The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 174

Looking down at the dumplings she made herself, she felt very ironic.

"Ha ha..."

Yi Ruyan feels that he has no need to go in. When he turns around to leave, he happens to meet assistant Wu, who comes with the documents Leng Haotian needs.

Yi Ruyan left quickly without even saying hello.

"Madam, are you looking for lengshao? Leng Shao is in the office. We won't have a meeting until later. You go first... Madam... "Assistant Wu didn't expect Yi Ruyan to ignore him and leave directly.

When Leng Haotian heard assistant Wu's voice, he was worried and thought, it's over. The little girl must have misunderstood.

Quickly push away Yu Yiling and rush out.

"Leng Shao, madam, she..." before assistant Wu finished, Leng Haotian rushed out.

When Yu Yiling came out, assistant Wu understood what was going on and sighed helplessly.

When Leng Haotian quickly tracked down the elevator, he found that the elevator had just gone down.

Leng Haotian just saw a bag on the trash can at the entrance of the elevator. There was a fresh-keeping box in the bag. Leng Haotian didn't need to guess that it must be the night snack made by Yi Ruyan for her to eat.

"Damn it." Leng Haotian bit his lower lip and mentioned the night. There happened to be an elevator. He quickly went in.

While in the elevator, Leng Haotian called Ding Weijin.

"Hello... Mr. Leng." When Ding Weijin receives Leng Haotian's call, he will be nervous. Maybe Leng Haotian's aura is too strong.

"Madam, if you leave in your car, wait a minute and wait for me." Leng Haotian said coldly.

"I... I'm not at the door of the company. Madam, madam must let me go back. She said to go back with you at night. There's no need to wait for him... Mr. Leng, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wait for him. However, madam must not let me wait. I......" before Ding Weijin finished, Leng Haotian has hung up.

There's no time to listen to his nonsense.

After Leng Haotian hung up, Ding Weijin was afraid. He thought he was angry with Leng Haotian and drove back quickly.


Ding Weijin is very regretful. He didn't drive away when he knew it. He had been waiting downstairs. It's easy as smoke. However, it's difficult to buy in the world. He knew it and couldn't buy it at all.

"Oh, it's over!" Ding Wei really wants to kill himself.


A strong sigh.

When Leng Haotian ran downstairs, he found that Yi Ruyan had disappeared.

"Damn it." Leng Hao's fist hit the wall.

Leng Haotian called assistant Wu: "help me check the surveillance near the company building to see where she has gone."

"Yes." Assistant Wu answered.

Leng Haotian hurried to the underground garage and drove out to find it.

Leng Hao Tianxin thought that he should not run far.

While driving, he called Ding Weijin again.

When Ding Weijin received the call again, his heart beat a lot faster.

"Cold, cold always. I... no, I'm sorry... I... "Ding Weijin was about to cry and wanted to explain.

"Drive around and find out where your wife is." Leng Haotian interrupted coldly before he finished.

"Yes, good hair, I know, I will." Ding Weijin breathed a sigh of relief. He thought to himself that if he found his wife, he might be able to make amends.