, get up and have breakfast? Are you hungry? " Leng Haotian has a touch of heartache in his eyes.

Yi Ruyan nodded hard and looked at him with a sweet and lovely smile: "I wasn't hungry, but now I'm hungry when I'm hooked by your breakfast, hehe..."

"Then get up quickly, wash and have breakfast." Leng Haotian pulled her up.

"All right." Yi Ruyan got up with a smile and went into the bathroom. After washing, he came out and asked curiously, "uncle, are you busy in your company?"

"No." Leng Haotian stared at her.

"No?" Yi Ruyan tightened his eyebrows: "if not, how did you run home?"

"I miss you." When Leng Haotian said this sentence gently, Yi Ruyan's heart seemed to be filled with happiness called happiness.

"Uncle, your sweet words are getting better and better." Yi Ruyan is a little embarrassed.

"Really. I know what you mean by the fifty cents you gave me. Fifty cents plus fifty cents is a piece, isn't it? " Leng Haotian's eyes are full of tenderness.

Yi Ruyan didn't expect that he really knew.

However, Yi Ruyan thinks it's normal for him to know. He's so smart.

"You know." Yi Ruyan's face is slightly red, and his heart beats faster.

"Well, I understand your meaning and mind. I believe both of us will develop towards your ideas and get better and better. Trust me." Leng Haotian's hot eyes stared at her tightly.

"Yes." Yi Ruyan's voice is very small.

"So... You came back because you knew the meaning of the fifty cent coin?" Yi Ruyan guessed boldly.

"Yes." Leng Haotian actually replied yes?

This makes Yi Ruyan unexpected.

Is she so charming?

Can you stop him from working?

"Because you miss me?" Yi Ruyan is really surprised.

It seems that the two of them are really developing in a good direction.

Yi Ruyan suddenly felt that her original choice was not wrong. She chose to trust him and give him a chance. She also believed that Leng Haotian would like her one day. She also believed that one day, their hearts could be tightly tied together.

Well, I'm sure I can.

"Yes. I miss you, especially you, and I don't even have the mind to work, so I came back. When I came back, I thought maybe you haven't eaten breakfast, so I'll buy you some steamed buns and soybean milk fried dough sticks you like. " Leng Haotian looked at her with a loving face.

"Uncle, it's very kind of you." Yi Ruyan, every mouthful of this breakfast is full of happiness.

These are not breakfast for Yi Ruyan. It's a thing called happiness.

"Fool." Leng Hao narrowed his eyes and looked at her fondly.

Leng Haotian thinks it's worth doing such a small thing to get her such a sweet smile.

"Are you going to work later?" Yi Ru's watery eyes blinked at him and asked, especially moving and lovely.

"Originally, I wanted to come back to see you, go back to continue the meeting and work, but now I don't want to go when I see you. What should I do?" Leng Haotian stretched out his hand and gently rubbed her head with a spoiled face.