The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 175

Leng Hao actually knew in his heart that Yi Ruyan would not answer her phone, but he still called her. As a result, he didn't answer, called again, and still didn't answer.

Finally, Leng Haotian didn't dare to call again. If he was afraid to call again, Yi Ruyan turned off his mobile phone directly, so he really couldn't find it.

Ding Weijin actually called Yi Ruyan, and Yi Ruyan didn't answer.

Leng Haotian finally sent a message to Yi Ruyan: girl, sometimes it's not what you see or what you think. You misunderstood. I have nothing to do with her.

After Leng Haotian sent a message, he took his mobile phone and drove while sending a message: she will send me food. Will you listen to my explanation? Where are you? Tell me. I'll pick you up. It's not safe for you to be alone. I'm worried about you.

After Leng Haotian sent the message, he didn't see Yi Ruyan return the message to her, and sighed again.


"Who are you and what are you going to do?" At this time, Yi Ruyan was taken into the car and drove away all the way.

In fact, Yi Ruyan was taken to the car as soon as she came out, as if someone knew her whereabouts and was waiting for her.

Yi Ruyan thought: is it Yu Yiling?

Why is it so coincidental? When lenghao worked overtime today, Yu Yiling came. Moreover, she was arrested as soon as she came out of the company. Will anyone be arranging all this?

Could it be Yu Yiling?

Did Yu Yiling arrange it?

Maybe, before Leng Hao worked overtime, Yu Yiling often gave him food?

At the thought of this, Yi Ruyan's heart is uncomfortable and blocked.

And these people ignored her. No matter how she asked, these people ignored her.

"Are you the people sent by Yu Yiling?" Yi Ruyan continued to ask, but they still had a cold face and didn't say anything.

"Damn it." Yi Ruyan thinks these people must be sent by Yu Yiling.

Yi Ruyan wants to see what Yu Yiling wants to do to her this time, and then see if lenghaotian wants to protect Yu Yiling this time.

Since these people were unwilling to answer her, Yi Ruyan stopped what I said, sighed and waited.

Her cell phone was also taken away.

Time passed slowly, and Yi Ruyan was taken to the villa in the suburbs.

"Get off." When the man in Black opened the door, he said coldly to her.

Yi Ruyan tightened her eyebrows and got off the bus. She knew that at this time, she could only be good, let their vigilance drop, and then find a chance to escape, or wait for lenghaotian to save him.

But will Leng Haotian come to save her this time?

Yes, of course.

Yi Ruyan is still willing to believe lenghaotian.

Although Yi Ruyan saw that Yu Yiling brought food for Leng Haotian and they stayed in the same office, after all, they didn't make any intimate behavior.

What she saw was that Yu Yiling was talking. Leng Haotian was eating. She didn't see anything else. She couldn't judge what they were doing and what they were sorry for her.

Yi Ruyan regretted that he was so impulsive.

"Go in." The man in black took her into a room.

Along the way, Yi Ruyan carefully observed that the villa was well decorated and clean inside. Looking at the room, the villa should be occupied.

What does Yu Yiling really want to do?