The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 170

After hearing this, Yi Ruyan asked curiously, "hmm?"

"Yes, try to catch his heart. Stupid. You are so stupid and your EQ is so low that you have to capture a man's heart. I think you are dreaming. " LV Qiufeng looked at her and joked.

"Hey, why did I make a friend like you?" Yi Ruyan shook his head helplessly: "Alas..."

"Eh... Go in and have a look." Yi Ruyan sees a creative art shop and pulls LV Qiufeng in.

Yi Ruyan strolled around, all of them are gadgets.

"What are you doing in this shop? You are now the wife of a rich family. These gadgets can still get into your eyes?" LV Qiufeng teased as she looked.

"I won't tell you." Easy as smoke despises.

"Eh... You see, this idea is very good." Yi Ruyan saw a fifty cent coin, and then a couple's one. On it, you can also engrave names and write blessings.

Yi Ruyan immediately thought, "I want to buy this for Leng Haotian."

"I'm fifty cents and he's fifty cents. We'll be together, so our hearts will be together in the future, right?" Yi Ruyan is excited like a little girl. Her watery eyes are looking forward to it, clear and transparent.

"He's a big president. Can he still see this gadget?" LV Qiufeng shook her head and was not optimistic.

Yi Ruyan tightened his eyebrows: "what do you know? The richer you are, the more you care about whether these little gadgets are good. Besides, those who are used to eating sea cucumber, abalone and delicacies don't like to eat some light green vegetables."

"OK, you think so." LV Qiufeng smiled.

Yi Ruyan took two fifty cents coins and went to the processing office. After paying the money, she personally took the electric melting pen and engraved her name and Leng Haotian's name.

Then write on the fifty cent coin with your name: May you have a heart.

Then he wrote on the fifty cents coin with Leng Haotian's name: the white heads are not separated.

Then put on the small button and hang it on the key chain.

Very good.

Yi Ruyan's face was filled with happiness. Then he picked up the pair of gadgets high and put them in front of his eyes. He was happy: "he should like it."

"You give it to him, he must like it, but I hope he can cherish it." LV Qiufeng looked at Yi Ruyan's mind for lenghao smallpox, and knew that she had slowly fallen into it. Now she only hopes that she can get happiness, and lenghao Tian can see her sincerity and don't hurt her again.

"Will you cherish it? I think so. " Yi Ruyan had no bottom in his heart: "do you think he would really like these gadgets?"

"I'll like it." LV Qiufeng didn't want to disappoint her: "if he wants to cherish you, he will like it. If he doesn't want to cherish you, he must not like it. You don't have to spend these careful thoughts for him, or let you die."

LV Qiufeng's opinions are very pertinent every time.

Yi Ruyan thought that LV Qiufeng's words made sense: "that's right, let's see if he cherishes it. If he doesn't cherish it, I really don't need to continue to spend time on him."

"However, have confidence in yourself." LV Qiufeng comforted.

"Yes. Go, please have hot pot. " Yi Ruyan said with a smile.