The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 158

Yi Ruyan tightened his eyebrows: "huh?"

"What do you mean?" Yi Ruyan didn't understand. Luo Mingyu said it inexplicably.

"Well, let's have dinner together at noon. I have something more important to tell you." Luo Mingyu came to convey the news again.

"Tell me directly on the phone." Yi Ruyan doesn't want to see Luo Mingyu again.

"I'm sure you'll be interested in it." Luo Mingyu smiled, as if he would eat her.

Yi Ruyan was very confused.

Would you like to go out to dinner with him?

Yi Ruyan is resistant in his heart, but he is afraid to miss the news he brought to himself.

"Think about it. I'll wait for you downstairs in your company for more than an hour." Luo Mingyu hung up before Yi Ruyan spoke.

Yi Ruyan feels that this feeling is really bad, especially bad. There is a feeling that he is completely controlled and led by Luo Mingyu.

Finally, Yi Ruyan sent a message to her best friend LV Qiufeng, told her about it, and then asked her what she meant: do you want me to go to dinner with him?

LV Qiufeng returned the message: go and have a meal. What's the matter? Anyway, you and lenghaotian have become like this now. Are you still afraid of his misunderstanding? If he misunderstands, it's better to let him know that no one wants you. Let him restrain when he does something in the future.

Yi Ruyan looked at LV Qiufeng's message and tightened his eyebrows: must it be like this?

LV Qiufeng replied again: unless you don't care about him and Yu Yiling at all, besides, you and Luo Mingyu have nothing to do. Go and have dinner. It made him feel bad, too.

Yi Ruyan sighed: in fact, these are not important and unnecessary. We are husband and wife. We don't need to be like enemies. You retaliate against me and I retaliate against you. Moreover, I believe he certainly doesn't want to make me angry. He must have a hard heart to do such a thing, but he didn't tell me.

"Then ask." LV Qiufeng advised her, "if your heart is uncomfortable, go and ask clearly. See how he answers. If his answer is that he loves Yu Yiling, then you can separate from him."

"Divorce?" When Yi Ruyan thought of these two words, his heart wrenched tightly.

"Forget it, persuade you to make peace or not. I don't advise you to divorce. Go to see Luo Mingyu and see what news he can bring you. Maybe it's something that Leng Haotian did with Yu Yiling, or what Leng Haotian did to hurt you?" LV Qiufeng advised her to meet Luo Mingyu.

"If he deceives you, he will not lose you. If he does not deceive you, you will earn money. It is not to sleep with him for a meal." LV Qiufeng said that Yi Ruyan thought it was reasonable.

"All right." Yi Ruyan listens to LV Qiufeng's advice.

After work, Yi Ruyan followed Luo Mingyu to the opposite restaurant for dinner.

When ordering, Luo Mingyu ordered all the dishes Yi Ruyan liked.

Yi Ruyan's face was a little pale. His big watery eyes were still so bright and moving. Looking at Luo Mingyu, he said, "you can say it now."

"Have something to eat." Luo Mingyu used unused chopsticks to clip her some of her favorite dishes: "you see you are thin, I don't understand. He hurt you so much. Why are you with him? Just to annoy me? "