The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 173

Yi Ruyan nodded, "well, I will."

"Yes. Be careful on the road. " Wu Ma looked at Yi Ruyan and nodded with a smile.

"OK, Wu Ma, you have to rest early." Yi Ruyan finished and left.

Yi Ruyan sat in the car with joy and excitement, thinking about the scene when lenghaotian saw her.

What kind of expression would it be?



Or excited?

Or is it plain?

I don't think so. There should be a surprise.

Yi Ruyan felt out the two fifty cents he had bought and looked at the words on it.

Wish to have a heart, white head does not separate!

The two 50 cents coins actually had a shiny feeling under the neon lights outside the window.

Yi Ruyan couldn't help laughing again.

Finally, at the door of lenghaotian company building, Yi Ruyan said to Ding Weijin, "go back. It's getting late."

"I'll wait here for my wife." Ding Weijin doesn't dare to go.

"No, I'll go back with Leng Haotian, so go back. He has a car." Yi Ruyan said with a smile.

"Er... That..." Ding Weijin was very embarrassed.

Ding Weijin is not busy at ordinary times. His main task is to pick up Yi Ruyan where to go. When Yi Ruyan's driver, if Yi Ruyan doesn't need him, he can go home.

However, whenever you receive a call, you must come right away.

Ding Weijin usually has a lot of time to stay at home with his children and help with housework. He likes this job very much and makes more money than driving a taxi before.

And a lot more stable.

"It's all right. If Leng Haotian asks, I'll say I let you go back. Don't worry. It's getting late." Yi Ruyan understood what he meant and said with a smile.

"Yes, thank you, madam." Ding Weijin smiled and was willing to leave.

Yi Ruyan entered the building with expectation, entered the elevator, and then went to the floor of the cold day office.

It's getting late, the whole building is quiet, and the front desk is off duty, but the light is on in Leng Haotian's office.

Yi Ruyan is a little nervous. He has been thinking about what kind of mood and expression lenghaotian will have when he sees her. It should be a surprise.

Yi Ruyan walked to lenghaotian's office with a smile.

When Yi Ruyan was about to walk to the door of lenghaotian's office, he found that the door of his office was not closed. Yi Ruyan was secretly happy: "in this way, you can go in without knocking and give him a surprise. However, I don't know whether he is in the office or not.

When Yi Ruyan went to the door and was ready to push the door in, he saw a woman in his office through the crack in the door.

"I love you. You see, you have to work overtime this weekend. No one gives you food. You must not have eaten your dinner. I know you. As soon as you get busy and forget to sleep and eat, how can your body eat?" Yu Yiling's voice pierced into Yi Ruyan's heart like a knife.

"You see, I'd better treat you. You, don't be so heartless. I care about you at the critical moment. Your little wife clearly doesn't care about you at all. Knowing that you don't send you anything to eat when you work overtime, she knows she's angry at you. " Yu Yiling complained discontentedly.

Yi Ruyan listens to Yu Yiling's words, her hands and feet are cold, and she feels uncomfortable when lenghao Tian is eating what Yu Yiling brings.