The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 171

"OK." LV Qiufeng smiled happily.

So they went to eat hot pot happily.

Talk while eating, talk about the past, talk about the future, not much about the present.

LV Qiufeng no longer mentioned that Xing junchi wanted to come back, because she saw that Yi Ruyan had fallen into lenghaotian's feelings now, so she didn't expect them to go back to the past, but only hoped that Yi Ruyan could have a good relationship with lenghaotian now.

Halfway through the meal, Yi Ruyan's mobile phone rang. When he took out his mobile phone, it was Leng Haotian's phone: "hello..."

"Home?" Leng Haotian had just finished the meeting. One meeting after another made him a little tired and miss his little wife.

"I'm having hot pot with Qiu Feng. What about you? Are you home? " When Yi Ruyan then called lenghaotian, the smile on his face was more brilliant.

"I have to work overtime at night. I have some documents to deal with." Leng Haotian sighed and said, "maybe you'll go home later in the evening. Go back early."

"Yes. I see. " Yi Ruyan also wanted to send this gift out today. He smiled and asked, "when will you come back?"

"I have a present for you." Yi Ruyan's tone is mysterious and naughty.

When Leng Haotian heard Yi Ruyan say this, he felt soft and wanted to go back now to see what gift the little girl was going to give him: "hmm? What gift? "

"A gadget. I don't know if you like it or not. It's worthless." Yi Ruyan's heart is a little nervous, but he still has no bottom, because he doesn't know whether he will cherish the gadgets he gave him.

"I like it. It's hard for a thousand gold to buy love. I'll like it as long as it's yours." Leng Haotian said directly.

"You don't know what it is or see what it is, so you say you like it." Yi Ruyan smiled, and his eyes were full of laughter.

"As long as it's from you, I like it." Leng Haotian smiled sweetly.

Yi Ruyan also felt Leng Haotian's sweet smile and looked at LV Qiufeng proudly: "well, you like it. I'll give it to you when you go back."

"OK, I'll go back as early as possible. Be careful outside yourself." Leng Haotian said.

"Yes. Then hang up. You remember to have dinner. " Yi Ruyan warned.

"OK." Leng Haotian answered.

After hanging up the phone, Yi Ruyan looked at LV Qiufeng and said, "look, he said he liked it."

"Yes, I can give you to the United States." LV Qiufeng smiled: "I'm relieved to see you so sweet and happy."

"Hey, hey..." Yi Ruyan smiled: "come on, eat more. What else do you want to eat? It's my treat."

"I'm usually very stingy. It's rare to be generous, so you should eat more today." Yi Ruyan said with a smile.

"You are hopeless." LV Qiufeng looked at her happy appearance and knew that she was deeply involved.

Xing junchi is back. What should I do?

LV Qiufeng could feel that Xing junchi came back for Yi Ruyan this time, mainly for her.

It seems that the next days will become very interesting.


Easy to smoke and Lv Qiufeng, after they both finished eating, they went for a stroll, and then bought some facial mask, skin care products and what, and the time was not long before they separated.