The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 176

Why should someone bring her here?

Yi Ruyan's heart is at sixes and sevens, and her thoughts are also very unstable. However, she knows that she can only wait, wait

Wait, wait, wait!

But no one came at all.

I don't know what time it is. Yi Ruyan just feels more and more sleepy.

But fly, she doesn't dare to sleep at this time. She can only continue to wait, wait, wait

Suddenly, hearing the sound of fighting outside, Yi Ruyan ran nervously to open the door. However, the door seemed to be locked outside, and she couldn't open the door at all.

Yi Ruyan wanted to know what was happening outside. She was worried. Finally, she ran to the window to look at it, but there was a dark area below. She couldn't see the situation below at all.

However, still can hear some fighting downstairs.

Yi Ruyan doesn't know the mood outside. He's worried. He's been walking around the room and wants to know the situation outside.

"Bang, bang, bang."

There was a knock on the door outside.

Yi Ruyan hurried to the door and patted the door with his hand: "excuse me, is there anyone outside? Is there anyone outside? "

"Help me, help me." Yi Ruyan shouted loudly.

"Here, here."

Then Yi Ruyan heard the sound outside.

"Get out of the way." This time, the familiar voice came, and that voice affected Yi Ruyan's heart.

"OK, OK." Yi Ruyan's voice choked. She knew lenghaotian would come to save her and would certainly come to save her.

"Bang, bang, bang."

It's still knocking at the door.


With a loud voice, the door was knocked down. Leng Haotian stepped in with his eyebrows tight. Seeing Yi Ruyan, he directly came forward and hugged her in his arms.

Yi Ruyan could feel his nervous breathing.

Yi Ruyan can feel his fear and worry.

Is he nervous and worried about himself?

Afraid of losing yourself?

Yi Ruyan leaned against his arms and was particularly relieved: "uncle, I'm so scared."

"It's all right." Leng Haotian closed his eyes, took a long breath, hugged her tightly and said, "it's okay, it's okay, I'm here, it's okay."

"Well, I knew you would come and save me." Yi Ruyan smiled, but tears hung from the corners of his eyes.

"Let's go. I'll take you out first." Leng Haotian picked her up and walked out.

There are many people here. Yi Ruyan was a little embarrassed: "I... I wasn't hurt, and they didn't do anything to me."

"Generally speaking, they were very polite to me. Apart from ignoring me with a cold look, they didn't beat me, scold me, or be cruel to me. I don't know what they want to do." After Yi Ruyan explained, he said to Leng Haotian, "you, put me down. I'm fine."

"How embarrassed you are to hold me with so many people." Yi Ruyan glanced at the people outside, whispered, and looked shy.

Leng Haotian glanced at them coldly. They all closed their eyes and didn't dare to look.

"No one is watching now." Leng Haotian dotes on her and looks at her eyes with a trace of pride.

Yi Ruyan looked at Leng Haotian's arrogant appearance and couldn't help laughing. Looking at him now, she didn't have the tension and worry just now, her heart was very complicated.

Such a cold Haotian made her a little confused.