The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 159

"Should the anger go away?" Luo Mingyu tightened his eyebrows and looked at her with a distressed face.

"Luo Mingyu, I don't have so much time to have dinner with you. If you don't say anything, I'll go." Yi Ruyan doesn't want to talk so much nonsense with Luo Mingyu.

"Look at you, your temper is still so stubborn." Luo Mingyu sighed: "I've been with you for so long. I've never done anything sorry for you. On the contrary, I respect you very much, I spoil you very much, and I'm too good to say anything to you. What's the reason? Because I love you, it's true that I love you. I can't stand the temptation of Yi Rushi for a while. Are you going to betray me and die? "

Luo Mingyu's eyes were hurt and looked at Yi Ruyan.

Yi Ruyan didn't feel anything about Luo Mingyu's words. Instead, he felt a little disgusted. He tightened his eyebrows and looked at Luo Mingyu and said, "Luo Mingyu, do you think it's interesting for you to tell me now? I don't love you, you know. Leng Haotian and you, everyone will choose Leng Haotian. So don't persuade me to leave him and come back to you. If you just want to tell me these things about me, I advise you to save it. "

"If you don't have anything important, I'll go first." Yi Ruyan said that and got up to leave.

Luo Mingyu couldn't help it. He really couldn't help Yi Ruyan: "your mother."

Yi Ruyan heard Luo Mingyu mention his mother and looked at him with tight eyebrows: "what do you mean? My mother? "

"Have you heard from my mother?" Yi Ruyan looked at Luo Mingyu nervously, full of joy.

"Your mother is not dead." Luo Mingyu looked at Yi Ruyan reluctantly and sighed: "Alas... You hate even saying a few words to me now."

"My mother is not dead? Where's my mother? Where is my mother? " Yi Ruyan looked at Luo Mingyu excitedly and asked.

"Sit down." Luo Mingyu took a look at Yi Ruyan: "sit down and have a good meal and say while eating."

"You see, you've lost weight. I love it. Eat more." Luo Mingyu is really concerned and distressed about Yi Ruyan. He really can't bear to see her thin like this.

Luo Mingyu once again gave Yi Ruyan a dish and looked at her painfully: "eat."

In order to know the news of her mother, Yi Ruyan finally ate. She didn't speak. She bowed her head and ate, ate, and ate desperately.

Luo Mingyu looked distressed: "Why are you like this again?"

"Eat slowly. Come on, have a sip of soup. " Luo Mingyu filled her with a small bowl of soup.

Yi Ruyan drank obediently. After drinking, his stomach was almost full. Therefore, Yi Ruyan looked up and looked at Luo Mingyu anxiously: "I'm full. You can see that I've eaten a lot. You can tell me now."

Luo Mingyu tightened his eyebrows, looked at Yi Ruyan with a look of heartache and said, "do you have to be like this?"

Yi Ruyan didn't speak. He still looked at him. "You say, what else do you need me to do?"

"This is a picture. You see, is it your mother? " Luo Mingyu finally sighed helplessly, took out a file bag from his briefcase, and then poured out the photos in front of her.

Yi Ruyan looks at the person in the picture. It's really his mother.

"Yes, it's my mother. Where is she now? Where did you get this picture? " Yi Ruyan's eyes were wet. He looked at Luo Mingyu excitedly and asked, "tell me where my mother is and where she is?"