The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 160

"I don't know. Do you think I can find out my ability? Ha ha... "Luo Mingyu looked at Yi Ruyan with some self mockery.

Yi Ruyan's eyebrows tightened more: "where did you come from?"

"Someone gave it to me. I just cooperated with him. Let me persuade you to divorce Leng Haotian. As long as you are willing to divorce him, he will tell you all about your mother, and then take you to your mother. " Luo Mingyu looked at her very seriously.

"Who?" Yi Ruyan is curious about who it is.

"Is it Yu Yiling?" Yi Ruyan bit his lower lip.

If it is Yu Yiling, she is unwilling.

"No, you don't need to know who this person is." Luo Mingyu sighed and looked at Yi Ruyan with distressed eyes: "Ruyan... Don't be so stupid. He doesn't love you. He will only hurt you. Why do you have to be with him? Why did you marry him? "

"He doesn't love you. Why can't you marry someone who loves you? For example, I, for example... "Before Luo Mingyu finished speaking, Yi Ruyan interrupted him:" are there no other conditions? Do you have to divorce Leng Haotian? "

"What? Are you reluctant? " Luo Mingyu tightened his eyebrows and looked at Yi Ruyan with a painful face.

Yi Ruyan gave him an expressionless look: "it's none of your business."

"I think you need time to think about whether your mother is important or a man who doesn't love you, and a marriage without feelings is important." Luo Mingyu was a little angry and looked at her expressionless, slightly angry.

Yi Ruyan looks at Luo Mingyu and thinks of his words.

Yes, what is important?

Is it your mother or a man who doesn't love you and a marriage without feelings that matters?

In the end, what is more important.

Yi Ruyan sighed.

In fact, she is reluctant to give up Leng Haotian. If she divorced Leng Haotian in this way, she would not be reconciled.

"Think about it." Luo Mingyu once again looked at Yi Ruyan very seriously and said. "

"Ruyan, please believe me. No matter what I do, it's all for you. You have to believe that. But, look what Leng Haotian does? " Luo Mingyu looked at her anxiously.

"At least he won't betray me and sleep in the arms of other women." Yi Ruyan said coldly.

"Do you still mind that? Since you care so much, does it mean that your heart loves me and you love me? If you don't love me and don't care about me, why do you mind so much? " Luo Mingyu looked excited and said to Yi Ruyan.

"Luo Mingyu... Don't you count some things in your heart?" Yi Ruyan looked at him strangely.

"Hehe, Yi Ruyan, I'll give this sentence back to you. In your heart, don't you count some things? Do you know Leng Haotian didn't sleep with Yu Yiling? " Luo Mingyu looked at Yi Ruyan with ironic eyes and said.

Luo Mingyu's words hurt Yi Ruyan's heart.

Yeah, haven't they slept together?


"I don't want to discuss it with you." Yi Ruyan didn't want to see Luo Mingyu again, so he got up and left.