The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 168

Yi Ruyan thinks so, afraid that he will only be a moth to the fire in the end.

"Well, fool, don't think about it. Trust me, I won't hurt you, you know? You are very important to me. " Leng Haotian coaxed her gently and wanted to give her a sense of security: "I will protect you and take care of you. As long as you want to do something, I will try my best to let you do it and support your ideas. I won't force you to do what you don't want to do."

"Yes." Yi Ruyan smiled.

As long as he is willing to do this, what else does she have to think about.

Love is a bet, isn't it?

If you win, you can be happy all your life. If you really lose, there is no way.

At least love, remember, unforgettable!

That's enough!

"Sleep." Leng Haotian gently kissed Yi Ruyan's forehead.

His lips are a little cold, but this kiss is a little hot for Yi Ruyan.

Close her eyes, lean against Leng Haotian's arms, buckle his powerful heartbeat, her heart is at ease, her mouth is smiling, and she enters a sweet dream.

Leng Haotian knew that she didn't give her enough sense of security, which made her have no confidence in herself.

Maybe she has been hurt by her feelings, so she has no confidence in her feelings.

When Leng Haotian thought of this, he didn't blame her at all. Instead, he loved her. Leng Haotian hoped that he could do better in the future.


On Saturday, Leng Haotian was busy and had a very important meeting. Yi Ruyan naturally wanted to go shopping with LV Qiufeng.

Yi Ruyan slept late today and didn't get up until noon.

After getting up, I picked up my cell phone and saw the message sent by Leng Haotian: remember to eat after getting up. I won't come back at noon.

"I see." Yi Ruyan returns a message to Leng Haotian.

Since that night, Yi Ruyan found that Leng Haotian gave himself more care.

In fact, Leng Haotian went to consult professionals about how to give a woman a sense of security, that is, call her more, send more messages and care more about her.

Even if you ask her, what are you doing, have you eaten, miss me, don't be hungry, wear more clothes when it's cold, buy whatever you want, be happy, miss me and so on.

"Just got up?" Leng Haotian returned the message again.

"Yes. Just woke up. " Leng Haotian smiled, facing dozens of people in a meeting, but he just took his mobile phone and sent a message to his little wife: pig!

"You're a pig." Yi ruleng is naturally unwilling to let him call himself a pig.

Leng Haotian's smile is getting stronger and stronger. Several people look at Leng Haotian's originally cold face. Now there is a strong smile, which is still happy and sweet.

Are you in love?

"Cough..." when Leng Haotian found that everyone looked at him with different eyes, he put down his mobile phone and coughed, and his expression returned to seriousness.

Leng Haotian's expression was cold, and everyone's heart was nervous. They no longer thought about it.

Leng Hao returned a message to Yi Ruyan with a cold face: remember to eat. Don't be hungry. I'll be distressed. I'm in a meeting.

"OK." When Yi Ruyan saw Leng Haotian in a meeting, he didn't say much. He put down his mobile phone, went into the bathroom to wash, and then went downstairs to have breakfast.
