The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 169

We will have lunch soon. Yi Ruyan still has breakfast. Then he called LV Qiufeng: "hang around."

"I'm in a good mood. All right. The weather is so fine today. " LV Qiufeng also readily agreed.

"Yes. See you there. " Yi Ruyan hung up the phone and said to Wu Ma, "Wu Ma, I don't eat at home at noon. I'll go out now."

"OK, you're going out. I'll call the driver right away and ask him to pick you up." Wu Ma said that before Yi Ruyan refused, she picked up her mobile phone and called Ding Weijin.

"Er... Thank you, Mrs. Wu. In fact, I don't need it. I can go out by myself." Yi Ruyan is still not used to being served too well.

"Mr. Leng told me that if you want to go out, you must ask driver Ding to pick you up." Wu Ma said with a smile.

Wu Ma looked at them and was happy for them.

A few days ago, I watched the two of them cold war. Although there was no big quarrel, I also knew that they had quarreled, and I felt particularly uncomfortable.

"Thank you." Yi Ruyan listened, his heart was warm, and a sweet smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Soon, Ding Wei came in and Yi Ruyan left.

After Yi Ruyan left, Leng Shanshan tightened her eyebrows and looked at Cheng Suqin puzzled and said, "Mom... Are they reconciled? How did you make up so soon? "

After listening to Leng Shanshan's words, Wu Ma didn't speak. She just worked silently and thought, what's wrong with the quarrel between husband and wife? They quarrel at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed.

Of course, Wu Ma certainly didn't dare to say these words. She could only think about them in her heart.

"Husband and wife quarrel like this. They quarrel and live together. Finally, they have to live together. They can quarrel, which means that they have a good personal relationship. They don't even bother to quarrel." Cheng Suqin sighed and thought of himself.

Up to now, he has never been red eyed or quarreled with his husband. He doesn't even bother to quarrel with her or get angry with her.

When Cheng Suqin said these words, Leng Shanshan understood her meaning with a touch of sadness in her eyes.

"Mom, you have a good relationship with dad. Dad is reluctant to say a word about you and will never make you angry." Leng Shanshan looked at her mother and felt uncomfortable. She hurriedly comforted her.

Cheng Suqin smiled bitterly: "it's all right. I'm used to it."

"Mom." Lengshanshan looks at Cheng Suqin painfully.

"You, if you really think of your mother, don't use any crooked ideas, you know? Stay at home, otherwise you can't imagine the consequences. " Cheng Suqin earnestly advised Leng Shanshan.

Leng Shanshan nodded, "Mom, I know."


Yi Ruyan and LV Qiufeng stroll alone. Yi Ruyan talks about his relationship with lenghaotian.

LV Qiufeng sighed: "since you want to fly moths to the fire, I can't hold you. I just hope the fire won't burn you."

"What? You can't expect me to order something good." Yi Ruyan said with a dissatisfied mouth.

"No, I naturally hope you can do well, but since you are ready to live with lenghao, you should think carefully and get his heart back as soon as possible, so you will win the bet." LV Qiufeng's beautiful eyes blinked at Yi Ruyan.