The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 167

"Will you punish me? If I go too far? " Yi Ruyan asked curiously.

"No, I will not punish you. I will only make up for her for you. If there is any punishment, I will bear it for you." Leng Haotian said firmly.

"In short, even if I give up my life, I will protect you." Leng Haotian promised again.

Yi Ruyan is a soft hearted person. When Leng Haotian said this, he couldn't help reaching out and hugging his thin waist, tightly sticking his head to his arms and whispering, "you do what you say."

Yi Ruyan thought about it. If lenghao could do it naively, she wouldn't have to care so much.

If he did, it would be so easy that he didn't have to be careful.

"Yes." Leng Haotian gently kissed her forehead: "I will."

"Girl......" Leng Haotian gently called her.

"No one can bully you. You know what? You are very important to me. " When Leng Haotian said this to Yi Ruyan affectionately, she was moved again.

She thought: could he actually like himself a little? Also have feelings?

Otherwise, the usual things don't seem to be pretended.

Yi Ruyan is such a person. He likes to dig into the horns and think seriously about something. He was coaxed by Leng Haotian. After listening to a few good words, he felt that he had a chance, and that in fact, such a marriage was not so bad. He felt that maybe their marriage could be saved, and maybe they would love each other in the future.

Yi Ruyan gives himself hope again, and Yi Ruyan also hopes that lenghaotian will not let her down and hurt her again in the future.

"Yes." Yi Ruyan smiled and cried sweetly, "uncle."

"Good." Leng Haotian listened to Yi Ruyan's sweet uncle, and his heart was as sweet as honey.

Sometimes, Leng Haotian can be happy all day and feel better all day after listening to an easy uncle.

Maybe this is the magic of love.

Lying in Leng Haotian's arms, Yi Ruyan thought: will he be too easy to coax? Will he be too heartless sometimes?

However, for Yi Ruyan, Leng Haotian seemed to have a kind of magic, which made her reluctant to leave.

Even if she knew it was a moth to the fire, she was willing, not to mention Leng Haotian's sweet words to coax her?

Therefore, Yi Ruyan is willing to give it a try.

"Uncle......" Yi Ruyan gently cried, wondering whether Leng Haotian had slept.

"Huh?" As a result, Leng Haotian didn't sleep, and the sexy and magnetic voice sounded in the night, which was particularly good.

"What's the matter?" Leng Haotian saw that Yi Ruyan didn't speak. He gently asked. His dark eyes glittered at her in the dark night: "hmm?"

"I... don't know what to say. I'm a little uneasy." Yi Ruyan's heart is also a little flustered.

"Why?" Leng Haotian asked curiously after hearing what Yi Ruyan said.

Yi Ruyan sighed and squeezed his head into Leng Haotian's arms. Then his hands around his waist tightened, closed his eyes and gently sighed: "I don't know."

"Afraid I'll hurt you?" When Leng Haotian said this, his heart was tight and painful.